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Entry level steering wheel simulator (playing games can also practice driving)

Software download Contribution 2021-12-31 09:37:18 browse

On December 29, the domestic car simulation game Driving Test Simulator will be released in Steam Shop on January 1, 2022. This game is based on the author's rough driving test experience in Xifu Town, Qingdao. It can be seen how impressed the author is with this experience that he can turn the driving test into a game. XJu Qiuyuan - free green Chinese software sharing platform

 Play games and practice driving! Domestic driving test simulator is online: both subject 2 and subject 3 can be learned

Xiaolei learned that the Driving Test Simulator includes test exercises and simulations of Subject 2 and Subject 3, and other test vehicles and social vehicles simulated by AI are added to present real test scenes as much as possible. Since it is a simulator, the reduction of vehicle operation is the core, and the rough image quality is also normal. Moreover, the development strength is certainly not as good as other professional teams doing games. XJu Qiuyuan - free green Chinese software sharing platform

 Play games and practice driving! Domestic driving test simulator is online: both subject 2 and subject 3 can be learned

Subject 2 of the game includes reverse parking, side parking, curve driving and right angle turning. As for why there is no half slope starting, Xiaolei believes that it is difficult to simulate the starting on a slope, which simply means there is no sense of reality. However, if the physics engine is built, this project is still worth joining. The test route of Subject 3 is based on the examination hall in Xifu Town, Qingdao. Netizens who take the test in this examination hall can even simulate it before getting on the bus. XJu Qiuyuan - free green Chinese software sharing platform

Since the image quality is not high, the requirements for computer configuration are relatively low. Only Intel i5-2500k, 6GB running memory, GTX 660 graphics card or above are required to run. Some netizens said that after failing three times in the first exam, they practiced at home every day by learning car software and steering wheel accessories. After two months of practice, they passed the exam. Xiaolei thought it would be a good way to practice at home with the help of a simulator. XJu Qiuyuan - free green Chinese software sharing platform

 Play games and practice driving! Domestic driving test simulator is online: both subject 2 and subject 3 can be learned

As we all know, some mobile phone driving test software not only has a comprehensive test question bank and learning videos, but also has built-in 3D picture of subject 2 exercises. However, there are various operations on the car, such as gear, steering wheel, turn signal, and so on, which can not be operated by two fingers at all. Some driving schools also have computers for simulation exercises, but there is a simulator that can better help students understand vehicle operation outside the driving school. XJu Qiuyuan - free green Chinese software sharing platform

It is not clear whether this game supports peripherals. If it does, you can buy a set of steering wheel, gear and other peripherals for use. A stronger sense of operation will definitely help you to become familiar with the driving test. If this simulator is successful, Xiaolei suggested that DLC could be launched in more areas in the later stage to provide a more convenient "car practice" mode for the majority of driving test students. XJu Qiuyuan - free green Chinese software sharing platform

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