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How to forcibly delete computer files that cannot be deleted (delete the most stubborn files and folders on the computer tutorial)

Software download Contribution 2022-03-29 15:03:05 browse

Sometimes, when you want to rename, move or delete a file/folder on your computer, the following prompts may appear: V0e - free green Chinese software sharing platform

The folder is in use; Access denied; The file cannot be deleted; The file is being used by another user; There is sharing conflict;

When these problems occur, the computer will not tell you which program is doing something wrong, such as the following figure. V0e - free green Chinese software sharing platform

 How to solve the problem that the file cannot be deleted? This tool can help you unlock the problem of occupied files

I believe everyone has encountered the above problem. Even if you close all the applications on your desktop, you still cannot perform the operation you want. At this time, I will share a free and practical software "IQbit Unlocker". With this software, there will be no "unable to delete" or "access denied" problems. This tool supports the xp/win7/win8/win10/Vista operating system. After the software installation is completed, open it as shown in the following figure. V0e - free green Chinese software sharing platform

 How to solve the problem that the file cannot be deleted? This tool can help you unlock the problem of occupied files

Usage: V0e - free green Chinese software sharing platform

1. For files that "cannot be deleted", you just need to select the file to be operated, right-click, and select "IQbit Unlocker" in the right-click menu. V0e - free green Chinese software sharing platform

 How to solve the problem that the file cannot be deleted? This tool can help you unlock the problem of occupied files

2. Or drag the file directly to the "IQbit Unlocker" interface to perform the "unlock" operation. V0e - free green Chinese software sharing platform

 How to solve the problem that the file cannot be deleted? This tool can help you unlock the problem of occupied files

When the file we added is occupied by other programs, we can see that the status bar displays the word "locked", and we can see which programs are occupied at the bottom. V0e - free green Chinese software sharing platform

 How to solve the problem that the file cannot be deleted? This tool can help you unlock the problem of occupied files Mode selection:

IQbit Unlocker provides us with the functions of "ordinary mode unlocking" and "forced mode unlocking". If the ordinary mode unlocking fails, you can try the forced mode. The forced mode will end all related processes, and the forced mode unlocking will help users solve more problems!. V0e - free green Chinese software sharing platform

 How to solve the problem that the file cannot be deleted? This tool can help you unlock the problem of occupied files Unlocking options:

IQbit Unlocker provides us with four unlocking options: "Unlock&Delete", "Unlock&Rename", "Unlock&Move", and "Unlock&Copy". For example, we want to "Unlock&Rename". After clicking this option, the "Rename" dialog box pops up, where you enter a new name, click "Apply", and then click "Unlock&Rename". V0e - free green Chinese software sharing platform

 How to solve the problem that the file cannot be deleted? This tool can help you unlock the problem of occupied files

In addition to the above functions, you can also add multi file and batch unlocking operations! V0e - free green Chinese software sharing platform


IQbit Unlocker, as a free software for unlocking files/folders, provides a very simple operation page and convenient operation methods. If you have encountered problems such as "files cannot be deleted" and "files are occupied" in your work, you can try this software. It is absolutely easy to use! V0e - free green Chinese software sharing platform

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