As time goes by, a year will pass in a twinkling of an eye. When I saw the last update: 2022-12-20, it will be a year in a month. Looking back, I realized that I had not updated my blog for almost a year. This fact makes me feel ashamed and regretful 😔, At the same time, it also made me ponder why I was stagnant and how to restart my blog. 🤔

What causes stagnation?
There are many reasons for not updating the blog in a year, but I think the main reason is the loss of motivation and sense of direction. At first, my original intention of creating a blog was ✍️ My own thinking and growth, build a private plot on the Internet. However, 👀 Looking back over the past year, I realized that I gradually became comfortable in college, but also felt confused and anxious. I always want to do a lot of things, but I can't start, which leads me to be in a bad state. I seldom participate in activities. Every week, I spend my life in class, playing games in the dormitory, chasing dramas and playing videos 🥱。 The blog has not been updated, and the theme has also stagnated.

Weight loss, grade examination, competition, employment
This state has lasted until now, and time has passed quickly. This state has made me a year Gained more than 10 kg , very uncomfortable 😭, They are also starting to control their diet and exercise. In addition, they will prepare for the English test AB and the college entrance exam this year 🥴, Recently, I have to complete the competitions arranged by the college, such as the Career Planning Competition. When I learned about this competition, I realized that there was almost nothing I could do on my resume, which brought me employment pressure 😰。 In my freshman year, I was just fooling around. I didn't participate in many high value competitions, nor did I get any high value certificates. Although I got the "Three Good Students" and the National Inspirational Scholarship based on a little professional knowledge I had learned before, I felt that these were still plain on my resume, which made me more and more anxious and stressed. Indeed, the pressure was created for me. 😥

Of course, in the past year, I have also come into contact with new hobbies. One is the 22 year World Cup Football The charm of FIFA makes me feel different about football. The game mentioned above is FIFA football game. When I have time, I play football on the computer and watch football games;

The other is to pick up the hobby of childhood again—— ride on a bicycle 🚴‍♀️ With the National Inspirational Scholarship won this year, I changed a red rice K60 for myself 📱, It also spent about 2000 yuan and bought an entry-level road bicycle with flat handle. In my freshman year, I began to learn some information about road vehicles, so when I got the money, I immediately searched the surrounding bicycle shops on the map. There is only one flagship store of Merida within 10 kilometers of our school. Although it has the sign of Merida, I learned that the bicycle circle is not very big, and they are also selling bicycles of other brands. I asked a friend to go for a test ride. I wanted to buy a scooter, but because of the limited budget, I only saw some cars priced around 1500. I tried to ride a road bike with a bent handle. Maybe it was because I didn't get used to it the first time, so I finally chose a road bike with a flat handle and shock absorption. Its tires are a little thinner than mountain bikes. In other aspects, they are not very different from mountain bikes. I quickly adapted to riding. So I chose this flat bike, but a few days later I began to regret it, because my friend who went to see the car with me had no intention of buying it, and after he went there, he also tried to ride a few laps, and also gave him a more than 2k curved road bike for his scholarship. Through these days, we rode down interchangeably, and felt that his curved road bike was the driving force! I can't help it. I can only change it later if conditions permit. With a bike, we can't lack equipment. We immediately ordered some bicycle accessories at sunset: mobile phone bracket, helmet, night riding flashlight, riding mask, riding gloves, cushion. After several days of riding for dozens of kilometers, the biggest feeling is that the legs are soft and the buttocks are sore.

