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How to deal with foreign trade B2B websites being demoted by Google?

It has been a long time since the foreign trade B2B website was launched. At the end of last year, the foreign trade B2B independent station was found to have been demoted by Google. The specific performance is that the traffic has dropped significantly, and the keyword ranking on the home page has disappeared. At first, I thought it was a small fluctuation caused by Google updates. After a period of observation, I found that the situation was a bit bad, not only the ranking was lost, but also the number of links was mostly blocked by Google.


How to solve the problem of Google's demotion? To solve this problem, we must first analyze the causes to find a solution. So I thought about what operations I had done during this period, which led to problems on the website. Let's find a small editor of to share the specific improper operations.

1. Website user experience

This period of time, because the server expired, the website was migrated to a new server. I felt that the access speed of the new server was much slower than that of the previous server, so I felt that the experience of the website and visitors had become worse, which might affect the ranking of the website. After all, the speed of the page when the user loaded the page Responsiveness and stability are the core web page indicators of web experience measurement factors.

After finding that the website traffic has dropped significantly, I immediately checked the LCP, FID and CLS data of the website. They all failed to meet the standard, which is really bad. So it is urgent to upgrade the new server Web experience optimization tool Optimize the website program.

2. Website outer chain

Through the Google Search Console tool, we found that the number of links on the website has dropped significantly, and the external links on the home page are all blocked by Google, only the internal and external links. This is generally because the quality of the external links is poor or the paid links are recognized by SpamBrain. If you also have the operation of "publishing a large number of links with poor quality and little content relevance, or even buying junk external links", congratulations. You have found the reason why the website was demoted. With the development of AI, search engines have become more and more intelligent. You think that the "natural high-quality outer chain" may have been recognized by search engines long ago.

So when building an external chain, try to expand some high-quality, relevant and high links, and don't publish a large number of links in the form of "inferior directories or bookmarked sites" Waste outer chain After all, although the external chain is important, if you want to keep the website ranking stable, you can only slowly accumulate high-quality external chains. Otherwise, when the website is identified as "garbage out of the chain", it will be too late to repent.

3. Content quality is too low

With the update of Google's "useful content update" algorithm in 2022, content quality becomes more and more important. Google's official post specifically states that this algorithm attacks content produced for search engines and search rankings. But for foreign trade B2B websites, it is not easy for many time optimization personnel to create high-quality content for various reasons, because Google believes that high-quality content should be a substantive, complete or comprehensive description of the theme, to solve problems for visitors and provide value, rather than a simple summary, to create content for the search engine.

In fact, XunXiaoshan also had such problems when producing content for this foreign trade B2B website, especially found that ChatGPT tool When working efficiency can be quickly provided, most of the content is created using AI. While Google Useful Content Update is aimed at the quality of the content of the whole site, not only whether the content of a single page or article is useful (low quality), so the smaller the content volume of the site, the higher the proportion of low-quality pages, the higher the negative impact on the site. Therefore, we can improve the quality of website content by deleting or modifying low-quality content.


About the author: Look for a hill

People from Jiujiang, Jiangxi, focus on new media, search engines, e-commerce operations, IT technology, and software skills!

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  1. There are still some problems with the content written by chatgpt.

    One is that it can be found. It seems that I have seen a tool to identify whether it is written by chatgpt before

    Second, there is no real feeling in what I have written.

    At best, this thing can provide inspiration, but the real writing needs to rely on your own.

    In addition, writing an article should be for the sake of writing, not for the sake of writing