Air suspension blower - magnetic suspension blower - air suspension blower - magnetic suspension blower - Leitz Intelligent Equipment (Guangdong) Co., Ltd

 Leitz magnetic suspension blower (CXPL series)

Leitz magnetic suspension blower (CXPL series)

No contact, no friction, no maintenance, semi permanent life, long-term energy saving

 Super efficiency Super efficiency High efficiency
 Low noise Low noise Low noise
 Low energy consumption Low energy consumption Low-energy
Product Introduction Product benefits Model Selection Table Related cases Related products
 Leitz magnetic suspension blower (CXPL series)

Product Introduction

Product Introduction

Reitz Magnetic suspension blower Relying on foreign advanced maglev technology R&D and design, it is the first choice for customers to save energy and reduce consumption in the dual carbon era, and is one of the most advanced centrifugal fans in the world. When the fan starts, it suspends first and then rotates. It belongs to active suspension, no friction, no lubrication. The three-dimensional flow impeller is directly connected with the rotor, with zero transmission loss. It is a high-tech, green, energy-saving and environmental protection product.

Magnetic levitation technology:

Suspending objects in the air is a dream of mankind since ancient times. Magnetic levitation technology is a technology that uses magnetism to overcome gravity to suspend objects. We are familiar with the magnetic levitation train. In fact, the magnetic levitation blower is also a typical application of this technology in the industrial field.

working principle:

The RAETTS magnetic suspension blower adopts the direct drive structure of high-speed permanent magnet synchronous motor, and integrates the centrifugal impeller and motor drive. It detects the vibration of the rotor shaft and the space gap of the rotor shaft in real time through the built-in displacement sensor, sends the obtained signal to the magnetic suspension bearing controller for conditioning, analysis and calculation, and generates control current, Then the current is input into the magnetic bearing winding to generate electromagnetic force, so as to realize the suspension of the rotor shaft. The magnetic suspension blower is equipped with magnetic suspension bearing, high-speed permanent magnet synchronous motor and three-dimensional flow impeller, direct drive structure, integrated design of centrifugal impeller and motor drive, efficient frequency converter speed regulation, intelligent monitoring control and unmanned watch. When the fan starts, it suspends first and then rotates. It belongs to active suspension, no friction, no lubrication. The three-dimensional flow impeller is directly connected with the rotor, with zero transmission loss. It is a high-tech, green, energy-saving and environmental protection product.

Core design:

1. Ultra efficient permanent magnet synchronous motor

The efficiency of the motor is more than 96%. Compared with other motors, it is small in size, small in power loss, and compact in thermal protection structure. The optimized high-speed rotation design precisely controls the speed and provides surging power.

2. Magnetic bearing technology

The magnetic suspension bearing system is the core system of the magnetic suspension blower. The motor rotor is fixed between two radial magnetic bearings and two axial magnetic bearings. The position of the rotor is detected by the position sensor, and the position signal is real-time reflected to the magnetic bearing controller. No contact between shaft and bearing, no need of lubricating oil, extremely low energy consumption, high efficiency, suitable for a variety of working environments.

3. Three dimensional flow turbine technology

Based on the three-dimensional flow theory, the inner space of the impeller is infinitely divided, a scientific fluid flow model is established, and the grid division and flow field calculation are carried out to ensure that the setting angle, number of blades, and section shape are reasonable and efficient. Avoid flow separation of blades, reduce flow loss, ensure smooth air flow, uniform transmission, and ensure optimal flow and efficiency.

4. Intelligent management system

In addition to the main control system, the Leitz magnetic suspension blower is also equipped with a global wireless communication intelligent management service system. With the help of intelligent hardware and software equipment, the system monitors the speed, temperature, pressure, flow, power and other parameters through wireless communication technology to achieve unmanned duty.

5. Other key technologies

Original cooling technology: air cooling or water-cooling models, good cooling effect;

Two stage compression technology: two stage impellers are matched efficiently, and the pressure can reach 150kPa;

Intelligent PLC control system: support 485/dry contact/Ethernet and other communication modes;

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Product features:

1. High energy saving: The energy saving rate of Leitz air suspension fan is greatly improved compared with the traditional fan, and it has obvious energy saving advantages compared with similar fans.

