Dialogue No.37 | Longqi mage: It's time to practice with bitterness as a teacher

Source: Bodhisattva Culture Published on: August 1, 2020

 Master Longqi's cover (1). jpg

A series of interviews were launched in the dialogue column of Bodhisattva Culture

"Dialogue and thinking under the epidemic situation"

In this issue, we interviewed Master Longqi of Wenshu Temple in Baoding, Hebei As Buddhists, in the face of disease and epidemic, we can neither hide from reality nor panic too much. The current epidemic is the time of practice.

In 2020, we have heard the words "virus, infection, pneumonia, self danger" for this aggressive new coronavirus pneumonia, which is the most representative stage of the epidemic momentum. The panic in the society, the confusion of the residents, the rumor crisis like a flood... This series of unreliability has led many people to gradually change their original goals or ideals into "living well", because things are changeable, we still don't know which comes first tomorrow or accident.


Hugo, the master of world literature, said that "nature is both a kind mother and a cruel butcher." Everyone's existence cannot be isolated. He depends on him and his harmonious relationship with nature. This epidemic should make more people realize that, Any life is valuable and worthy of respect. We are inseparable from each other At the same time, we should also protect the relationship between nature and other life, and avoid various situations caused by the destruction of nature.


Although positive changes have taken place in the form of epidemic prevention and control, it is still very serious. In this battle without gunpowder smoke, we must reflect on the problem of "harmonious coexistence between man and nature", resolutely oppose excessive consumption of nature, and should establish ecological and environmental awareness.


Focusing on the present gives us enough time and opportunities to meditate on life. That sentence: "Amazing, amazing, all living beings on the earth have the wisdom and virtue of the Tathagata, which can't be proved only because of their paranoia and persistence". Isn't it just the equality between people, people and nature, and all living beings on the earth and nature?


So, how to solve the panic caused by the epidemic in our hearts? I think this is what we should discuss in our current life. I often hear such a question: I don't know when the epidemic will end, and I feel that life is boring. Although the fight against the epidemic is a long-term process, it can be determined from China's long historical experience that there will always be a day in the past when only we Keep a rational mind and optimistic attitude There will be no insurmountable epidemic, and we will be able to "keep the clouds open and see the moon shine".


"If we are too upset and anxious, it will inevitably affect our calm thinking and judgment. Not only can't solve the problem, it often backfires.


Maybe our life is like this. Only by constant efforts, constant diligence and constant climbing can we defeat ourselves.


Only when our hearts are full of strength can we face all the unsatisfactory things in the world.


Only when our hearts are full of beauty can we see all the shortcomings in this world.


Only when our hearts are full of hope can we sweep away the haze in this world. Put down the anxiety, take a glass of the most plain and indispensable white water, blow the breeze, watch the clouds roll and relax, and wait for the arrival of victory! We are grateful that we live in the great motherland, and we are grateful to every rebel on the epidemic prevention line. Because of you, we will win the war!


The wise master, known as the "Eastern Sakyamuni", once summed up six causes of illness: the first is the four major diseases caused by bad diet, the second is the disease caused by poor diet, the third is the disease caused by sitting in meditation, the fourth is the disease caused by ghosts and gods, the fifth is the disease caused by demons, and the sixth is the disease caused by karma. We all know that all these diseases are caused by our ignorance, inversion, delusion, persistence, greed, hatred, ignorance, slowness and suspicion.


As we all know, COVID-19 is caused by game. This kind of motivation is just to meet our desires, and it is because of such foolishness that these crises are caused. So, Cultivate compassion and nurture the mind Only by facing realistic challenges optimistically can we usher in the dawn of victory.


As Buddhists, in the face of disease and epidemic, we can neither hide from reality nor panic excessively. It was also this epidemic that made us more aware of how important it is to practice diligently, and also understood the meaning of what old monks have always said about taking hardship as a teacher and disease as a friend. At the end of the sentence: This is the time of practice.

Editor: He Xueyin Editor in charge: Li Yunyu