The Measures for the Administration of Religious Colleges and Universities were promulgated and came into force on September 1 this year

Source: United Front News Published on: May 1, 2021

On May 1, Decree No. 16 of the State Administration of Religious Affairs promulgated the Measures for the Administration of Religious Institutions, which will be implemented from September 1, 2021.

The Measures for the Administration of Religious Institutions are formulated in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Regulations on Religious Affairs of the State Council. There are nine chapters and 83 articles in the Measures for the Administration of Religious Institutions, which define the nature, establishment conditions and standards, application procedures and relevant requirements of religious institutions; Clarified the organization and operation principles of religious colleges and the responsibilities of the responsible person; Clarified the requirements of religious colleges on education, teaching, curriculum, enrollment, training and other work; Clarified the rights and obligations of teachers and students in religious colleges; Clarified the management responsibilities of government management departments, religious organizations and religious schools.

The promulgation and implementation of the Measures for the Administration of Religious Colleges and Universities is of great significance for the in-depth implementation of the Regulations on Religious Affairs, regulating the management of religious colleges and universities, improving the quality of education and teaching in religious colleges and universities, safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of religious colleges and universities, strengthening the construction of religious talents, and promoting the sinicization of religions in China.

The full text of the Measures for the Administration of Religious Institutions is as follows.

Administrative Measures for Religious Institutions

Chapter I General Provisions

Article 1 These Measures are formulated in accordance with the Regulations on Religious Affairs in order to standardize the management of religious institutions and promote the healthy development of religious institutions.

Article 2 The term "religious colleges and universities" as mentioned in these Measures refers to full-time educational institutions that train religious clergy and other professionals in religion. According to the principle of separating religion from education, religious colleges and universities do not belong to the national education system. Religious education qualifications are applicable within the religious community.

Article 3 Religious colleges and universities shall be established by national religious organizations or religious organizations of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government. National religious institutions are those established by national religious organizations; Local religious colleges and universities are those established by religious organizations in provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government.

No other organization or individual may establish religious institutions.

Article 4 Religious colleges and universities are important bases for cultivating patriotic religious reserve talents, correctly interpreting religious doctrines, and training in-service religious teachers. Religious colleges and universities should adhere to the orientation of sinicization of religions in China, take the socialist core values as the guide, follow the path of running religious colleges and universities with Chinese characteristics, and cultivate religious staff and other professionals in religion according to the standards of being politically reliable, religious attainments, morally convincing, and functioning at critical times.

Article 5 Religious institutions shall abide by laws, regulations and rules in carrying out their activities.

Religious colleges and universities shall adhere to the principle of independent and self run, not subject to the domination of foreign forces, and shall not cooperate with overseas organizations and personnel in running schools.

Article 6 The State Administration of Religious Affairs is in charge of the work of religious institutions, is responsible for the approval of the establishment of religious institutions, and manages national religious institutions. The State Administration of Religious Affairs may entrust the religious affairs department of the people's government at the provincial level to exercise some of its functions in the management of national religious institutions.

The religious affairs department of the people's government at the provincial level shall administer the local religious colleges and universities in its own administrative region. The religious affairs department of the people's government at the provincial level may entrust the religious affairs department of the people's government at the level of a city divided into districts to exercise part of its responsibilities in managing local religious colleges and universities.

Article 7 Religious institutions are divided into higher religious institutions and secondary religious institutions.

Chapter II Establishment

Article 8 The establishment of religious institutions shall meet the following requirements:

(1) Have clear training objectives, school regulations and curriculum plan;

(2) There are student sources and enrollment plans that meet the training conditions;

(3) Having necessary funds for running a school and legal and stable sources of funds;

(4) Having teaching places, facilities and equipment necessary for teaching tasks and school running scale;

(5) There are full-time school principals, qualified full-time teachers and internal management organizations;

(6) The layout is reasonable.

If religious colleges and universities have been set up in the same provincial administrative region, the establishment of new religious colleges and universities of the same kind will generally not be approved.

Article 9 The establishment of higher religious institutions shall meet the following standards:

(1) The enrollment target must have at least a secondary religious college or an ordinary senior high school degree, or have the same educational level;

(2) The total number of teachers shall not be less than 10% of the total number of students, of which at least 50% shall be full-time teachers;

(3) There is an independent teaching place, whose building facilities can guarantee the basic needs of teaching, research, teachers and students' religious life, daily life, physical exercise, etc., and comply with the relevant national regulations on planning, construction, fire control, etc;

(4) There are necessary teaching equipment, and the number of applicable books is not less than 30000;

(5) There are necessary funds for running the school.

