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How to set the 4k alignment of the solid state disk (how to do 4K alignment of the hard disk)

Software download Contribution 2022-06-08 10:22:58 browse

Many friends who are going to replace the SSD should have heard that 4K alignment is required after replacing the SSD. But more people don't understand what 4K alignment is and how to do it.

 Give full play to the highest performance of solid state disk, and align the disk 4K


First, what is 4K alignment. "4K alignment" refers to the hard disk formatted according to the definition of "4K sector", and the data is written according to the rules of "4K sector". This is because of the read/write mechanism of SSD hard disk. When writing data, 8 sectors (4096KB) are used as a basic storage unit. After the write is full, continue to write to the next 4K block. If 4K alignment processing is not done, data writing will be 4K "out of bounds", leading to read data out of bounds, resulting in secondary reciprocating reading, increased read data time, and reduced read/write efficiency.

In short, if you do not do 4K aligned hard disk, the reading speed will slow down, and your SSD will be a loss.


Having said what 4K alignment is, let's talk about how to do 4K alignment.


1) Search the lower partition assistant and install it;

 Give full play to the highest performance of solid state disk, and align the disk 4K


2) Right click your computer hard disk, select Advanced Operation, and select Partition Alignment; Give full play to the highest performance of solid state disk, and align the disk 4K


3) Select [4K Alignment] and click OK.

 Give full play to the highest performance of solid state disk, and align the disk 4K


Since my hard disk has been 4K aligned, I will not demonstrate it below.

Click OK, wait for alignment, and then restart the computer.


The above is the 4k alignment method of solid state disk. Try it quickly to see how much your computer's running speed has improved.

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