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Mind mapping iMindMap 10 v10.1.1 cracked version+patch

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IMindMap is a commercial mind map software, which can draw mind map, fishbone map, two-dimensional map, tree map, logic map, organization chart, etc. Easily import and export multiple formats. IMindMap is a pioneer of hand drawn mind mapping software, developed by Tony Buzan, the founder of mind mapping, which is an intelligent thinking space that captures creativity, sorts out and expands thinking and turns it into execution. Combining unique free form brainstorming views and systematic mind mapping views, it is particularly suitable for brainstorming, planning and managing projects, creating presentations, etc. B9u - free green Chinese software sharing platform

IMindMap10 has added new time mapping views, updated branch mapping tools, mind mapping database integration, optimized brainstorming views, enhanced fast capture views, added central thought images, and the latest email integration, making iMindMap more powerful. B9u - free green Chinese software sharing platform

 IMindMap 10 mind mapping software B9u - free green Chinese software sharing platform

IMindMap 10 Function Introduction

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IMindMap mind map drawing steps

Mind mapping is a visual thinking tool that can be applied to all cognitive functions, especially memory, learning, creativity and analysis. When creating a mind map, there are several elements to be considered, including the central image, branches, colors, keywords and images of the map. Here are the five steps to create a mind map. B9u - free green Chinese software sharing platform

 Steps of mind mapping B9u - free green Chinese software sharing platform
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B9u - free green Chinese software sharing platform
B9u - free green Chinese software sharing platform
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Due to copyright reasons, the software is suspended for download B9u - free green Chinese software sharing platform
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