Blog restart
In fact, in the past year, I wanted to restart my blog from time to time. When I feel bored, I will open VSCode to design new theme layout and style. I love publishing personal dynamic style, as I see now, so there will be more gossip dynamic classes in the future. This style actually imitates the style of QQ channel. I think since the static style has been written, we can just fill the hole. In the past year, when I came into contact with some new things and people, I always wanted to find a place to share what I saw and heard. I don't want to publish some topics and things on WeChat circles of friends. Whenever this idea suits me, I think of my return to an online private space: [Ruozhi Essays] is in a state of desolation. But since I changed from Halo to Hexo last year, my desire for updates is not very strong, because Hexo is so troublesome to publish articles, I thought about writing a comprehensive blog system similar to the circle of friends a long time ago, but unfortunately my ability is limited, so I want to switch back to Typecho for the transition. I believe that in a few decades, I will develop my own blog system, hahaha 😏。

So recently, I started to write this theme.
In order to update conveniently, the theme has realized Login at the front desk -- Post articles at the front desk -- Comment and like at the front desk Waiting for a one-stop operation. In order to make it more convenient [WeChat public account server for handsome theme] On the basis of the program, the public account is released [comments, articles], and the article also supports [pictures and videos].
Thanks to the advice and help of Brother Lao 🤗: @President Zeze @Jdeal @Fire meow @Beta @Zhao Ajuan
Of course, we have to boast about the realization of these functions 👍chatgpt, It has to make great contributions to help me complete many codes~

data migration
After the general function is completed, then comes the data migration. Previously, the data was migrated from typecho to halo. After several days of research, the data was migrated to halo through plug-ins, and then halo was transferred to hexo. At that time, some halos commented that the data was too lazy to migrate (and would not), so they used typecho's, and many online tutorials about typecho transferring to hexo.
Taking advantage of data migration, I can just sort out the blog data. Reinstall the latest version of typecho 1.2.1+, which supports php8.1. The previous blog is messy and looks bloated. There is nothing in the folder, the data is incomplete, and the database article fields are not continuous. It's hard to watch. In addition, I don't intend to parse the emoji expression package after changing the theme. Simply using emoji expression will lead to the invalidation of all the previous expression packages. I have to clean them up again. Here, I use the regular expression in phpmyadmin to find and replace them. After a while, they will be almost cleaned up. Some of them are replaced with punctuation marks, and no suitable expression replacement can be found.

And then there's Article data and review data sorting
First, the article data generated by Twikoo in the halo period and the hexo period are copied to the new site one by one. Fortunately, there are not many article data, which does not exceed 120. The article data is copied in less than an hour. Now, the article cid in the database is more continuous~ 🌞

Then the review data is typecho to twikoo, and there are also tutorials, which are very convenient. At that time, I studied the secondary development of twikoo in the library for a few days, but I finally turned back to typecho, and then all the review data generated by twikoo in the halo period and the hexo period had to be turned back to typecho, and I counted more than 600 in total, I learned that it is convenient to use csv for the data format supported by typecho to import. First, I learned what the content of the csv file exported by typecho includes. Then, the halo comment data can be exported to json files and transferred to csv files, Monggodb, the comment data of Twikoo, can be directly transferred to a csv file to distinguish the three files. It is better to change the field name of the comment data of halo and Twikoo to that of typecho. Here I use EnEditor found on Baidu, which supports the content management of csv files, similar to Excel, 😰 The most tiring part of this part is that after changing the comment ID of Twikoo from md5 to a numeric value, you need to manually copy and bind the parent ID one by one. After the integration of comment data is completed, the data is imported. phpmyadmin supports the direct import of data by csv, so the data migration is successful~ 👌

Friendly chain
This migration has also cleared up a wave of dead links. If some bloggers have recovered, please leave a comment on the blog~
There are also those who have exchanged friend chains between halo and hexo before. If they don't have any, please leave a message and I will fill it in 😁 Because the current friend chain data is from the original typecho

Although I encountered some confusion and confusion in the past year, I also gained new interests and gradually found my own direction in constant attempts. I believe that through continuous efforts and accumulation, I hope to overcome anxiety and confusion and achieve my goals. In the future, I should continue to update my blog, share what I have seen and heard, and record my growth. Come on~Saonian 😁
In addition: Interpretation of "Ruozhi"