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High score of Douban for animated films (recommended for ten big animated films with more than 9 points)

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1. Spirited Away - 9.4 points

As an animated film 20 years ago, it has always been able to maintain the highest status. It can only be said that this film can stand the test of time. Whether it is the special effects dominating the screen today or the return to animation production itself, it is an irreplaceable film. I think a lot of people have painted this movie again and again.

 Ten big animated movies with more than nine points, one classic that can't be missed

2. Robot Mobilization - 9.3 points

I don't know if many people who like animated films have missed this film because of its name. In my opinion, this is a very impressive work, and the film has a good idea. Although Walle is a shabby robot, he is optimistic, has a rich emotional life, and is not cowardly in front of the goddess Eve.

 Ten big animated movies with more than nine points, one classic that can't be missed

3. "Havoc in Heaven" - 9.4 points

This film lasted for three years. As a color animated feature film in the 1960s in China, it deserves such a high rating. It carries the memories of many people's childhood. After watching this film, you will find why the Guoman film has not moved forward, because the intention of many animations is no different from that of decades ago.

 Ten big animated movies with more than nine points, one classic that can't be missed

4. Crazy Animal City

This movie is really interesting. Children have their own interests, and big friends have their own interests. The whole movie focuses on detective work and tells profound truth in a simple way. Express social attitudes through animals. Reality is a high-level animated movie.

 Ten big animated movies with more than nine points, one classic that can't be missed

5. Tmall - 9.3 points

This is a movie that I like very much. I really like the fat cat. The whole animation is quiet and quiet without noise. It brings us the purest feelings and the most beautiful summer. I think the success of many of Hayao Miyazaki's animations stems from the pure beauty he portrays. I also want to meet an elf in rainy days and give him an umbrella.

 Ten big animated movies with more than nine points, one classic that can't be missed

6. Journey to Dream Ring 9.1 points

We have a saying that everything in the world is trivial except life and death. After watching this film, we understand that love does not distinguish between yin and yang. It is a wonderful thing for someone to think about you. I don't know if you remember the person who didn't stay with you after watching the film.

 Ten big animated movies with more than nine points, one classic that can't be missed

7. City of Sky - 9.1 points

A good movie is like wine. Hayao Miyazaki's many movies are very detailed. At that time, there were no special effects, no modern equipment, but it could bring us back to our original feelings. The soundtrack of this film is really great. I really watched it many times.

 Ten big animated movies with more than nine points, one classic that can't be missed

8. The Lion King - 9.1 points

There is no limit to anything classic, the Lion King is. It has accompanied me to this day. Magnificent scenes, touching music. The love and responsibility described in the film are moved every time I think of them. Although the 3D version was released again in 19 years, my favorite is still the 94 version. After reading the two versions, you will find that some things cannot be replaced by modern technology.

 Ten big animated movies with more than nine points, one classic that can't be missed

9. Hal's Moving Castle - 9.1 points

In fact, movies are used to create dreams, which is what I think of this movie. Hal is really handsome. Hayao Miyazaki's film will really express the pure incisively and vividly.

 Ten big animated movies with more than nine points, one classic that can't be missed

10. Flying House Tour 9.1 points

We finally found that what we thought was boring at first was our deepest yearning for later. What moved you about this movie?

 Ten big animated movies with more than nine points, one classic that can't be missed

I believe that many people will brush and brush these 10 films, but those who have not seen them will not miss them. If there are other animation films with high scores of more than nine points, please add.

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Sincere appreciation and lingering fragrance

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