Article 10 The establishment of secondary religious schools shall meet the following standards:

(1) The enrollment target should have at least a junior high school degree;

(2) The total number of teachers shall not be less than 8% of the total number of students, of which at least 50% shall be full-time teachers;

(3) There is an independent teaching place, whose building facilities can guarantee the basic needs of teaching, teachers and students' religious life, daily life, physical exercise, etc., and comply with the national regulations on planning, construction, fire control, etc;

(4) There are necessary teaching equipment, and the number of applicable books is not less than 20000;

(5) There are necessary funds for running the school.

Article 11 To apply for the establishment of religious institutions, one should fill in the Application Form for the Establishment of Religious Institutions and submit the following materials:

(1) Articles of Association and training program;

(2) Description of qualified students;

(3) Fund certificate and explanation of main sources of school running funds;

(4) Description of the basic information of the proposed teachers, the main principals of the institution and the proposed management organization and members;

(5) Description of infrastructure and equipment such as school buildings.

The Application Form for the Establishment of Religious Institutions shall be formulated by the State Administration of Religious Affairs.

Article 12 The articles of association of religious institutions shall include the following items:

(1) Specify the names, abbreviations and foreign translations of religious institutions;

(2) The place and domicile of the institution;

(3) The nature of the institution, organizational system, development orientation, training objectives, purpose, level, enrollment scope and scale of the school;

(4) The main disciplines of the university, as well as the principles and procedures of setting and adjustment;

(5) The nature, purpose and requirements of different education forms, such as full-time and part-time education, academic education and non academic education, implemented by colleges and universities;

(6) The leadership system of the institution, the mechanism for the generation and appointment of the head of the institution, the decision-making mechanism, democratic management and supervision mechanism of the institution, and the composition, responsibilities and management system of the internal institutions;

(7) The source channels, property attributes, use principles and management systems of the college funds, and the rules and methods for accepting donations;

(8) The initiation and review procedures of the amendment of the Articles of Association, and the ownership of the right to interpret the Articles of Association;

(9) Other matters that should be stipulated in the Articles of Association.

Article 13 If a national religious organization plans to set up a religious college, it shall apply to the State Administration of Religious Affairs.

If religious organizations in provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government plan to set up religious schools, they shall, after soliciting the opinions of national religious organizations, apply to the religious affairs department of the provincial people's government where they are located. The religious affairs department of the people's government at the provincial level shall, within 30 days from the date of receiving the application, submit its opinions to the State Administration of Religious Affairs for examination and approval.

The State Administration of Religious Affairs shall, within 60 days from the date of receiving the application from a national religious organization or the materials submitted by the religious affairs department of the provincial people's government, decide whether to approve or not. In case of disapproval, reasons shall be given in writing.

Article 14 The change, merger, separation and termination of religious institutions shall be handled in accordance with the procedures specified in Article 13 of these Measures. The change of religious colleges and universities includes the change of school address, school name, affiliation, training objectives, school system, school scale, etc.

Article 15 Religious colleges and universities established upon approval may apply for the registration of legal persons in accordance with relevant regulations.


Chapter III Organization and Guarantee


Article 16 The head of a religious college (university) is the main person in charge of the college and is fully responsible for the management of the college. Religious colleges and universities may set up deputy heads of colleges and universities as needed.

The principal in charge of religious institutions may not concurrently serve as the principal in charge of other religious institutions.

Religious institutions may not employ foreigners to hold administrative posts in institutions of higher learning.

Article 17 The person in charge of religious colleges should have a high ideological and political quality and policy and theoretical level, support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, support the socialist system, accept government management, and adhere to the orientation of Chinese religious education in China; Have profound religious knowledge and strong administrative ability, and implement democratic management and collective leadership system.

Article 18 The main person in charge of religious institutions is the first person responsible for the security and stability of the institutions. Religious colleges and universities shall establish a safety management mechanism to be responsible for the following safety management:

(1) Improve the safety early warning mechanism of colleges and universities, formulate emergency plans for emergencies, and improve accident prevention measures;

(2) Prevent the behaviors and statements in the school that publicize and support religious extremism, and use religion to undermine national unity, national unity, religious harmony and social stability;

(3) Implement the national regulations on construction, fire control, food, sanitation and other safety work;

(4) Carry out comprehensive management of the campus to maintain campus safety and teaching order;

(5) Carry out safety publicity, education and training, fire drill, etc. to improve the safety awareness and protection ability of teaching staff and students.

