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How does Android Studio import project files (Studio's example of importing open source frameworks)

Software download Contribution 2022-06-06 09:46:12 browse

I'm new to studio and want to import an open source library. I'm sure I will encounter many problems. Here's an example:

1. First download the open source framework of the project to be imported. I want to import the Vitamio framework. Now enter the official website of Vitamio on the devstore website to download

 Example of importing open source framework for Android Studio


Click the Android download on the right. Why do you have to enter the official website of Vitamio in DevStore? Because I want to recommend this website to you. There is a powerful website for developer services. You can take a look at what you want to learn.

2. Create a new project with Studio, and then click the File file project structure. The following interface appears. Click the+sign in the upper left corner

 Example of importing open source framework for Android Studio


3. After clicking the+sign, the interface appears, and then select the import method: as shown in the following figure

 Example of importing open source framework for Android Studio


4. Next, select the download path of Vitamio, as shown below

 Example of importing open source framework for Android Studio


5. Add dependency in the project

dependencies {

 compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar']) testCompile 'junit:junit:4.12' compile '' compile project(':vitamio') }

If it is completed, it will report an error, as follows:

 Example of importing open source framework for Android Studio


6. Click open file, and the opened file, as shown in vitamio/build.gradle above, will be changed to the sdk version you depend on, as shown below, my sdk version is as follows:

 Example of importing open source framework for Android Studio


7. Success.

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