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Usage and skills of airpods (detailed usage of airpods3)

Software download Contribution 2022-03-15 11:13:36 browse

AirPods3 has just been released, and many small partners have already placed orders to purchase it. In order to facilitate the use of novice users, today's editor has prepared a summary of airpods3 song cutting methods for everyone in advance. If you need it, please read the following pages to learn about it in advance! TTy Seeking Resources - free green Chinese software sharing platform

 Introduction to AirPods3 song cutting method

How to cut songs in airpods3 TTy Seeking Resources - free green Chinese software sharing platform

1、 Call Siri to switch. TTy Seeking Resources - free green Chinese software sharing platform

As long as the Siri voice service is enabled on your mobile phone, you can directly call Siri for switching when using Bluetooth to connect to AirPods3 TTy Seeking Resources - free green Chinese software sharing platform

 Introduction to AirPods3 song cutting method

2、 Phone cut song TTy Seeking Resources - free green Chinese software sharing platform

After connecting to AirPods3, you can directly complete the song cutting in the phone page, and then the headset will automatically switch. TTy Seeking Resources - free green Chinese software sharing platform

 Introduction to AirPods3 song cutting method

3、 Headset button song cutting TTy Seeking Resources - free green Chinese software sharing platform

1. Make sure AirPods3 is connected to the phone. TTy Seeking Resources - free green Chinese software sharing platform

 Introduction to AirPods3 song cutting method

2. Open the settings in the phone after the connection is successful. TTy Seeking Resources - free green Chinese software sharing platform

 Introduction to AirPods3 song cutting method

3. Find Bluetooth access. TTy Seeking Resources - free green Chinese software sharing platform

 Introduction to AirPods3 song cutting method

4. Click the "!" sign on the right side of the connected AirPods3. TTy Seeking Resources - free green Chinese software sharing platform

 Introduction to AirPods3 song cutting method

5. Finally, tap twice on the right side of AirPods and click Enter to set preferences. TTy Seeking Resources - free green Chinese software sharing platform

 Introduction to AirPods3 song cutting method

The striking position of AirPods3 is shown in the following figure: TTy Seeking Resources - free green Chinese software sharing platform

 Introduction to AirPods3 song cutting method Introduction to AirPods3 song cutting method For more resources, please visit: 404 software download station 423 download station

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