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How to obtain game resources for one punch superman justice execution (introduction to game resource acquisition methods)

Software download Contribution 2022-09-30 10:26:20 browse

The One Fist Superman game has recently launched its public beta. Novice players will pay attention to how to obtain game resources in order to cultivate heroes. So there must be many small partners who want to know what methods to obtain resources are. Now let's introduce it to you by a small editor. Let's have a look at the interested partners. HF0 Seeking Resources Network - free green Chinese software sharing platform

  HF0 Seeking Resources Network - free green Chinese software sharing platform

Introduction to the method of obtaining game resources of One Fist Superman Justice Implementation

How to obtain banknotes: HF0 Seeking Resources Network - free green Chinese software sharing platform

1. Complete routine daily tasks and get cash rewards; HF0 Seeking Resources Network - free green Chinese software sharing platform

2. Participate in the public security commission, and directly hang up the machine to get the banknotes. HF0 Seeking Resources Network - free green Chinese software sharing platform

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Methods of obtaining diamonds: HF0 Seeking Resources Network - free green Chinese software sharing platform

The power to accomplish tasks and money; HF0 Seeking Resources Network - free green Chinese software sharing platform

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Methods for obtaining organisms: HF0 Seeking Resources Network - free green Chinese software sharing platform

Community donations can gain varying amounts of reputation; HF0 Seeking Resources Network - free green Chinese software sharing platform

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How to obtain honor points: HF0 Seeking Resources Network - free green Chinese software sharing platform

1. Participate in the martial arts conference and win; HF0 Seeking Resources Network - free green Chinese software sharing platform

2. Honor points will be awarded according to the highest rank of the season in the game. HF0 Seeking Resources Network - free green Chinese software sharing platform

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