WordPress Theme Tutorial

Wordpress product demonstration foreign trade theme: XSdd

Published on: 12:44:44, August 23, 2018


Last updated on December 26, 2020

Is your website suitable for online marketing, does your website have an optimized SEO structure, and do you know how to conduct online marketing?

At present, more than 90% of enterprise websites are unprofitable and unsuitable for online marketing I don't even understand why to build a website at all, and I don't realize what benefits it can bring to build a marketing oriented foreign trade website.

If you want your website to bring you orders, your website must have the characteristics of marketing, and it must be able to let people search your website.

A marketing website must have the following specific points:

1. The website must have SEO optimization structure and function, adapt to mobile phones and computers, so as to get a better ranking in search engines.

2. Website positioning should be accurate, and do not waste traffic or cause no traffic.

3. The website should be stable and secure, and customers should open it quickly.

4. The website design should be professional and focused, not fancy or messy. To give customers a good experience, so as to improve the conversion rate.

5. The website should have content that can attract customers and have certain value to customers, so as to make the website specific adhesion.

XSdd is an excellent marketing website in all aspects.

This theme is suitable for foreign trade marketing, whether you are a novice or an old hand, whether you are an individual or a company.

1. Adaptive design

Responsive design, perfect compatibility with mobile devices, and suitable for browsing on mobile phones, tablets and computers

2. Perfect SEO structure

Each page can customize the title, description and keywords, customize the url of each page, make the whole site pseudo static, optimize H1, H2 and H3 titles, customize tags, generate maps from Google XML sitemap, submit them to Google and other search engines, automatically add image alt, robots. txt settings, pure DIV+CSS, simple and light code.

3. Simple and professional style

Simple and professional design style, suitable for any type of website

4. Simple background operation

Basic website settings, home page settings, website picture settings, website layout settings, website sharing buttons.

5. Inquiry form system

For the contact page form, there can be an inquiry form under each product. You can select the field content of the inquiry form. The inquiry can be viewed in the background, and the inquiry information can be automatically sent to the specified mailbox.

6. Extremely high security

Wordpress is a constantly updated platform, which has been very mature in terms of security. For customers who use XSdd foreign trade theme and have space outside, we guarantee the normal operation of the website without charging any maintenance fees.

7. Support and after-sales

If you encounter any problems during the use, you can select the corresponding technical support, view the use documents and help, online one-on-one chat support, and telephone consultation according to the type you choose.

Additional topics

It is not easy to build a website from planning to implementation to completion. It is useful for enterprises to build a website that can bring you orders. So don't waste your time in the wrong place. All you need is to spend your time on your products and content. The development of this theme lasted for three months and was perfect in all aspects. It is applicable to any type of site. The price of this theme is far lower than that of a customized website. Many customers say that a website that costs 6000 yuan or tens of thousands of yuan can't compare with this theme, For users with special needs, the template can be customized on this basis, and the cost will be discussed separately.

For detailed introduction of XSdd foreign trade theme, please see: https://www.seo628.com/theme/xsdd

Small beast wordpress relies on years of Wordpress enterprise theme Production experience, adhering to the purpose of "wordpress theme born for users", has provided quality wordpress website building services for more than 100000 customers, and has received unanimous praise from customers. We always treat every customer with our heart. We firmly believe that "treat customers well, and they will become lifelong customers". Wordpress can persist for many years because we are always honest. We clearly mark the price( How much does wordpress cost to build a website )We never cheat any customer. Our quotation tenet is: "refuse to make excessive profits and only keep reasonable profits". If you have a need for website construction, website revision, website maintenance, etc., please immediately consult the online customer service on the right or call the hotline: 18907337671, and we will answer your questions one by one in detail.

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