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New Theme Tips:

Click the comment icon in the article list on the home page to pop up the comment area for direct comments
Mobile terminal homepage article classification can slide left and right to switch classification~

Topping Before September Blog Log

🚴🏼👀⚽ :

Before May Life essay

🚴🏼👀⚽ :

Before May Life essay

Tonight, apart from the West Night, Luo fans won. Seven of the top ten popular microblog searches were about Messi. Previously, they were just indifferent, but now they directly dislike him 😶

Before June Life essay

Almost three days later, I finally finished painting "Fanhua" 🐮 Yes, I have seen some Wong Kar Wai style videos when I swipe videos at station B before, but I have never known who Wong Kar Wai is
When I first saw the first episode of the play, I felt a bit confused, but it was interesting when the later story began to connect slowly. I recommend to see the play
It's said to be the ceiling of TV series 😏
The flowers are like brocade, embellishing the prosperity of life.

Before July Life essay

Today with @jdeal Brother Lao studied and added to the blog through FreshRSS one day [Friendly circle] The page has finally realized the RSS subscription of the friend chain, so that you can view which bloggers have updated in real time and visit them directly~

New meter: Xin.one

Before August Life essay , Blog Log

New Theme Tips:

Click the comment icon in the article list on the home page to pop up the comment area for direct comments
Mobile terminal homepage article classification can slide left and right to switch classification~

Before September Blog Log

It's the familiar title again 🤪
I guess my main pleasure in playing blog is to toss around theme templates 😉

It has been more than ten days since I moved to halo, and I am familiar with half of the basic structure and process of theme development. My Java foundation is not very good. In addition, halo1. x currently has less freedom of theme development than wp or ty, and some functions cannot be realized temporarily. It is estimated that there are other ways, but I just don't know
However, it is said that the halo development team is developing the 2. x version. It is expected that a beta version will be released around September to support plug-ins, multi-user, etc The degree of freedom will be improved a lot. Please look forward to it~

The general layout of this new theme refers to TIM, and the css style framework uses the familiar tailwind css 👌+daisyui
Many details have to be polished. For some browsers, the layout is expected to be messy. That's because some browsers have compatibility problems and are very annoying,
Therefore, it is recommended to use Chrome+Edge to visit this website

Why change a new theme? I have transplanted a theme to halo before. It is estimated that I am not the only one who uses the open source theme. I prefer personality, so I have to toss around another theme for my own use, otherwise it will be hard to see the same theme as others~

At the same time, I am also learning. It is estimated that the frequency of changing topics will be less, because I have to contact some new things. For example, I am now interested in GO, Java, and vue. Next, I should update my learning notes. After all, my ability is limited, and I need to learn more skills~ 😁

While learning, while struggling, while improving my network private land -- Ruozhi's essay

2 years ago Blog Log , Toss log

Goodbye, Typecho, hello!

As the title shows, my blog moved~

Since 18 years ago, when I started to build my own blog, I have used wordpress, emlog, typecho, etc
Personally, I prefer typecho and personal blog, which need to be lightweight and comfortable to use
The emlog is also very good, but it seems that more people will use it to build a resource network, and they haven't been able to find time to study it
Both of the above are domestic, and WordPress may be more international? There are many users, but my experience is not very good. The more I look at the background interface, the more uncomfortable and disorderly it is. Domestic loading is also slow

Then I started to contact halo last year. I loved halo at the first sight. I had planned to move at that time, but I had no choice but to review the reasons (yes or no). In short, it was pigeon for a long time. A while ago, I participated in the vocational single recruit, and obtained the qualification to enter the university (junior college student) in advance. There were two or three months before the start of school. I planned to go out to work to earn tuition, Because of the epidemic, my mother refused to let me go out to other provinces. She asked me to wait any longer. If I can't, I will continue to squat at home. Finally, I have time to work hard on halo

