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Image Processing Cgaga Fotosifter v3.0.0 Chinese Free Edition

Resource sharing Graphic image 2021-01-10 19:22:38 browse
What Cgaga Fotosifter shares with you is a very good image processing software. Enables you to classify images, edit through multiple options, print, and even create video presentations. With a variety of options and functions, it can be said that it is a leader in graphic editing software. The software enables you to use advanced technologies and algorithms to easily, automatically and quickly classify photos. It also allows you to organize your pictures flexibly in your own way. In addition, it contains many photo editing widgets and provides you with a way to edit pictures with one click. You can quickly recolor, crop, rotate pictures, add interesting stickers and text, eliminate red eyes, improve clarity, etc. If you need a friend, try downloading it! PXU - free green Chinese software sharing platform


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Import folder/album PXU - free green Chinese software sharing platform
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Size: 197M | Source: Network | Extraction code: 013g
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