2. High efficiency: The ultra-high efficiency permanent magnet synchronous motor is equipped with a three-dimensional flow turbine, which makes the comprehensive efficiency as high as 86% (the efficiency of the traditional Roots blower is only 55-60%). It is a national second-class energy efficiency equipment product.  

3. Environmental protection and low noise: small size, light weight, no mechanical friction, no mechanical vibration, no oil stain, the noise is lower than 85dB, and the noise of traditional fans is higher than 100dB.

4. Scientific structure: Direct drive, active suspension, support frequent start and stop, UPS power supply provides power failure protection. The vector free frequency conversion control uses the method of frequency adjustment to control the rotation of the permanent magnet motor, thus controlling the flow of the blower to meet the use of various working conditions. The intelligent control system can predict surge and realize local control, and the equipment installed with GPRS system can realize remote monitoring and data transmission.

5. Semi permanent life: Integrated design, modular management, simple structure, small size, high efficiency, unattended, maintenance free, and semi permanent service life under normal working conditions (support frequent startup and shutdown).

6. Carbon reduction and cost reduction: Using a 37kW Leitz magnetic levitation blower in a project can save about 190000 kilowatt hours of electricity annually, save about 100000 yuan of electricity annually (recover the machine cost in one year), save about 23 tons of standard coal for power generation, and reduce about 172 tons of carbon emissions.

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Application industry

Leitz magnetic suspension blower is widely used in sewage and wastewater treatment, raw material pressure transportation, food and drug treatment, metal treatment, thermal power generation, cement industry, chemical industry, semiconductor industry, brewing industry, biopharmaceutical industry, fermentation industry, paper industry, textile printing and dyeing industry, etc.

