WordPress website establishment

Wordpress lighting industry marketing website theme template recommendation

Release time: 2018-05-27 11:27:51


Last updated on May 27, 2018

 Wordpress lighting industry marketing website theme template recommendation

Overview of wordpress lighting industry marketing website construction positioning

Lighting industry marketing websites must be designed to meet some aspects of the enterprise's online marketing functions, such as customer service oriented enterprise website marketing functions, sales oriented enterprise website marketing functions, and international market development oriented enterprise website marketing functions. The above simple lists are all centered on achieving the enterprise's business objectives, In order to realize the value of website marketing through such tools as websites.

Good performance of search engines for lighting industry marketing websites: another important function of websites is website promotion, and search engines are the most important channel for netizens to obtain information at present. If enterprise websites cannot be effectively promoted through search engines, then the marketing of enterprise websites will be greatly reduced to a certain extent, Therefore, the marketing enterprise website must solve the search engine problem of the enterprise website, which can also be understood as the search engine optimization work. In the marketing enterprise website solution, the search engine optimization work is the foundation and long-term work, from the planning stage of the enterprise website to the strategic planning stage of the enterprise network marketing, And it runs through the whole operation process of the enterprise website.

Target demand of wordpress lighting industry marketing website construction

Based on the practical experience of the enterprise's network marketing planning service team, Wordpress believes that the marketing website refers to the site planning based on the enterprise's marketing goals, with the core of modern network marketing concepts, good search engine performance, user experience, complete effect evaluation system, and the ability to effectively use a variety of means to obtain business opportunities, An enterprise website to improve product sales performance and brand awareness.

Wordpress lighting industry marketing website construction features

Lighting industry marketing website user experience

1. Access speed (home page FLASH or big picture, domestic multi route access, server stability)

2. Website structure (whether the navigation bar is clear and whether the overall structure is suitable for marketing needs)

3. Website content (whether the company's advantages, product advantages and service advantages are highlighted)

4. Website design (coordinated color matching, strong professionalism, good detail handling)

5. Website integrity (with qualification argumentation, honorary certificate and third-party argumentation certificate)

6. Contact information (each product and service page has a direct contact information so that customers can find you at the first time)

SEO of marketing websites for lighting industry

1. Title optimization (whether targeted keyword optimization is carried out for the title of home page, product page and news page)

2. Content optimization (repetition frequency of core keywords, content update rate, and content originality)

3. Keyword optimization (enterprise SWOT analysis, advantageous products and services, keyword list)

4. Friendly links (external links, internal links, high PR value website interlinkages)

5. Core advantages (enterprise positioning, core product and service advantages)

Marketing function of lighting industry marketing websites

1. Website customer service (website customer service, grasp sales opportunities online, integrate QQ, MSN online functions)

2. Customer service hotline (400, 800 national free hotline: professional large company image, focus on brand and service, grasp business opportunities)

3. Enterprise post office (unified external image, convenient internal management, enterprise post office is the basic preparation)

4. Advertising promotion (online advertising activities, the latest promotions, creating a marketing atmosphere and seizing online opportunities)

5. Electronic map (make it easy for customers to find you, improve credibility, and have a good user experience)

Flexible operation of lighting industry marketing websites

1. Management background (unified website management background landing port, convenient for whole station management)

2. News system (timely release of company news, industry news and industry related knowledge)

3. Product system (self-management product, convenient and easy to use, timely modification of product and service information)

4. Online survey (interact with customers and get the most direct and real data directly from the front line, which is conducive to market decision-making)

Wordpress lighting industry marketing website theme template recommendation

XStop high-end customized theme is the highest level theme in the history of wordpress enterprise theme production. Learn more: https://www.seo628.com/theme/xstop

XSKobe is a high-end marketing theme. XSKobe helps you have an enterprise website comparable to Zoomlion's official website. Learn more: https://www.seo628.com/theme/xskobe

XScom is a standard marketing theme. XScom has collected my efforts for more than half a year to upgrade again. It is the basic model of marketing theme template. Learn more: https://www.seo628.com/theme/xscom

Small beast wordpress relies on years of Wordpress enterprise theme Production experience, adhering to the purpose of "wordpress theme born for users", has provided quality wordpress website building services for more than 100000 customers, and has received unanimous praise from customers. We always treat every customer with our heart. We firmly believe that "treat customers well, and they will become lifelong customers". Wordpress can persist for many years because we are always honest. We clearly mark the price( How much does wordpress cost to build a website )We never cheat any customer. Our quotation tenet is: "refuse to make excessive profits and only keep reasonable profits". If you have a need for website construction, website revision, website maintenance, etc., please immediately consult the online customer service on the right or call the hotline: 18907337671, and we will answer your questions one by one in detail.

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