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Adventure movie Jungle (recommended by 10 classic jungle adventure movies)

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1. Fantastic Forest

 10 classic jungle adventure movies are tense throughout

The film is a live action cartoon produced by Walt Disney Pictures, directed by Jon Ferreu, starring Neil Cecil, and co voiced by Ben Kingsley, Idris Elba, Lupita Nyeono, Scarlett Johnson, Giancarlo Esposito, and Christopher Walken. On April 15, 2016, the film was simultaneously released in the mainland of China and the United States in 3D, IMAX 3D and Chinese giant screen formats. In February 2017, the film won the Best Visual Effect Award at the 89th Academy Awards.

The film is based on the 1967 Disney animation "The Forest Prince". It tells the story of Maokley, a little human boy raised by wolves. When he was forced to give up the forest house to live on, Maokley embarked on a wonderful journey of self exploration, a magnificent adventure.

The film has very good visual effects, making the animal characters described by Rudyard Kipling come to life.

2. Hunger Game 2

 10 classic jungle adventure movies are tense throughout

Directed by Francis Lawrence, the film was released in China on November 21, 2013, with Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hachesen, Liam Hemsworth and others participating in the performance.

The film tells us that the 74th Hunger Game has ended and we thought we would live a peaceful and leisurely life. However, the nightmare has just begun. Twelve districts also have dark waves surging, and Katynes has become a symbol of rebellion. At this time, the 75th session of the hunger game began, and Katness will return to the story of the killing arena.

Although the director has been changed, the sequel has no trace of connection with the previous one. From the scene to the hairstyle and costume to the props and makeup, there is no difference. This kind of unity and coherence is rare in the sequel. In terms of plot, the story reproduced the original story as much as possible. Although the details were slightly cut, the basic rhythm of the film was guaranteed. The narrative method is closer to the first person perspective of the original book, making the audience more sympathetic to the heroine. It also alludes to some thought-provoking social realities.

3. Soldier of Iron and Blood

 10 classic jungle adventure movies are tense throughout

This is a horror film directed by John McTiernan and Stephen Hopkins, which was released in the United States on June 12, 1987.

The first episode of the "Soldier of Iron and Blood" series tells the story of Special Forces Major Dutch (Schwarzenegger) leading the special forces to the tropical rainforest to rescue helicopter members in a crash. Unexpectedly, he was attacked by unknown creatures on the way, which triggered a bloody battle. In the second episode, the soldiers of iron and blood moved to Los Angeles and joined the fight between the police and the gangsters.

4. Tears of the Sun

 10 classic jungle adventure movies are tense throughout

This is an action film directed by Anthony Fouquia, starring Bruce Willis, Monica Bellucci and others. It was released in the United States on March 3, 2003.

The film tells the story of a capable "seal" team going to the jungle of Nigeria to rescue an American doctor who supports the local medical work.

There are not many films with the theme of "Seals", among which "Tears of the Sun" is the best. Tears of the Sun is also a film that analyzes human nature and praises idealism.

5. The Remaining Life of a Desert Island

 10 classic jungle adventure movies are tense throughout

This is a dramatic adventure film directed by Robert Zemigis and starring Tom Hanks, Helen Hunter, etc. It was released in the United States on December 22, 2000.

The film tells the story of a FedEx employee who was killed, crashed and wandered to a desert island over the South Pacific Ocean.

In fact, the attraction of this film is not the story itself, but it is another cooperation between Tom Hanks and Robert Zanmicks after Forrest Gump. In addition, the most attractive thing in the film is probably the "wild interest" that is completely different from modern urban life and a person's tenacious persistence in survival.

6. King Kong

 10 classic jungle adventure movies are tense throughout

This is an adventure film released in 2005. It remakes the 1933 classic film King Kong of the same name, directed by Peter Jackson, and starred by Naomi Watts, Jack Black, Adrian Brody and Andy Serkis. It was released in China on December 24, 2005. In 2006, he won the Academy Award for Best Sound Effect, Best Sound Editing and Best Visual Effect.

The film is about an adventurous entrepreneur and film producer in the United States in 1933, who led a production team to shoot on a desert island, including the heroine and the screenwriter Jack. When they were attacked by dinosaurs and local aborigines, An's screams were exchanged for King Kong's response. This huge orangutan, even the fierce dinosaur was afraid of it, but it was in love with Ann. An then brought King Kong back to New York from the desert island, but it was the beginning of his tragic fate.

In addition to the visual wonders created by the excellent special effect scenes, King Kong is also the best in Hollywood blockbusters in terms of theme, emotional brewing and plot details.

7. National Treasure

 10 classic jungle adventure movies are tense throughout

This is an action adventure film produced by Walt Disney in 2004, directed by Joe Detduba, and co starred by Nicolas Cage, Diane Kruger, Justin Barca and Sean Bing, which was released on November 19, 2004.

The film tells the story of Ben Gates, the protagonist, who is an adventurer who loves archaeology. When he was young, his grandfather John Adams Gates told him a shocking secret. The founding fathers of the United States, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin once buried a huge amount of wealth in a certain place as war readiness savings, and the secret of the treasure was hidden in the Declaration of Independence, so he embarked on a soul stirring treasure hunt.

8. Wilderness Hunter

 10 classic jungle adventure movies are tense throughout

Adapted from a novel by Michael Punk, this is a feature film directed by Alessandro Gonzalez Inarido, starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Hardy, Will Paul, Domnar Gleason, Paul Anderson, etc.

The story tells the story of a fur hunter who was injured by a bear in the 19th century and robbed by other hunters and abandoned the wilderness. The hunter began to revenge after surviving a painful miracle.

On January 11, 2016, the film Wilderness Hunter won the Best Actor, Best Director and Best Story at the 73rd American Film and Television Golden Globe Awards. On February 29, 2016, Emmanuel Lubezki won the Best Photography Award at the 88th Academy Awards for his film, Alessandro Gonzalez Inarido won the Best Director at the 88th Academy Awards for his film, and Leonardo DiCaprio won the Best Actor at the 88th Academy Awards for his film.

9. Treasure Raiders

 10 classic jungle adventure movies are tense throughout

Directed by Steven Spielberg, written by George Lucas and starred by Harrison Ford, Karen Alan and Paul Freeman, the film was released on June 12, 1981.

The film tells the story of Indiana Jones, an archaeology professor, who was entrusted by the US military to go to Egypt to find the "Ark of the Covenant" and fight with the claws of Nazi Germany.

Spielberg's "Raiders of the Lost Ark" came out, creating a new era of adventure films. In the film, treasure hunting has become the starting point of adventure stories, action has become the basic narrative mode of the story, adventure and courage have become the highlights of the narrative, and the film wonders full of excitement and fierce fighting scenes have become the most enjoyable feast for the audience.

10. Six Days and Seven Nights

 10 classic jungle adventure movies are tense throughout

This is an adventure film directed by Evan Reitman and starring Harrison Ford and Anne Hatcher. It was released in the United States on June 12, 1998.

The film tells a romantic story about a private plane that was stopped by a storm and landed on a deserted island, where the male pilot and female passengers spent six days and seven nights.

Presented to the audience in a pleasant way, it mixes all the modes of adventure films about desert islands, including unpleasant encounters, creepy nature and first kiss.

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