WordPress Theme Tutorial

The best ranked wordpress enterprise theme in SEO: XShuan

Release time: 2018-06-09 17:13:12


Last updated on March 21, 2022

Small beast wordpress launches XShuan enterprise theme, which is the best SEO ranking Wordpress enterprise theme , the best wordpress marketing enterprise theme, Baidu's favorite wordpress enterprise theme.

1、 Website title and description optimization

Generally speaking, the title of the homepage of a website is the official name of the website, which is a high summary of a website. Each page of XShuan enterprise theme can customize the title, keyword and description.

2、 Website URL optimization

The wordpress program has its own pseudo static settings. Select a custom structure in Settings ->Fixed Links and fill in/% post_id%. html.

3、 Website navigation optimization

Good website navigation is easy for search engines to capture. Therefore, website navigation should be possible to use a flat tree structure, so that the click distance from each article page to the home page of the website can be short. XShuan provides five navigation structures to enable search engines to quickly crawl websites.

4、 Website content optimization

No matter what kind of marketing you do, you can never escape the quality of content. The role of search engines is to show the best content to customers. High quality content can not only be quickly crawled, but also enhance the user experience, and can also bring a lot of traffic. XShuan enterprise theme can create new pages, articles and products. There are also content optimization functions such as product recommendation and article recommendation.

5、 Alt tag of picture

Crawlers have no way to identify images, but they can capture the Alt attribute of images. Therefore, it is particularly important to ensure that the Alt attribute of images on the website is as relevant as possible to the website theme. Add an Alt tag to illustrate the meaning of images.

6、 Keyword tag and density

The keywords in H1H2H3 can clearly tell the content weight of the search engine page, and each page can consider the density of individual keywords

7. Seo auxiliary page

Robot.txt, 404 page settings, website maps, and articles are automatically pushed by Baidu, allowing your website content to be quickly captured by search engines to build an index, and obtain advanced page keyword ranking

XShuan enterprise theme introduction page: https://www.seo628.com/theme/xshuan

Small beast wordpress relies on years of Wordpress enterprise theme Production experience, adhering to the purpose of "wordpress theme born for users", has provided quality wordpress website building services for more than 100000 customers, and has received unanimous praise from customers. We always treat every customer with our heart. We firmly believe that "treat customers well, and they will become lifelong customers". Wordpress can persist for many years because we are always honest. We clearly mark the price( How much does wordpress cost to build a website )We never cheat any customer. Our quotation tenet is: "refuse to make excessive profits and only keep reasonable profits". If you have a need for website construction, website revision, website maintenance, etc., please immediately consult the online customer service on the right or call the hotline: 18907337671, and we will answer your questions one by one in detail.

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