Article 19 If a religious school sets up a board of trustees or a board of directors according to the needs of running a school, it shall clearly define its responsibilities, composition and rules of procedure in its articles of association.

Article 20 According to the principle of simplification and efficiency and the actual needs, religious colleges and universities determine the setting and staffing of teaching, research, administrative functional departments and other internal institutions, and clarify the management level, responsibilities and authorities.    

Article 21 Religious colleges and universities guarantee the participation of teachers and staff in democratic management and supervision and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of teachers and staff in accordance with the law through such organizational forms as the congress of teachers and staff.

Religious colleges and universities shall provide necessary conditions for the members of the Communist Party of China among the teaching and administrative staff to establish grass-roots Party organizations and carry out activities.

Article 22 Religious colleges and universities should carry out education on Xi Jinping's socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics for a new era, patriotism, core socialist values, rule of law, and excellent traditional Chinese culture among teachers, staff and students, adhere to the system of raising the national flag and singing the national anthem in concert at important venues, and enhance the national awareness, civic awareness, and rule of law awareness of teachers, staff and students.

Article 23 Religious colleges and universities shall not carry out missionary and religious teaching activities beyond the scope of activities prescribed by laws, regulations, rules and articles of association.

Article 24 Religious colleges and universities shall establish a reward and punishment system for teaching staff and students in accordance with the articles of association and relevant provisions.

Article 25 Religious colleges and universities should implement the unified financial, asset and accounting systems of the state, establish and improve the systems of accounting, financial reporting, financial disclosure, etc., establish and improve financial management institutions, strengthen financial management, and regularly report to the religious organizations that set up the colleges and universities and the religious affairs departments of the people's governments at or above the provincial level on their financial status, income and expenditure, and the acceptance and use of donations, Accept its supervision and management, and publish it to the donor in an appropriate manner.

The main person in charge of religious institutions, the person in charge of finance and the person in charge of the financial department shall accept financial audit when leaving their posts, retiring or being transferred from their posts.

Article 26 Religious colleges and universities shall go through tax registration and tax returns according to law and enjoy preferential tax treatment in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State.

Chapter IV Educational and Teaching Activities


Article 27 The academic education of religious colleges and universities is divided into religious education at the junior college level, religious education at the junior college level, religious education at the undergraduate level and religious education at the graduate level.

Secondary religious colleges and universities carry out religious education at the junior college level, while higher religious colleges and universities carry out religious education at the junior college level, undergraduate level and graduate level.

Article 28 Religious education at the junior college level should train students to master the basic theories, doctrines and rules necessary for their own religion, and have the basic ability to engage in religious and educational activities.

The basic length of schooling for religious education at the junior secondary level is two to four years.

Article 29 The religious education at the college level should train students to better master the basic theory, doctrine and rules of their own religion and the necessary knowledge of their own specialty, and have the basic ability to engage in religious educational activities and practical work of their own specialty.

The basic length of study of religious education at the junior college level is three to five years.

Article 30 Undergraduate religious education should train students to systematically master the basic theories, doctrines and rules of their own religion and the basic knowledge of their own discipline, have the basic ability to engage in religious educational activities, practical work of their own specialty, and lead religious believers, and have the preliminary ability to carry out religious research and explain the doctrines and rules of their own disciplines.

The basic length of schooling for religious education at the undergraduate level is four to six years.

Article 31 Religious education at the postgraduate level should cultivate students to master the solid basic theory, doctrine and rules of their own religion and systematic professional knowledge of their own discipline, have strong ability to engage in religious educational activities, practical work of their own profession and lead religious believers, and have the ability to carry out research and explain the doctrine and rules of their own discipline.

Article 32 Religious colleges and universities should reasonably set up and adjust their disciplines and majors according to the needs of healthy inheritance of their own religions and their own teaching and academic research levels. The establishment and adjustment of disciplines and specialties in national religious colleges and universities shall be reported to the State Administration of Religious Affairs for the record after being approved by the national religious organization education committee of the religion concerned. The establishment and adjustment of disciplines and specialties in local religious institutions shall be examined and approved by the religious organizations that set up the institutions and the competent business units of the religious organizations, approved by the education committees of the national religious organizations in their respective religions, and reported to the State Administration of Religious Affairs for the record.

