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System encapsulation tool SC v3.0.0.8, new anti rogue encapsulation mode

Resource sharing System Tools 2018-06-06 13:36:39 browse

SC system encapsulation tool is an auxiliary tool developed by the system president for Windows operating system encapsulation, Sysprep Chief Executive Officer, which means Chief Executive Officer of System Packaging, or "SC" for short, has been updated to SC3.0. It was officially released in the public beta on June 6, 2018, adding a variety of new functions, including traditional packaging mode, anti hooligan packaging mode, and VIP packaging mode, which can effectively improve the amount of software and home pages promoted in the system packaging GHO, reduce losses, and improve efficiency, In order to rewrite and develop new SC3.0, SC2.0 has made some choices. It can repair the known bugs of SC2.0 while continuing its advantages. It is simple and easy to use, one-step, friendly interface, simple and easy to use, intelligent and efficient, strong customization, and supports Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10 and their corresponding server systems. It is the first choice for lovers of learning and research system packaging. NZN - free green Chinese software sharing platform

NZN - free green Chinese software sharing platform
NZN - free green Chinese software sharing platform
NZN - free green Chinese software sharing platform
NZN - free green Chinese software sharing platform

Update log: NZN - free green Chinese software sharing platform

Sc- NZN - free green Chinese software sharing platform

1. [Update] Upgrade the software box to the latest version; NZN - free green Chinese software sharing platform

2. [Repair] Cancel the detection of two system services during physical examination; NZN - free green Chinese software sharing platform

3. [Repair] Optimize the NT5 system package detail code; NZN - free green Chinese software sharing platform

4. [Fix] Optimize some details to improve performance. NZN - free green Chinese software sharing platform

Function brief: NZN - free green Chinese software sharing platform

1. Three packaging modes: traditional packaging mode, anti rogue packaging mode and VIP packaging mode; NZN - free green Chinese software sharing platform

2. Intelligent detection and repair of packaging environment and system settings improve the success rate of packaging; NZN - free green Chinese software sharing platform

3. The target system automatically synchronizes various settings before system encapsulation; NZN - free green Chinese software sharing platform

4. Diversified deployment modules and user-defined module functions; NZN - free green Chinese software sharing platform

5. Support the function of calling programs of external devices, mobile devices or CDs, and any drive letter; NZN - free green Chinese software sharing platform

6. Built in rich and comprehensive disk controller drives; NZN - free green Chinese software sharing platform

7. Continues the advantages and functions of SC2.0, which is easy to use and one-step; NZN - free green Chinese software sharing platform

8. No binding promotion, no advertising. NZN - free green Chinese software sharing platform

Highlights: NZN - free green Chinese software sharing platform

1. Anti hooligan encapsulation mode protects your income; NZN - free green Chinese software sharing platform

2. It can prohibit the deployment of the Alliance promotion package in the virtual machine to prevent malicious swiping; NZN - free green Chinese software sharing platform

3. Some functions of SC3.0 are not shown as options. They are automatically processed by default, such as automatic saving of input methods, automatic synchronization of icons fixed to the taskbar, etc; NZN - free green Chinese software sharing platform

4. SC3.0 planned tasks add support for MSI format; NZN - free green Chinese software sharing platform

5. Fix the known bug of SC2.0, and support the customization of Windows 10 deployment background map; NZN - free green Chinese software sharing platform

6. SC3.0 adds the function of IE home page and favorite data before synchronous encapsulation. NZN - free green Chinese software sharing platform

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