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R 38 replies
  1. NIHAO Lv.1 say:
    2024-08-30      Win 10 /    Chrome

    IM; Can I add a voice message; And upload and send video

  2. hsjiang V Lv.1 say:
    2024-04-24      Win 10 /    Chrome

    How can I contact the author when there are too many people to add?

  3. worldly desires Lv.1 say:
    2024-02-20      Android /    Chrome

    Is it illegal to use domestic servers to build

  4. 2023-12-07      Android /    Chrome

    You can add a secondary verification code on the button of sending verification code in APP and web version. Both Tencent Yuntianyu verification code and Geetest verification code are very easy to use. In particular, the Jiyi verification code has free quota, which is used to prevent the confusion of SMS verification code. The function of one click mobile phone number authentication login is very easy to use

    1. Too busy V Lv.6 say:
      2023-12-09      Android /    Chrome

      @The world should snow again

      Now there is a second verification image verification code

  5. Moyue style V Lv.1 say:
    2023-12-06      Android /    Chrome

    You should add an option that can cancel or delete the order in the financial center, and let the buyer give a reason for cancellation, or cancel the order when the payment is overdue

    1. Too busy V Lv.6 say:
      2023-12-09      Android /    Chrome

      @Moyue style

      I prefer reading to shopping malls. I don't think you will consider it for a short time.

  6. weiai V Lv.1 say:
    2023-11-01      Win 10 /    Chrome

    How to logout an account and delete all published information

    1. Too busy V Lv.6 say:
      2023-11-22      Win 10 /    Chrome


      This function is available in personal settings. You can operate it yourself

      1. weiai V Lv.1 say:
        2023-12-04      Win 10 /    Chrome

        @Too busy

        I can't find it. Could you give me a screenshot?

  7. hanxuanly V Lv.1 say:
    2023-08-08      Win 10 /    Chrome

    I don't know why the avatar and image can't be loaded now and can be uploaded to the database

    1. Too busy V Lv.6 say:
      2023-08-13      Android /    Chrome


      Check the configuration of the Internet domain name.

  8. Tian Xiaomeng V Lv.1 say:
    2023-05-22      Android /    Chrome

    Can you select a location for publishing when adding publishing updates and articles

  9. Grass God V Lv.4 say:
    2023-04-22      Android /    Chrome

    It would be great if the background image of the home page could also be customized

    1. Too busy V Lv.6 say:
      2023-04-23      Win 10 /    Chrome

      @Grass God

      Is adding

  10. Moyue style V Lv.1 say:
    2023-04-12      Android /    Chrome

    The mobile phone version can also add a night mode

  11. Moyue style V Lv.1 say:
    2023-04-08      Android /    Chrome

    My account on the APP and the email account on the account page should be replaced with the user UID to protect user privacy

    1. Too busy V Lv.6 say:
      2023-04-08      Android /    Chrome

      @Moyue style

      Thank you for your suggestions

  12. Moyue style V Lv.1 say:
    2023-04-06      Android /    Chrome

    Can the small picture of personal background on the APP's personal homepage be personalized

    1. Too busy V Lv.6 say:
      2023-04-07      Android /    Chrome

      @Moyue style

      This support will be added in subsequent versions

      1. Moyue style V Lv.1 say:
        2023-04-07      Android /    Chrome

        @Too busy

        Expect a wave

    2. Too busy V Lv.6 say:
      2023-04-07      Android /    Chrome

      @Moyue style

      This support will be added in subsequent versions

  13. Extraordinary Lv.1 say:
    2023-01-08      Win 10 /    Chrome

    The group is full and cannot enter. I want to buy templates and plug-ins. My QQ, 5644604

  14. 2022-12-09      Android /    Chrome

    one hundred and twenty-three thousand four hundred and fifty-six

  15. Small flying egg V Lv.1 say:
    2022-10-21      Win 10 /    Chrome

    Hello, boss, when learning the source code of the rule tree recently, I found that the self defined color ui icon is not displayed on the H5 side, but can be displayed by the applet, and can also be displayed by rebuilding the template using the color ui custom icon. I wonder if the rule tree has made any restrictions

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