Article 33 Religious colleges and universities shall formulate enrollment brochures according to the needs of healthy religious inheritance, school running conditions and approved school running scale. The enrollment brochures shall include enrollment quotas, enrollment objects, enrollment procedures, graduation and employment information, etc. The enrollment brochures shall be reported to the religious organization that established the college for approval three months before the enrollment work starts, and shall be reported to the competent business unit of the religious organization for the record.

Article 34 Religious colleges and universities should generally be at least 18 years of age, and have the educational background of an ordinary junior middle school or above, if they recruit religious staff or citizens who believe in religion.

Article 35 Applicants for religious colleges and universities shall be recommended by religious organizations, religious colleges and universities or places of religious activities, take examinations according to enrollment conditions and application procedures, and enroll students on a selective basis.

Article 36 Religious colleges and universities may collect reasonable tuition fees and other fees from students according to law, and the rate of fees shall be reported to the competent price department for examination and approval.

Article 37 Religious colleges and universities shall examine the qualifications of newly enrolled students. Only those who pass the examination can go through the admission procedures and be registered as students.

Article 38 The teaching courses of religious colleges are divided into public courses and professional courses. The teaching plan and teaching material use plan of public courses shall be formulated by the State Administration of Religious Affairs; The teaching plan, textbook compilation and textbook use plan of professional courses shall be formulated by the education committee of the national religious organization of the religion concerned and reported to the State Administration of Religious Affairs for the record.

Article 39 The public courses of religious colleges and universities include a series of courses on ideological and political theory and Chinese culture and society. With the goal of in-depth study of Xi Jinping's thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era and continuous education of socialist core values, they strengthen the education of Chinese excellent traditional culture, advanced culture of socialism, ideological and political theory, laws and regulations, and national common language and characters, Improve students' comprehensive quality. The proportion of public class hours shall not be less than 30% of the total class hours.

Article 40 Professional courses in religious colleges should focus on adhering to the orientation of Chinese religion in China, and aim to improve students' theoretical literacy, practical ability and ideological construction level about their own religion.

Article 41 Degree conferring in religious institutions and academic titles conferring in Tibetan Buddhist institutions shall be carried out in accordance with relevant regulations.

Article 42 Religious colleges and universities may carry out continuing education for non academic qualifications and train in-service religious staff.

Article 43 Religious colleges and universities may, according to the actual needs of running schools, carry out Internet religious education and training in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State on the administration of Internet information services.


Chapter V Teachers and Students


Article 44 Personnel specialized in religious education and teaching in religious institutions shall have the qualifications of teachers in religious institutions. The professional titles of teachers in religious colleges and universities shall be evaluated and appointed. The application for recognition of the qualifications of teachers in religious institutions and the evaluation and appointment of their professional titles shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant provisions.

A person who has obtained the qualification of a teacher in an ordinary institution of higher learning in accordance with the Teachers Law of the People's Republic of China and the Regulations on Teacher Qualifications is deemed to have obtained the qualification of a teacher in a religious institution.

Article 45 Teachers of religious colleges and universities should abide by the Constitution, laws, regulations, rules and professional ethics, scrupulously abide by academic norms, have good ideological and moral character, be exemplary teachers, educate students on the basic principles determined by the Constitution, patriotism, national unity and progress, law and national security, and complete the teaching plan of the colleges and universities.

Article 46 Religious institutions and religious organizations that set up such institutions shall safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of teachers in religious institutions according to law, take measures to improve their working and living conditions, register them with social insurance, and organize and support them to participate in training.

Article 47 Religious colleges and universities should encourage teachers to carry out interpretation and academic research of teaching principles and rules, conduct academic exchanges, and provide convenient conditions in accordance with the requirements of adhering to the orientation of Chinese religion.   

Article 48 Religious colleges and universities shall assess the ideological and political performance, teacher ethics, professional level and work performance of teachers and administrators, and the assessment results shall be used as the basis for appointment or dismissal, promotion, reward or punishment.

Religious colleges and universities shall deal with teachers who violate the norms of teacher ethics or codes of conduct in accordance with laws and regulations.


Article 49 Students of religious colleges and universities have the right to use educational and teaching resources, participate in social practice, volunteer service, work study, entertainment, sports and other activities according to law during their schooling; They have the right to know, participate, express and supervise the affairs related to students' rights and interests.

