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Backup Restore Isoo Backup v4.5.2.787 Free+Portable

Resource sharing System Tools 2020-10-24 09:07:25 browse
Isoo Backup is a very easy to use backup and recovery program shared by, which is used to backup the system, recover lost files and protect data. This program will quickly create a backup copy of the system and easily restore it in the event of any problems. Full and partial backups are available, and multiple recovery points can be created. Backups can be password protected, which will prevent unnecessary system recovery. If you need a friend, try downloading it! Qfo Seeking Resources - free green Chinese software sharing platform
Qfo Seeking Resources - free green Chinese software sharing platform
Qfo Seeking Resources - free green Chinese software sharing platform
  Qfo Seeking Resources - free green Chinese software sharing platform

Additional information:

System Restore is very easy to use with the integrated step-by-step wizard. It has convenient and intuitive wizards that can guide users step by step in all stages of creating and restoring backups. This program can be very fast and allows you to restore your system in minutes. It also allows you to create incremental backups, that is, only new or changed files are added to the backup. This saves time and space on the hard drive. Therefore, the system can be restored to any previous state.

Main functions:

System Restore directly from Windows. Qfo Seeking Resources - free green Chinese software sharing platform
Recovery during operating system startup. Qfo Seeking Resources - free green Chinese software sharing platform
Restore from the menu to start Windows (F11). Qfo Seeking Resources - free green Chinese software sharing platform
Recover from a bootable flash drive that can be created using Isoo Backup. For more resources, please visit: 404 software download station 423 download station

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