Lintan Ciyun Temple: a Chinese Buddhist temple located at the portal of Tibet and Han

Source: Lintan Ciyun Temple Published on: May 25, 2021

Original title: Lintan Ciyun Temple: the only Han Buddhist temple in Gannan

Lintan County, called Taozhou in ancient times, is one of the most culturally rich counties in Gannan Prefecture. On the hill in the east of the city, there is a solemn temple called Ciyun Temple. Ciyun Temple is composed of Mahavira Hall, Tianwang Hall, Guanyin Hall, Dizang Hall, Sutra Pavilion, Guest Hall, Monk House, Zhaitang Hall, Mountain Gate and other buildings. The whole temple is quiet but not secluded, quiet but not silent. Enter the temple.

It is said that Ciyun Temple was first built in the Tuyuhun period of the Jin Dynasty. It is said that the Mongolian teacher Basiba once went here and sent his disciples to live in Xigai Temple. However, after thousands of years of vicissitudes and vicissitudes, the historical data of temple inheritance cannot be fully verified. It is clearly recorded that Ciyun Temple, a Shuiyue Temple, was built in the fortieth year of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty, rebuilt in the eighteenth year of Shunzhi in the Qing Dynasty, repaired in the twelfth year of Qianlong, and repaired in the eighth year of Daoguang. The current temple site was relocated and rebuilt in 1998.

Ciyun Temple belongs to the Pure Land Sect of Han Buddhism. In the Mahavira Hall, there are mainly three Buddhas, and the eighteen Arhats on the east and west sides of the Buddhist platform are lifelike; Maitreya Bodhisattva in the Hall of the Heavenly King, bared his chest and smiling, sat in front of the door; Myanmar white marble reclining Buddha, Thousand hand Avalokitesvara, Western Three Saints and other Buddha statues donated and supported by domestic and foreign good faith disciples are solemn and solemn, which are the treasure of the temple.

On June 19, 2006, the two preface public of Ciyun Temple welcomed Master Nengguang as the first abbot of Ciyun Temple. The winner of a famous temple is a joy to all. So far, Ciyun Temple has ended its history of three or four hundred years without abbot.

With the foundation of the traditional culture of the Han nationality, there is no barrier to language exchange. It coincides with the prosperous Ming Dynasty. So far, temples have been flourishing, monks have gathered, Sanskrit and French have been widely used, and believers from all over the world have come one after another.

When it comes to Buddhism, people who don't understand it feel superstitious, except burning incense, they kneel down; People who seem to know something but don't understand it feel negative and worry that they will lose their enterprising spirit once they learn Buddhism. So many people just keep in awe and dare not really approach Buddhism. In fact, this is a misunderstanding of Buddhism.

Buddhism says: "Life is like living in a thorny place, where the heart does not move, people do not act recklessly, and people do not hurt if they do not move; people act recklessly if they move, and hurt their body and bones, so they can experience all kinds of pain in the world." On the one hand, Buddhism guides people to be good, and more importantly, it is to find the true meaning of realizing and doing perfection in the most subtle places, to the great and infinite universe. Exploring the way from one bank to the other.

Buddha is a person who feels that he is perfect. Buddhism has never been to teach people to let go of knowledge, but to let people learn to see the universe from the tiny, to see the tiny from the universe, to change their mentality, to let life be more relaxed, to achieve the wisdom of emptiness, and finally to achieve the truth of Bodhi. (Text/Ciyun Temple in Lintan)

Editor: Miao Yu Editor in charge: Zhang Miao