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Automatic generation of NC program

CAD/CAM Automation

With the help of hyper MILL ® With the realization of NC programming automation, manufacturers have accelerated the processing process and increased the output.

Products with similar geometric shapes, such as part families and their variants, recurring shape elements, holes and cavities and other features, as well as repeated operating processes, create a good opportunity for automated CAM programming. hyper MILL ® Automatic programming technology helps to shorten programming time, realize process standardization, improve overall productivity and eliminate human errors.

CAM programmers will get a toolbox full of closely related technologies to automate a single process or a complex process. It is also easy to establish and abide by process standards. Policies that have proven successful can be translated into best practices. Moreover, it can provide valuable programming knowledge base for inexperienced employees, so that they can also prepare the best CAM program.

Rich technologies can be used alone or through hyper MILL ® The AUTOMATION Center is centrally managed. It is easy to expand process automation at any time to achieve efficient programming and production.


Shorter programming time

Reliable and fast recognition of machining features

Machining knowledge stored in macro

Semi automated or fully automated processes




CAD/CAM Automation It can make great contributions to enhancing competitiveness, improving production efficiency and enhancing process safety.


Hagen R ü hlich, Technical Director of Technologies AG

Key to automation

Four technologies form the backbone of our automation

Feature technology

Macro technology

VIRTUAL Tool tool database


Tools designed for successful automation

hyper MILL ® Features and macro techniques in can save programming knowledge for future use. Geometric information from CAD models is automatically applied during CAM programming. It can process almost any geometry information, including standard features such as holes and cavities. For example, geometric information can be incorporated into user-defined features (CPF) by using color, shape, or layer names. The machining knowledge required for processing the recognized features is stored in the macro database and can be automatically called.

Automatically detected drill and cavity features

The tool database provides a large amount of technical data, enabling users to select suitable tools and correct processing parameters for each processing order. With the VIRTUAL Tool, hyper MILL ® Now you can choose your own tools. The software automatically selects the most suitable tool for each processing order.

Today, many companies around the world have relied on hyper MILL ® The created automation solution reduces the programming time by 90%.

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