First of all, I have to transplant my data. I learned that the comment data of the prince typecho is imported into the plug-in of the json file. Just in time, halo supports importing the json data file, which is nothing more than modifying the corresponding database fields. After two days of research, I finally did not do much worse last night. The test was also very successful. This morning, I fixed some problems, Basically, there will be no change

Background screenshot:

All the gossip has been transferred~

The data transfer is ok. Next is the theme. Compared with halo themes, I prefer personalization and don't like to use the same theme as others, so I don't like much. I can only use the default theme for the time being. These two days, I studied the main theme development structure of halo and contributed my first halo theme~

Stay tuned~

Halo official website: halo.run

Typecho to halo plug-in


This article is edited and published by Halo~

Legacy Portal: https://blog.rz.sb/

2 years ago Blog Log , Toss log

It has been a day since the new theme was changed, and there have been many additions, deletions and changes to the theme
Compared with the previous themes, the current theme is slightly simplified by more than 100 million

It has been almost a year since I started tossing about my own theme
I also learned a lot in the process of tossing, of course, there are some advantages and disadvantages, because these times were originally my time for reviewing the college entrance examination, and the quilt was directly used for tossing the theme, which led to the fact that this year's review was useless, and the exam was suspended
However, the problem is not big!
Big deal Another hundred million years

Now the theme layout is a little like a-my, which belongs to Single column Each layout has its advantages and disadvantages. I just wanted to make it as simple as possible, so I changed it from double column to single column. Another reason is that the dynamic page on QQ has been updated a while ago, which is good, simple and comfortable. I just wanted to imitate the theme and modify it according to my own ideas. The effect should be good, so I started the theme development

It took less than a week, but I just remember that I spent two days writing the static page, followed by a set of typecho related functions, integration functions, and so on. Except for eating, sleeping, and going to the toilet, I was basically struggling all day, and I was very haggard!

Fortunately, most of the functions have been implemented in the previous theme. Now you just need to use the cv to adapt
This topic also optimizes the following Pjax loading and Ajax comments (Thanks here @Brother Xin Patient guidance)

At present, the functions of the theme are basically common, so I will simply archive the theme and put forward my satisfaction:
-Enhanced background editor
This topic has built-in Joe Theme Enhanced editor of, more comfortable~
Of course, first I got the permission of Big Joe~Thank you~

-Short code parsing
The short code is also from joe, and the effect is nice

-Night mode switching
There is switching animation when switching

-Message page
There is a message wall, which is sorted according to the number of tourists' comments

-Archive Page
Only tags and articles are archived for the time being, and a calendar similar to that in GitHub may be added later

-Watercress leaf
Through the Douban web page mobile terminal directly applied by iframe, it is simple and convenient to obtain Douban data, instead of using a pile of code to obtain Douban data

- Github
Directly obtain the GitHub warehouse list, which is not very practical

-Photo album
Belong to a category, and then customize the style of the articles under the category as an album. An article represents an album

-Friendly chain
The statistics of friend chain data is obtained through the js code to obtain the class under each link
In order that each friend chain may rank first, we use js to control the refresh of random sorting

-Fragmentary language
This page may be the focus of this theme update, because this theme is originally copied from the qq space, and it is not necessary to publish long speeches
My mouth is also a little stupid, and I can't speak. I'm afraid of one. My expression is crazy, and I'm afraid to speak. So I set up a page to publish my gossip. Ha ha ha
At present, this page has achieved two-level reply. A parent comment represents a piece of gossip. Tourists only support child comments
It also supports Public account release , support text picture Map This function has already been implemented before the message
This time it is from the previous Replace subscription number with service number , mainly because the service number is more convenient, OK Topping WeChat message list and subscription number have to be found in the subscription list
Today also added Like function and Short code parsing This means that I may rarely publish articles and so on. How can I come here conveniently

Plan to gradually optimize and improve the functions of the public account later, such as Add public account comment notice, comment reply, support voice, video, facial expression And other message types

In short, I was very satisfied with the changes, additions, deletions and changes of this theme, and the subsequent twists and turns~

2 years ago Blog Log , Toss log