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How to play the original god city reputation system (city reputation system playing method tutorial)

Software download Contribution 2022-07-01 16:15:29 browse

As the 1.1 version of the original god is approaching, there will be a lot of new content in the game. The city reputation system is one of them. Many people may not know how to play the new system, so the editor will introduce the play method of the original god reputation system for you. Let's have a look.

 Original God How to play the city reputation system

Introduction to Reputation System

City reputation system

Reputation system is a new system in version 1.1.

Players need to talk to specific NPCs,

Then improve the reputation value by completing the received task.

When the reputation level is increased, you can unlock various reputation rewards.

Reputation unlocking conditions

1) The city reputation system will not be opened until the adventure level reaches level 25.

2) Monde reputation unlocking condition: the first act of the prologue of the Demon God's mission "Stranger Catcher of Wind" has been completed.

The unlocking condition of Liyue's reputation: the second act of the first chapter of the Demon God's mission "Farewell to a Long Time Body" has been completed.

The city reputation is divided into Monde reputation and Liyue reputation.

After Mond's reputation is unlocked, travelers can learn the details of Mond's reputation at Heta, the logistics of the "Westwind Knights".

After Liyue's reputation is unlocked, travelers can find out the details of Liyue's reputation at Xiaoyu, the officer of the "Liyue General Affairs Department".

Reputation promotion mode

1. Regional tasks: Completing various tasks of Mengde or Liyue can enhance the reputation of the corresponding city;

2. World exploration: when exploring the land of Liyue or Monde,

3. Reward for crusade: after defeating the crusade target, the reputation of the corresponding city will also be improved,

New punitive rewards will appear every Monday,

It can complete 3 times of sharing in all cities every week;

4. Residents' request: When the residents' request is completed, the reputation of the corresponding city will also be improved.

New residents' requests will appear every Monday,

It can be completed 3 times a week and shared by all cities.

Reputation system reward

When the reputation level is increased, you can unlock the reputation props drawings, special city functions, business cards, recipes, wings of wind and other rewards.

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