Article 50 Students of religious colleges and universities should abide by the Constitution, laws, regulations and rules, the rules and regulations of the colleges and universities, the code of conduct for students, complete the required studies, and respect teachers.

Article 51 Religious colleges and universities shall truthfully record students' assessment results, and record students' academic, disciplinary, moral and other information in an appropriate way. The assessment results and relevant information shall be included in the student status file.

Article 52 If the students of religious colleges and universities have completed the contents of the education and teaching plan within the prescribed length of schooling, passed the examination and met the graduation requirements, the religious colleges and universities shall grant graduation and issue a graduation certificate before the students leave the school.

If the conditions for conferring academic degrees in religious institutions are met, the degree conferring unit shall issue a degree certificate in accordance with the relevant regulations on conferring academic degrees in religious institutions.

Article 53 Religious colleges and universities may, in accordance with the actual situation of running a school and relevant regulations, establish and improve the system of scholarships and grants, and improve the student funding system.

Article 54 Religious colleges and universities may, in light of the actual situation, establish and implement systems for students to transfer their studies, transfer their majors, suspend their studies and resume their studies.

Article 55 Students of religious colleges and universities may organize and participate in student organizations on campus and participate in the management of the colleges and universities in an appropriate way.

Student organizations shall act within the scope of laws, regulations, rules and the management system of the institution and accept the leadership and management of the institution.

Article 56 When a religious institution enrolls international students, it shall be reported to the competent business unit of the institution for the record after being examined and approved by the religious organization that established the institution with reference to the relevant provisions of the Administrative Measures for the Recruitment and Training of International Students by Schools.

Article 57 When religious institutions enroll students from Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Macao Special Administrative Region and Taiwan, they shall report to the competent business units of the religious organizations that set up the institutions for the record after examination and approval in accordance with relevant regulations.

Article 58 The degree conferment of international students studying in religious institutions and students from Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Macao Special Administrative Region and Taiwan shall be handled in accordance with these Measures and the relevant provisions on degree conferment in religious institutions.

Article 59 When a religious institution selects teachers or students to go abroad to study or conduct religious exchanges, it shall report to the religious group that established the institution for approval and go through the formalities in accordance with the relevant provisions.


Chapter VI Employment of Foreign Professionals

Article 60 In order to enrich the teaching content and carry out religious, cultural and academic exchanges with foreign countries, religious colleges and universities may, in accordance with legal procedures, employ foreign professionals who undertake teaching or teaching tasks. The employment of foreign professionals by religious colleges and universities should follow the principles of self orientation, appropriate employment, quality assurance and practical results.

Article 61 Religious schools applying for employment of foreign professionals shall meet the following conditions:

(1) The educational system is more than three years and has been officially opened for more than four years, and the teaching evaluation is qualified;

(2) There are sound rules and regulations and a special management system for foreign professionals;

(3) Having the basic conditions to guarantee the work of foreign professionals;

(4) The proposed employees shall abide by Chinese laws, regulations and rules, and respect the principles of independence and autonomy of Chinese religions and mutual respect among religions;

(5) The proposed employee has no bad record, has not participated in anti China organizations, has not engaged in anti China activities, has not made anti China statements, and does not support, promote and fund religious extremism;

(6) The personnel to be employed have no criminal record and no record of smoking cannabis and other drugs;

(7) The proposed employee has no infectious disease or mental disorder history;

(8) The proposed employee has no experience of being dismissed, punished and punished by domestic and foreign educational institutions for violating laws, regulations and teacher ethics;

(9) The personnel to be employed shall have a master's degree or above or the same educational level, and have high attainments in the discipline and professional field to be employed;

(10) The proposed employee has the teaching ability and level consistent with the requirements of the proposed position.

Article 62 When applying for employment of foreign professionals, religious institutions shall submit the following materials:

(1) Application form, including the list of proposed employees, courses, class hours and teaching duration;

(2) The contract text to be signed with the employee;

(3) Resume of the personnel to be employed, with relevant certificates or supporting materials attached;

(4) Description of health conditions of the proposed employees;

(5) Recommended materials of relevant professional institutions or personnel.

