Notice on permanently blacking out "Bangbangle" and revoking its Pro authorization

Notice on permanently blacking out "Bangbangle" and revoking its Pro authorization

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The purpose of this article is to let all users related to Ruleproject know about it, so as to prevent more people from being cheated and losing property, so please be sure to click here to read it.

First of all, what is "Bangbang Le"?

This person has many nicknames and IDs, but the name of his second development program and the software he claims to sell is "Bangbangle". Here are some of his information:

WeChat: sky20241314520

QQ No.: 3080205069

QQ No.: 2167250948

Domain name:

Salted Fish Shop Name: Shuyuan Street Mountaineering Pinellia

In a word, "Bangbangle" mainly provides services such as the second development of Ruleproject, building (and possibly function customization). So far, it seems normal, and it is also a user who sponsored the Pro version (non-commercial authorization).

So why should I permanently blackmail "Bangbangle" and revoke its Pro license?

What did Bangbangle do?

He did a lot of things. In addition to the above seemingly serious things, he also did the following things:

1. Ask someone else to help him open the second function, but they don't pay for it when the function is finished.

2. It claims to have 1088 Pro commercial license, and deceives others to buy Pro from him.

3. After only a few words were changed, it was announced that the Pro version was cracked (refer to the second article).

4. Deceive others in the group to tell them what their second edition has, and they will run away after they pay for it.

There are many more, so that I can ask any question in the group, and several victims will emerge.

To sum up, his cheating and money circle from 23 years to now is the evaluation of most people who have contacted him.

Why didn't I kick Bangbangle before?

In fact, I intended to kick him directly one day a few months ago. At that time, three different people came to me and told me how he was cheating. Even several people had suffered property losses, not to mention others. When he did not purchase the commercial license of the Pro version of RuleProject, he openly sold Pro without my permission, and there was solid screenshot evidence. However, "Bangbangle" found me and asked me not to kick him, saying that he was willing to return all the money and get everyone's understanding.

His attitude at that time was very sincere. Judging from what he is doing now, he is as sincere as a clown.

In this way, he returned the money and confirmed that everyone understood him, so I left him in the exchange group, but according to the vote of the Pro user, I moved out of the Pro user group, and still retained the access to the gitee project.

Why do you want to blackmail him now

Because he did such a thing on January 28, 2024.

First of all, when facing the new group friends, he lied in the group that his second version had the SMS treasure function. After the other party paid 50 yuan, he immediately blackmailed the other party and directly withdrew from the group.

In fact, I didn't want to write a public article, but I saw his answer to others' questions in salted fish. If you can cheat others and get money, you can pull black people out of the group. You can honestly say that it is someone else's fault and almost have no sense of guilt.


I am completely disappointed by his skillful operation and perfect diction, which can also show that even though he was as sincere as a clown a few months ago, his essence has not changed in the past few months. He has even been using RuleProject to constantly cheat and collect money, which also completely violates his own agreement and directly violates the RuleProject user agreement.

Therefore, since yesterday, all communities of RuleProject, including github and gitee, have permanently blackmailed "Bangbangle" and revoked their Pro authorization. I will no longer provide any support and maintenance for them. I will also take back my personal software copyright and the right to use the Pro version granted to him according to the Chinese copyright law. All his actions based on RuleProject Pro are considered illegal.

I hope everyone reading this article will be careful not to be cheated and suffer property losses.

This article is from a contribution and does not represent our position. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source:
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V Registered member L Comment Level
R 15 replies
  1. sss518 V Lv.1 say:
    2024-08-16      iPhone /    Safari

  2. Juvenile dementia V Lv.1 say:
    2024-06-26      Android /    Chrome

    A liar is really hateful

  3. test2024 V Lv.1 say:
    2024-05-12      Win 10 /    Chrome


  4. b1XljyiON V Lv.1 say:
    2024-05-03      Android /    Chrome

    Let's see. Why are there so few words

  5. hsjiang V Lv.1 say:
    2024-04-24      Win 10 /    Chrome

    The crowd is full and there is no more people

    1. Too busy V Lv.6 say:
      2024-05-12      Android /    Chrome


      You can see the typecho developer group in the ad push

      1. Juvenile dementia V Lv.1 say:
        2024-06-26      Android /    Chrome

        @Too busy

        Group entry

  6. Dream seeking xunm Lv.2 say:
    2024-04-16      Android /    Chrome

    Such people are really hateful

  7. zero point V Lv.1 say:
    2024-04-08      Android /    Chrome

  8. JOUaaaaa V Lv.1 say:
    2024-02-11      iPhone /    Safari

    Support blacking

  9. Old Dragon King V Lv.2 say:
    2024-02-04      Win 8.1 /    Chrome

    The Internet is not a place beyond the law. Such people must be blocked.

  10. Cang Shuo V Lv.1 say:
    2024-01-31      Android /    Chrome

  11. Xiaonian Lv.1 say:
    2024-01-29      Win X64 /  QQ Browser

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