Literary writing
The 2022 message book sending activity, the short stories written were published in the collection of novels!

This book sending activity is a continuation of the previous one. Because my short science fiction participated in an essay contest and was lucky to be shortlisted again, it has now been published in a collection of novels. Although two years have passed since the last time, it is still

Qingmei Nantang: The peach is blooming

(1) In the year of Nanyingxuan, the new emperor ascended the throne and granted amnesty to the world. Nanying was peaceful and the people lived and worked in peace and contentment. In 288 AD, the new emperor Shen Yu married Bing Zhilan, the daughter of the Bingjia family. On the morning of the 15th day of the first month, dozens of miles of red makeup were spread out from the palace city

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