Article 63 National religious institutions applying for employment of foreign professionals shall report to national religious organizations for examination, and the national religious organizations shall apply to the State Administration of Religious Affairs. If a local religious school applies for employing foreign professionals, the religious affairs department of the provincial people's government shall apply to the State Administration of Religious Affairs after the religious group that established the school and the religious affairs department of the provincial people's government have put forward their opinions.

The State Administration of Religious Affairs shall, within 20 days from the date of accepting the application, decide whether to approve or not.

Article 64 After obtaining the approval of the State Administration of Religious Affairs, religious schools that plan to employ foreign professionals should apply for foreigners' work permits in China at the local administration of foreigners' work and receive the Notice of Foreigners' Work Permit.

The employed foreign professionals shall apply for Visa Z to the Chinese visa authorities abroad on the strength of the Notice of Foreigner's Work Permit and other relevant materials. After entering China, relevant procedures for working and staying in China shall also be handled according to law.

Article 65 Foreign professionals invited by religious schools to give lectures in religious schools within two days and the total number of class hours does not exceed six class hours, which shall be handled in accordance with relevant regulations on exchange visits to China.

Article 66 Religious colleges and universities shall strictly control the professional quality, qualifications and social background of foreign professionals to be employed; Conduct necessary education and training for the employed foreign professionals, examine and approve their teaching contents and textbooks, and carry out teaching evaluation.

Article 67 The employed foreign professionals shall abide by the laws, regulations and rules of China, respect the principle of religious independence and autonomy in China, abide by the rules and regulations of their colleges and universities, and shall not engage in activities inconsistent with their employment status.

Article 68 Religious institutions employing professionals from Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Macao Special Administrative Region and Taiwan region to give lectures shall refer to the above provisions of this Chapter.

Chapter VII Supervision and Management


Article 69 Religious organizations that establish religious institutions shall perform the following duties:

(1) To guide and supervise religious institutions to adhere to the correct direction of running schools;

(2) To formulate rules and regulations on the management of religious colleges and urge their implementation;

(3) To guide religious institutions in formulating and implementing their statutes;

(4) Raising funds for the normal operation of religious institutions;

(5) To guide and supervise religious institutions to implement the financial management system;

(6) To guide and supervise religious colleges and universities to carry out professional teaching and religious practice activities in accordance with their own religious doctrines, disciplines and rituals, and the principle of adapting religion to socialist society;

(7) To guide and support religious colleges to improve the quality of running schools;

(8) Reward outstanding students and teachers by establishing scholarships, scholarships and other forms;

(9) Other matters requiring guidance and management as stipulated by laws, regulations, rules and the rules and regulations of religious organizations.

Article 70 In addition to performing the duties prescribed in Article 69, national religious organizations shall also perform the following duties:

(1) In accordance with the relevant regulations on degree conferring in religious institutions, the detailed rules for the implementation of degree conferring shall be formulated, and a working group for degree conferring shall be established to carry out the qualification recognition of degree conferring in religious institutions;

(2) In accordance with the relevant provisions on the accreditation and professional title review of teachers in religious institutions, the implementation rules for the accreditation and professional title review of teachers are formulated, and the accreditation and review working group is established to carry out the accreditation and professional title review of teachers in religious institutions;

(3) To examine and verify the establishment and adjustment of disciplines and specialties in religious institutions;

(4) To study and formulate the curriculum system of professional courses in religious institutions, organize the compilation of textbooks for professional courses in religious institutions, and organize and guide the training of professional teachers in religious institutions;

(5) Formulate ethical norms or codes of conduct for teachers in religious institutions, and clarify the negative list;

(6) Review the items reported by local religious colleges;

(7) Other matters requiring guidance and management as stipulated by laws, regulations, rules and the Group's rules and regulations.

Article 71 The State Administration of Religious Affairs and the religious affairs department of the people's government at the provincial level shall, in accordance with the relevant laws, regulations and rules of the State, guide and manage religious institutions in the following matters:

(1) Preliminary examination or approval of the establishment, change, merger, separation and termination of religious institutions, as well as examination and approval of the articles of association;

(2) To conduct preliminary examination, examination and approval, supervision and management of the matters that religious institutions apply to the religious affairs department of the people's government for examination and approval according to law;

(3) To guide and supervise religious organizations to perform their duties of supporting, guiding and managing religious colleges and universities established by them;

(4) Organize experts or entrust a third-party professional institution to evaluate the level of running a religious school, its benefits and the quality of education;

(5) Guide religious colleges to strengthen public curriculum teaching and improve teaching quality;

(6) To guide religious colleges to strengthen their teaching staff through various ways;

(7) Other matters requiring guidance and management as stipulated by laws, regulations and rules.

