The arrow pierces the goose's mouth

The past is the preface, and the future is the chapter.

the meaning is implied

The sword points far away.

A nest burns and a prairie burns

A person is either lonely or vulgar—— schopenhauer

Same origin but different flow

The people I love have their own names. The people who love me are miserable. They either deteriorate in debauchery or become abnormal in silence—— For Valentine's Day!

Help Jie to be violent

Teachers who are good at transforming backward students are truly outstanding teachers.

haggle over

In the twinkling of an eye, the party has led the people to create a happy life in the past 100 years. Don't forget the people who dug the well when drinking water. Heroes live in our hearts; Today, when the motherland is prosperous, there are martyrs' blood and sweat, and their spirit is immortal!

The sad princess won't emo tonight

Your current efforts should be worthy of others' kindness to you

Poems to be continued

How sad people are!! Don't be blind with your face! Can't remember the name! Just do what you want!! Scum man!!

95 points is a divine choice

I was excited when I saw your name and heard your voice. I asked you to go out again and again. I was afraid that I would act rashly. I didn't move when I saw you.

Cheng Xi called me to get up

A flicker of heart, a wisp of care, in this silent morning, send me little greetings. May you be happy and worry free, dear friends, good morning!

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