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How to add, subtract, multiply and divide in Word (WORD office skills)

Software download Contribution 2022-07-26 18:23:22 browse

Typography objectives

In the following figure, there is a statistical table of mask purchase from January to March 2020. The amount of data is not large. We want to use the Excel table for statistics, and directly use the function formula provided by WORD to calculate the value of blank cells in the table. Where amount=unit price * quantity.

 WORD office skills: how to add and multiply directly in WORD?


Operation steps

1. As shown in the figure below, position the cursor in the amount cell corresponding to the row of "January", and click Formula in the [Data] function group of the [Layout] tab.

 WORD office skills: how to add and multiply directly in WORD?


2. Check the formula in the pop-up [Formula] dialog box, change the "=SUM (LEFT)" displayed by default in the formula edit bar to "=PRODUCT (LEFT)", and then click the [OK] button.

 WORD office skills: how to add and multiply directly in WORD?

The formula edit bar displays "=SUM (LEFT)" by default. It is an addition operation, but the calculation of the monthly amount requires multiplication, so the formula needs to be modified.

3. The formula calculation result "1275" is displayed in the amount cell corresponding to "January". According to the same operation method, the amount values of February and March are "2250" and "3325" respectively.

 WORD office skills: how to add and multiply directly in WORD?


4. Next, in the Total line, calculate the sum of the Quantity and Amount columns from January to March. As shown in the figure below, position the cursor in the quantity cell corresponding to the "Total" row, and click the [Formula] button in the [Data] function group of the [Layout] tab.

 WORD office skills: how to add and multiply directly in WORD?


5. In the pop-up [Formula] dialog box, the formula edit bar displays "=SUM (ABOVE)" by default. Click [OK] directly.

 WORD office skills: how to add and multiply directly in WORD?


6. The Total line automatically displays the total value of Quantity as 75. Similarly, the total value of Amount can be calculated as 6850.

 WORD office skills: how to add and multiply directly in WORD?



The PRODUCT formula is a multiplication operation. PRODUCT (LEFT) means to multiply and multiply the values on the left of the currently selected cell. LEFT is the English word on the left;

SUM formula is an addition operation. SUM (ABOVE) means to sum the values above the currently selected cell. ABOVE is the English word above.

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