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Recommended Korean high score movies (10 good Korean high score revenge crime movies)

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1. Horror Live: He Zhengyu, Li Jingrong

Score of Douban: 8.7 HUB Qiuyuan - free green Chinese software sharing platform

 It's a pity if you haven't seen any of the 10 good Korean high score revenge crime movies

Synopsis: HUB Qiuyuan - free green Chinese software sharing platform

It tells the story of Yin Yinghua, a news program announcer played by He Zhengyu, who carried out an exclusive real-time report on the serial bomb attacks on Mapu Bridge. HUB Qiuyuan - free green Chinese software sharing platform

 It's a pity if you haven't seen any of the 10 good Korean high score revenge crime movies 2. The Whole Story of Jin Funan's Murder: Xu Yingji, Chi Chengyuan, Huang Minhao

Score of watercress: 8.6 HUB Qiuyuan - free green Chinese software sharing platform

 It's a pity if you haven't seen any of the 10 good Korean high score revenge crime movies

Synopsis: HUB Qiuyuan - free green Chinese software sharing platform

It tells the story of the transformation from a simple woman to a cruel woman, and shows a woman's sad life in a shocking condensed form. HUB Qiuyuan - free green Chinese software sharing platform

 It's a pity if you haven't seen any of the 10 good Korean high score revenge crime movies 3. Chaser: Jin Yunshi, He Zhengyu

Score of Douban: 8.4 HUB Qiuyuan - free green Chinese software sharing platform

 It's a pity if you haven't seen any of the 10 good Korean high score revenge crime movies

Synopsis: HUB Qiuyuan - free green Chinese software sharing platform

It mainly tells a thrilling story between Yingmin and Zhong Hao, the only pursuer who chased him in order to save a woman. HUB Qiuyuan - free green Chinese software sharing platform

 It's a pity if you haven't seen any of the 10 good Korean high score revenge crime movies 4. Mother: Jin Huizi, Yuan Bin, Jin Jiu

Score of watercress: 8.3 HUB Qiuyuan - free green Chinese software sharing platform

 It's a pity if you haven't seen any of the 10 good Korean high score revenge crime movies

Synopsis: HUB Qiuyuan - free green Chinese software sharing platform

The film tells the story of an ordinary mother who fights alone to help her son get rid of murder. HUB Qiuyuan - free green Chinese software sharing platform

 It's a pity if you haven't seen any of the 10 good Korean high score revenge crime movies 5. The Old Boy: Cui Minzhi, Liu Zhitai

Score of watercress: 8.2 HUB Qiuyuan - free green Chinese software sharing platform

 It's a pity if you haven't seen any of the 10 good Korean high score revenge crime movies

Synopsis: HUB Qiuyuan - free green Chinese software sharing platform

Wu Daewai was kidnapped on his way home when he was drunk. He was imprisoned in a private prison for 15 years. After he finally saw the light again, he was desperate to find out why he was kidnapped and launched a crazy revenge plan. HUB Qiuyuan - free green Chinese software sharing platform

 It's a pity if you haven't seen any of the 10 good Korean high score revenge crime movies 6. Insider: Li Bingxian, Cao Chengyou, Bai Yunzhi

Score of Douban: 8.0 HUB Qiuyuan - free green Chinese software sharing platform

 It's a pity if you haven't seen any of the 10 good Korean high score revenge crime movies

Synopsis: HUB Qiuyuan - free green Chinese software sharing platform

It tells the criminal story of the "insiders" who can influence the Korean society's mutual loyalty and betrayal. HUB Qiuyuan - free green Chinese software sharing platform

 It's a pity if you haven't seen any of the 10 good Korean high score revenge crime movies 7. I Want Revenge: Song Kanghao, Shen Hejun, Pei Douna

Score of watercress: 7.9 HUB Qiuyuan - free green Chinese software sharing platform

 It's a pity if you haven't seen any of the 10 good Korean high score revenge crime movies

Synopsis: HUB Qiuyuan - free green Chinese software sharing platform

It tells the story of two men who lost themselves in the cruel reality and revenge each other. HUB Qiuyuan - free green Chinese software sharing platform

 It's a pity if you haven't seen any of the 10 good Korean high score revenge crime movies 8. The King: Zhao Yincheng, Zheng Yusheng

Douban Score: 7.8 HUB Qiuyuan - free green Chinese software sharing platform

 It's a pity if you haven't seen any of the 10 good Korean high score revenge crime movies

Synopsis: HUB Qiuyuan - free green Chinese software sharing platform

It mainly tells the story of survival and confrontation between the power holders who control South Korea and a man who dreams of becoming a king. HUB Qiuyuan - free green Chinese software sharing platform

 It's a pity if you haven't seen any of the 10 good Korean high score revenge crime movies 9. The Devil Woman: Jin Duomei, Zhao Minxiu, Park Xishun

Douban Score: 7.7 HUB Qiuyuan - free green Chinese software sharing platform

 It's a pity if you haven't seen any of the 10 good Korean high score revenge crime movies

Synopsis: HUB Qiuyuan - free green Chinese software sharing platform

It tells the story that after an event that caused a large number of deaths, the only survivor was adopted by a couple and named "Ziyun". Years later, Ziyun met people who knew the truth of the event, resulting in a series of killings. HUB Qiuyuan - free green Chinese software sharing platform

 It's a pity if you haven't seen any of the 10 good Korean high score revenge crime movies 10. Kind Gold: Li Yingai, Cui Minzhi

Watercress score: 7.6 HUB Qiuyuan - free green Chinese software sharing platform

 It's a pity if you haven't seen any of the 10 good Korean high score revenge crime movies

Synopsis: HUB Qiuyuan - free green Chinese software sharing platform

At the age of 20, Jin Zi was charged with kidnapping a child and jailed, which attracted media coverage and great attention. During the 13 years of imprisonment, Jin worked honestly and helped people around him enthusiastically, so he was sincerely loved by his fellow inmates and earned a nickname - kind gold. As long as she spoke, no one could bear to refuse her request. After being released from prison after serving his sentence, Jin Zi was no longer friendly, changed his original angelic dress, and began to revenge with heavy makeup. With the material and spiritual support of the inmates, Jinzi began to implement his carefully prepared revenge plan step by step. HUB Qiuyuan - free green Chinese software sharing platform

 It's a pity if you haven't seen any of the 10 good Korean high score revenge crime movies For more resources, please visit: 404 software download station 423 download station

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