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How to delete friends of King Game (how to delete friends of King Glory)

Software download Contribution 2021-12-30 16:35:04 browse

Where can I delete my friends in the game? Friends in the game often change. This time, players want to know whether they will still be in the other party's list after deleting friends. Some questions and operation methods about deleting friends are provided by the editor, which will provide you with the latest method in 2021. U7x - free green Chinese software sharing platform

 Where can I delete my friends in the game? How to delete game friends in King Glory

How to delete game friends in King Glory U7x - free green Chinese software sharing platform

How to delete game friends: U7x - free green Chinese software sharing platform

1. Open King Glory and click Start Game. U7x - free green Chinese software sharing platform

2. Enter the main interface and click the [Friends] icon on the navigation bar above. U7x - free green Chinese software sharing platform

3. Click [Game Friends] on the left, and note that WeChat friends cannot be deleted. U7x - free green Chinese software sharing platform

4. Check the game friends list to find the friends you want to delete. U7x - free green Chinese software sharing platform

5. Click the Delete flag on the right, as shown in the red circle below. U7x - free green Chinese software sharing platform

6. A prompt box for deletion will pop up. After checking, click [Confirm] to delete the friend. U7x - free green Chinese software sharing platform

 Where can I delete my friends in the game? How to delete game friends in King Glory

Are there any prompts after deleting friends? U7x - free green Chinese software sharing platform

There is no prompt for this. Even if the relationship is deleted, there is no prompt. It is just no relationship. It is easy for the other party to delete you but you do not know. U7x - free green Chinese software sharing platform

Do you still have me after deleting a friend? U7x - free green Chinese software sharing platform

First, game friends. If you delete a game friend, he or she will lose you, but you should note that when you add a friend, he or she will follow by default. Deleting a friend does not cancel the following, but the player needs to cancel the following again. Otherwise, he or she will be displayed on the list of good friends after you delete him or her but you follow him or her (you need to delete a friend+clear the following if you delete him or her completely). U7x - free green Chinese software sharing platform

The same is true for the other party who deleted you. There is still him in the game without cancelling the fan list. He can also see you in the friends list. In short, it must be the reason for the attention after deletion. U7x - free green Chinese software sharing platform

The second kind is QQ/WeChat friends. This kind of friends is special. Your QQ/WeChat games will automatically become friends. This kind of friends cannot be deleted, but can only be deleted from WeChat or QQ, so the game will also be deleted automatically. U7x - free green Chinese software sharing platform

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