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Android Studio installation tutorial (Android Studio super detailed installation tutorial sharing)

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 Android Studio Ultra Detailed Installation Tutorial


As an Android developer, Android Studio is one of our indispensable development tools, even the most important one. So understanding Android Studio and getting familiar with its various configurations is one of the indispensable skills for home travel.

This article will introduce the download and installation of Android Studio in detail, as well as some necessary settings.

1、 Installation environment and download resources

1.1 Installation environment

  • Computer system: Windows 10
  • JDK version: 1.8
  • Android Studio : 3.2.1

1.2 Download Resources

Enter the Android Studio official website, select Android Studio and click it;

 Android Studio Ultra Detailed Installation Tutorial


Select Android Studio - DOWNLOAD - DOWNLOAD ANDROID STUDIO to download

 Android Studio Ultra Detailed Installation Tutorial


Start downloading, check the agreement and click Start Download

 Android Studio Ultra Detailed Installation Tutorial


II. Install Android Studio

2.1 Installing Android Studio

After downloading the installation package of Android Studio, double-click to open it for installation.

 Android Studio Ultra Detailed Installation Tutorial


Click Next to proceed to the next step.

 Android Studio Ultra Detailed Installation Tutorial


Check the Android Virtual Device option, and then click Next to proceed to the next step.

 Android Studio Ultra Detailed Installation Tutorial


Select the local path to install Android Studio. I do not recommend installing it on the C disk.

 Android Studio Ultra Detailed Installation Tutorial


After the previous installation settings are completed, click Install to install, and then wait for the installation to complete.

 Android Studio Ultra Detailed Installation Tutorial


 Android Studio Ultra Detailed Installation Tutorial


After installation, click Finish to start Android Studio. At this time, some preliminary settings will be made before the first startup.

2.2 Preliminary settings

Starting Android Studio for the first time will make some preliminary settings.

 Android Studio Ultra Detailed Installation Tutorial


The current Android Studio installation package only includes itself and does not include the Android SDK, so when it is first started, it tells you that you cannot access the list of Android SDK add ons. At this time, click Cancel to exit, and the SDK will be downloaded later.

 Android Studio Ultra Detailed Installation Tutorial


Click Next to proceed to the next step.

 Android Studio Ultra Detailed Installation Tutorial


Here is the setting type of Android Studio. Standard is the standard mode. If you want to save time, you can select this option, and some subsequent setting steps will be skipped. Here we habitually choose Custom custom mode.

 Android Studio Ultra Detailed Installation Tutorial


Here is the selection of software interface theme, a darker Darcula and a brighter Intellij. It's better to choose according to your own habits. Personally, I prefer Darcula theme.

 Android Studio Ultra Detailed Installation Tutorial


This is to set the SDK components. Since I have already installed the Android SDK and Android Virtual Device, there is no need to install them here. If you do not install it, check the items you need to install in the left options. It is recommended that you check all items. At the same time, set the local path of the Android SDK in the following Android SDK Location. After setting, click Next to install.

 Android Studio Ultra Detailed Installation Tutorial


This is to confirm your previous selection. If you need to modify the settings, click Previous to return to the previous one. If you are sure to set it like this, click Finish to complete the setting.

 Android Studio Ultra Detailed Installation Tutorial


Because I have already installed the Android SDK in advance, "Nothing to do!" is displayed here. If you have not installed the Android SDK, the corresponding resources of the Android SDK will be downloaded at this time. Click Finish after downloading.

 Android Studio Ultra Detailed Installation Tutorial

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