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2024-06-08  Video:   Go to view
2024-06-08  Atlas: #Dragon Boat Festival Zongyi, please call Dragon Boat Festival 3 ️⃣ God wash here for me | | No filter real picture 🏞️, In summer, you can go to Chongjiuzhaigou for summer vacation. Jiuzhaigou is not only a "6A scenic spot" that can accommodate 4W people at the same time, but also a scenic spot with five class toilets 🏞️ With yak meat and butter tea, Tibetan style is coming! During the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, you can escape the noise of the city and go straight to Jiuzhaigou, a fairyland on earth. On the first day, you can set out from the community in Chengdu and reach Zhenjiang Pass at 1.5H. It's not easy. You can immediately transfer to the bus at the entrance of the station and go to Muni Valley. It takes about an hour to arrive at Muni Valley. First, you can visit the Second Sea and immerse yourself in the blue waves of the Jade Lake and the mystery of the primeval forest. 🌲 Go to Zhaga Waterfall again and feel the shock of "China's first travertine waterfall"! 🏞️ After the tour, you can take a bus to Jiuzhaigou to check in. At the same time, you can enjoy special Tibetan food at the mouth of the gully and experience Tibetan culture 🥘 On the second day, Gan explored the secret of Jiuzhaigou. After arriving at the destination by sightseeing bus, she visited the primeval forest, arrow bamboo sea, bear cat sea, five flower sea and other elite scenic spots. 🌲🐼  Lunch in Nuorilang Restaurant at noon, or bring your own dry food to enjoy the fun of picnic - In the afternoon, continue to visit other scenic spots of Jiuzhaigou, such as the Changhai 📸 For dinner, you can taste the authentic vegetarian Ruyiquan and potato Ciba. Don't forget to drink a cup of buttered tea to warm your stomach and experience Tibetan culture. In the evening, the Jiuzhaigou Eternal Scenery Area is brightly lit. Watch a performance of Jiuzhaigou Eternal Love. The rotating prayer tube seems to travel through time and space 🕰️ On the last day of Gan, stroll along the Bianbian Street - a bowl of buckwheat noodles in Xiaobu snacks to satisfy the taste buds while picking up some local specialties, and take some milk dregs stuffed buns home as sweet memories 🍪。 Don't forget to bargain 📸 Photographing Holy Land, Food Paradise, Jiuzhaigou Dragon Boat Festival, not only the scenery, but also the feast of taste buds @ Fast Tour (O2007728575) @ Fast Tour (O1815060407) @ Fast Tour Hot Spots (O40300129)   Go to view
2024-06-08  Video: #Take you for a ride   Go to view
2024-06-08  Video:   Go to view
2024-06-08  Video:   Go to view
2024-06-08  Video: Good morning   Go to view
2024-06-08  Video: ...   Go to view
2024-06-07  Video: You take out shit   Go to view
2024-06-07  Video: Run against the light!   Go to view