
Obs recorded video is not clear

In our daily life, whether we play games with computers, solve business management at work, or learn knowledge, we will meet the requirements of screen recording

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It is not enough to move towards the ultimate goal that will be reached one day. We should also regard each step as a goal and make it work as a step.

How to set up horizontal and vertical screen playback for iPad dithering (method of switching between horizontal and vertical screens for iPad dithering) _ Yidian.com


How to hide dithering on the mobile phone desktop

Now many mobile phone systems are set with privacy mode, which can provide pictures of some apps


The first 10 rows of 2022 Dithering Divine Comedy

Top Ten Divine Tunes of the Year 2022, The Wind in Summer


How to respond to the sudden surge of twitter browsing

Many people may encounter the unstable situation of high and low playback volume when operating dithering

Sadness and joy

A mixture of grief and joy

It is not that hard work is useful, but that we need to persevere in our efforts.

Canonize theory

an exalted discussion and extensive statement

My goal in life is to become an old artist with both virtue and skill Fan Tiantian



The most taboo in strategy is to cover all aspects. We must remember to make breakthroughs in key points. Only when all resources make breakthroughs in one point can we win.