Model Selection Table

Selection table

model type Motor power flow pressure Outlet diameter Overall dimension Gross weight
( HP) (kW) (m³/min) ( kPa) DN(mm) W(mm) L(mm) H(mm) (kg)
CXPL50-08 Single bladed wheel fifty thirty-seven twenty-eight eighty one hundred and fifty eight hundred and fifty one thousand seven hundred and fifty one thousand six hundred and forty seven hundred and fifty
CXPL50-10 twenty-two one hundred
CXPL50-12 nineteen one hundred and twenty
CXPL75-04 seventy-five fifty-five sixty forty two hundred one thousand one thousand eight hundred and thirty one thousand seven hundred and forty eight hundred and fifty
CXPL75-06 fifty-one sixty
CXPL75-08 forty-two eighty
CXPL75-10 thirty-three one hundred
CXPL75-12 twenty-nine one hundred and twenty
CXPL100-04 one hundred seventy-five eighty forty eight hundred and fifty
CXPL100-06 seventy sixty
CXPL100-08 fifty-five eighty
CXPL100-10 forty-five one hundred
CXPL100-12 forty one hundred and twenty
CXPL125-04 Single bladed wheel one hundred and twenty-five ninety-five one hundred forty two hundred and fifty one thousand and one hundred one thousand nine hundred and fifty one thousand eight hundred and seventy one thousand and thirty-five
CXPL125-06 eighty-two sixty
CXPL125-08 seventy eighty
CXPL125-10 fifty-eight one hundred
CXPL125-12 fifty one hundred and twenty
CXPL150-04 one hundred and fifty one hundred and ten one hundred and twenty forty three hundred one thousand and forty
CXPL150-06 one hundred and five sixty
CXPL150-08 eighty-four eighty two hundred and fifty
CXPL150-10 seventy one hundred
CXPL150-12 fifty-eight one hundred and twenty
CXPL200-04 two hundred one hundred and fifty one hundred and sixty forty three hundred one thousand and one hundred two thousand and fifty one thousand eight hundred and seventy one thousand one hundred and thirty
CXPL200-06 one hundred and thirty-five sixty
CXPL200-08 one hundred and ten eighty
CXPL200-10 ninety-five one hundred
CXPL200-12 eighty one hundred and twenty
CXPL250-04 Single bladed wheel two hundred and fifty one hundred and eighty-five one hundred and eighty forty three hundred one thousand and one hundred two thousand and fifty one thousand eight hundred and seventy one thousand and eighty
CXPL250-06 one hundred and forty-eight sixty
CXPL250-08 one hundred and thirty eighty
CXPL250-10 one hundred and fifteen one hundred
CXPL250-12 ninety-eight one hundred and twenty
CXPL300-04 three hundred two hundred and twenty two hundred and sixty forty four hundred one thousand three hundred and five two thousand three hundred and eighty two thousand five hundred and eighty one thousand and six hundred
CXPL300-06 one hundred and eighty sixty
CXPL300-08 one hundred and sixty-four eighty
CXPL300-10 one hundred and thirty-three one hundred
CXPL300-12 one hundred and fifteen one hundred and twenty four hundred one thousand three hundred and five two thousand four hundred and eighty two thousand six hundred and seventy one thousand six hundred and fifty
CXPL400-04 four hundred three hundred three hundred and fifty forty five hundred one thousand three hundred and five two thousand four hundred and eighty two thousand six hundred and seventy one thousand six hundred and fifty
CXPL400-06 two hundred and fifty sixty
CXPL400-08 two hundred and sixteen eighty four hundred one thousand and four hundred two thousand five hundred and fifty two thousand six hundred and sixty-five
CXPL400-10 one hundred and eighty-five one hundred one thousand three hundred and five two thousand four hundred and eighty two thousand six hundred and seventy one thousand six hundred and fifty
CXPL400-12 one hundred and sixty one hundred and twenty
CXPLC50-15 Two-stage compression fifty thirty-seven fifteen one hundred and fifty one hundred and twenty-five seven hundred and sixty one thousand seven hundred and seventy one thousand five hundred and ninety five hundred and thirty
CXPLC50-20 twelve two hundred seven hundred and sixty one thousand seven hundred and seventy one thousand five hundred and ninety
CXPLC75-15 seventy-five fifty-five twenty-one one hundred and fifty two hundred nine hundred and fifty one thousand eight hundred and thirty one thousand seven hundred and forty seven hundred and thirty-five
CXPLC75-20 eighteen two hundred
CXPLC100-15 one hundred seventy-five thirty-two one hundred and fifty one thousand one thousand eight hundred and thirty one thousand seven hundred and forty
CXPLC100-20 twenty-eight point five two hundred
CXPLC150-15 one hundred and fifty one hundred and ten fifty-one one hundred and fifty two hundred and fifty one thousand two hundred and fifty two thousand four hundred and fifty two thousand one hundred and sixty one thousand six hundred and thirty
CXPLC150-20 forty-two two hundred
CXPLC200-15 two hundred one hundred and fifty sixty-nine one hundred and fifty three hundred one thousand and forty two thousand two hundred and ten one thousand nine hundred and ninety one thousand eight hundred and twenty
CXPLC200-20 fifty-eight two hundred one thousand two hundred and fifty two thousand four hundred and fifty two thousand one hundred and sixty
CXPLC250-20 two hundred and fifty one hundred and eighty-five forty-five two hundred three hundred one thousand two hundred and fifty two thousand four hundred and fifty two thousand one hundred and sixty one thousand eight hundred and twenty
CXPLC300-15 three hundred two hundred and twenty ninety-six one hundred and fifty three hundred one thousand two hundred and fifty two thousand four hundred and fifty two thousand one hundred and sixty one thousand and six hundred
CXPLC300-20 eighty-eight two hundred
CXPLC400-15 four hundred three hundred one hundred and forty one hundred and fifty three hundred and fifty one thousand two hundred and twenty-six two thousand and six hundred two thousand and six hundred two thousand
CXPLC400-20 one hundred and twenty-one two hundred one thousand four hundred and fifty three thousand and ten two thousand and six hundred
CXPLC400-30 eighty-nine three hundred three hundred one thousand four hundred and fifty three thousand and ten two thousand and six hundred

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