WordPress industry circle

The most common wordpress foreign trade website is fooled

Release time: 2019-06-21 10:09:08


Last updated on June 21, 2019

You must have heard the marketing company's promotional advertisement: you outsource the website project to me, build a website+Google SEO+Google PPC, so that I can ensure that your website inquiries are received without stop, there is no waiting time, and you can receive inquiries as soon as the website goes online.

I won't mention the hidden high operating costs (from 30000 to 100000). Can this mode alone succeed? This mode can be successful for marketing experts. Many of us are playing this way. This success is based on the following points:

  1. Reasonable website design (marketing website)
  2. Continuous high-quality content of the website (can attract customers, the more high-quality content, the more inquiries can be received after the diversion)
  3. The method of operating PPC should at least be more accurate (the more accurate you are, the more inquiries you can get with less money)
  4. Is doing SEO with sophisticated Google SEO operation

The first point is that most foreign trade station building companies can do it (unless you really meet a black hearted boss and don't give you money to do it well). Third, there is nothing wrong with a more powerful marketing company. The second point is that the continuous high-quality content is really beyond the reach of most marketing companies. You should know that he is not engaged in foreign trade. How can he know what kind of content is high-quality content in your industry?

Of course, they can learn, but the cost of learning is all on your head, and it is not necessarily good. In addition, whether others are willing to learn or not is one thing. If I receive a list of 30000 yuan and you give me 100000 yuan, I am not willing to learn, because I can receive many other lists during this learning time. Of course, if you give me 100000 yuan, the fool won't take it. You don't know whether the content is excellent or not. I just fool you with some content. Don't you get the 100000 yuan? No sense of trust at all.... But what can you do?

As for SEO, it is too simple to take ranking as a measure of whether a SEO case is successful. But now is not the time when you rank well and seo does well. Now SEO pays attention to stable ranking strategy and efficient inquiry conversion. That is to say, when I do SEO, I will not only rank first, but also rank first for a long time. In addition, I will also have high inquiry conversion. In this way, it really takes time. If other marketing companies help you do website seo in this way, it will be close to bankruptcy.

Well, then you may ask, according to your opinion, there is no reliable way? As a matter of fact, you can only do well in the limited range of your ability. As for the uncontrollable things, you can only spend more money to obtain less effect. Who doesn't know? Yeah. Of course, the best way to save money is to find the reliable website inquiry operator. If he is willing to help you operate, you can use the same money to obtain more inquiries.

The first thing that is limited in the scope of this ability is to include a fairly good website. If this step is wrong, you really don't need to spend a lot of money to do SEO and pay advertising. The deeper you go, the deeper you will get into deeper and greater economic investment and can't get good results.

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