Article 72 The State Administration of Religious Affairs and the religious affairs department of the people's government at the provincial level may, according to actual work needs, appoint educational supervisors to carry out educational supervision on the following matters in religious institutions:

(1) The teaching and research activities carried out by religious institutions in accordance with laws and regulations and the articles of association;

(2) Hot and difficult issues of education and teaching reflected by teachers and students or the masses;

(3) Emergencies that seriously affect or damage religious harmony and social stability;

(4) Emergencies that seriously affect or damage the safety and legitimate rights and interests of teachers and students, education and teaching order, etc;

(5) Implementation of the work assigned by the State Administration of Religious Affairs or the religious affairs department of the provincial people's government;

(6) Teaching situation, teaching content and teaching effect of public courses in religious colleges.

The employment of educational supervisors and the powers that can be exercised when implementing educational supervision shall be implemented with reference to the relevant provisions of the State on educational supervision.

Article 73 The following matters of a religious institution shall be reported to the religious organization that established the institution for examination and approval, and then submitted by the religious organization to its competent business unit for examination and approval:

(1) Adjust the legal representative, main responsible person and other leading members of the university and the members of the board of directors and the council, convene the board of directors or the council, and modify the articles of association of the university or the board of directors and the council;

(2) Hold major conferences, trainings, academic exchanges and foreign exchange activities;

(3) The religious affairs department of the people's government shall be designated as the supporting unit, guiding unit or host unit for the activities;

(4) Donations of religious books and periodicals, audio-visual products or donations of more than 100000 yuan from organizations or individuals outside the receiving country (territory);

(5) Other matters that should be reported by religious organizations to their competent business units for examination and approval.

Religious colleges and universities shall handle matters that shall be reported to the religious affairs department of the people's government for examination and approval according to laws and regulations.

Article 74 The following matters of a religious institution shall be reported in writing in a timely manner to the religious organization that established the institution, and the religious organization shall report in writing to its competent business unit:

(1) Work plan, annual work plan, annual work summary and annual financial report;

(2) Large financial expenditure, major asset disposal, major construction projects and major activities;

(3) Safety accidents occur, causing casualties or property losses;

(4) Conflicts and disputes within the university or between the university and other parties affect the normal work of the university;

(5) Major violations of laws and regulations;

(6) Other matters that should be reported in writing by religious organizations to their competent business units.

Under special circumstances, if the written report cannot be made in time, the oral report shall be made first.  

Chapter VIII Legal Liability


Article 75 If a public official abuses his power, neglects his duty, or engages in malpractices for personal gain in the management of religious institutions, he shall be punished according to law; If a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law.

Article 76 Those who set up religious institutions without authorization shall be punished in accordance with Article 69 of the Regulations on Religious Affairs.

Article 77 Religious institutions that violate the provisions of these Measures and fail to carry out activities in accordance with the Articles of Association shall be punished in accordance with Article 65 of the Regulations on Religious Affairs.

Article 78 Religious colleges and universities that violate the provisions of the State on the administration of finance, accounting, assets and taxation shall be punished in accordance with Article 67 of the Regulations on Religious Affairs.

Article 79 If a religious organization fails to perform the relevant duties of supporting, guiding and managing religious institutions, the religious affairs department of the people's government shall conduct work interviews with its main responsible persons; If the circumstances are serious, a notice of criticism and rectification within a time limit shall be issued.

Article 80 Those who refuse to accept the administrative act of the religious affairs department may apply for administrative reconsideration according to law; If the party refuses to accept the administrative reconsideration decision, it may bring an administrative lawsuit according to law.


Chapter IX Supplementary Provisions


Article 81 These Measures shall be interpreted by the State Administration of Religious Affairs.

Article 82 Matters not covered in the Measures shall be implemented in accordance with relevant national regulations.

Article 83 The Measures shall come into force as of September 1, 2021. The Measures for the Employment of Foreign Professionals in Religious Institutions promulgated by the State Administration of Religious Affairs, the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs and the Ministry of Public Security in 1998 and the Measures for the Establishment of Religious Institutions promulgated by the State Administration of Religious Affairs in 2007 shall be repealed simultaneously. (Text/United Front News)

Editor: Miao Qing Editor in charge: Zhang Miao