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Site Engineer ¥6000-8000 Collection Apply for position
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Site Engineer

Updated on July 10, 2019 Browsed: second
¥6000-8000 | Shanghai Qingpu -Zhaoxiang Town | 1-3 years of experience | Technical secondary school education
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Position publisher
Feng Lan
3987**** Display number
2688 Huqingping Road, Shanghai
Job description
Be on duty within 1 month | Under 35 | Marriage status is unlimited
Recruit 3-4 people
1. Be responsible for on-site installation coordination
2. Keep friendly communication between the company and customers
3. Timely handle and feed back the on-site situation

1. Technical secondary school diploma or above;
2. Mechanical specialty or related specialty;
3. Have some mechanical work experience and ability, and have certain English reading or communication skills;
4. Hardworking, diligent and eager to learn, with certain coordination and communication skills;
5. Due to the nature of work, it is necessary to be able to travel for a long time.
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Company Profile
Shanghai Mingxin Coating Electromechanical Engineering Co., Ltd., founded in 1995, is located at 2688 Huqingping Highway, 10 kilometers away from Hongqiao Airport, and adjacent to Dahongqiao Business District.
The company is committed to the design, installation and after-sales service of coating and fluid conveying systems (mainly paints and high viscosity adhesives).
It has perfect design and production and other integrated operation capabilities. As a professional and experienced spraying engineering company, we have an excellent technical engineering staff, excellent service team and laboratory.
People oriented management mechanism, reliable and timely customer satisfaction system. We will lead the technology and application trend of the domestic coating industry to a good cost performance ratio in the mode of brand, and become a real coating expert.
The company's TA position
  • Other industries
  • privately operated
  • Shanghai
  • 500-999 persons
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