The forum of "Buddhist sinicization and civilization exchange and mutual learning" was opened at Peking University

Source: Bodhisattva Culture Published on: April 27, 2024

(Video production: Bodhisattva Culture)


From April 27 to 28, the forum of "2024 Buddhism in China and Civilization Exchange and Mutual Learning" was held in Peking University.


The academic forum was hosted by the Department of Religious Studies of the Department of Philosophy of Peking University, Minnan Buddhist College, undertaken by the Buddhist Research Center of Peking University, and co organized by the Tzu Chi Foundation, the Affirmative International Buddhist Network, the editorial department of Haichao Yin, and the major project of the National Social Science Fund, "Excavation, collation, and research of Tibetan multilingual Buddhist literature groups in the Republic of China".




The forum of "Buddhist sinicization and civilization exchange and mutual learning" is the academic cooperation between the Department of Religion, Department of Philosophy, Peking University, and Minnan Buddhist College, that is, the domestic key universities and the domestic famous Buddhist colleges. It is of pioneering significance. This activity also received the care and support of leaders at all levels of Peking University.




On the morning of the 27th, the forum of "Buddhism in China and Civilization Exchange and Mutual Learning" was officially opened in the Humanities Park of Peking University, attended by nearly 100 experts and scholars from home and abroad.


Ze Wu, the dean of Minnan Buddhist Academy, the abbot of Xiamen Nanputuo Temple, the vice president of the Chinese Buddhist Association, He Risheng, the deputy executive director of the Tzu Chi Foundation and the convener of the Tzu Chi Academic Committee, Hao Qingxin, the vice president of Loran University, the president and professor of Confucius Institute in Hungary, Zhang Fenglei, the director of the Institute of Buddhism and Religious Theory and professor of the School of Philosophy of Renmin University of China, Li Xuetao, Dean and Professor of the School of History of Beijing International Studies University, Chen Ming, Dean and Professor of the School of Foreign Studies of Peking University, and Cheng Lesong, Dean and Professor of the Department of Religious Studies of the Department of Philosophy of Peking University attended the opening ceremony and delivered speeches successively. Professor Wang Song, professor of the Department of Religion, Department of Philosophy, Peking University, and director of the Buddhist Research Center, Peking University presided over.


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Chaired by Professor Wang Song


Professor Wang Song, on behalf of the Buddhist Research Center of Peking University, welcomed all participants and announced the official opening of the event.


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Master Zewu delivers a speech


Dharma Master Zewu, on behalf of one of the sponsors, Minnan Buddhist College, congratulated on the holding of this academic forum and welcomed the scholars and Dharma Masters who came. He said that the "localization of Buddhism in China" is an inevitable need for Buddhism to adapt to the development of the times since it was introduced into China, is also an inevitable requirement for the healthy inheritance of Buddhism, and is also a concrete embodiment of the practice of the Buddha's spirit of "agreement opportunity" and the demonstration of the Buddha's wisdom and compassion.


In his speech, he explained to some extent the significance of the theme of this forum, the development of Buddhism in China, and the practice of Buddhism education in China. He hoped that through this activity, more excellent research and ideological achievements would be produced, and the contents of the teachings and rules that are conducive to social harmony, progress of the times, health and civilization would be deeply excavated, so that the road of Buddhism's sinicization would become wider and wider.


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Deputy Executive Director He Risheng delivers a speech


On behalf of the Tzu Chi Foundation and its founder, Master Zheng Yan, Vice Executive Director He Risheng first expressed his heartfelt thanks and high respect to the Department of Religious Studies of the Department of Philosophy of Peking University and the Minnan Buddhist College for jointly holding this academic forum. At the same time, he briefly introduced the cooperation between the International Buddhist Network and the Buddhist Research Center of Peking University.


He believes that this academic forum provides a very meaningful platform for exchanges and mutual learning between Buddhism in China and civilizations. The participants were able to jointly discuss the civilization of Buddhism in China and its far-reaching impact on Chinese society and even the world civilization.


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Professor Hao Qingxin delivers a speech


Professor Hao Qingxin shared his experience of visiting major temples in China. He said that these visits gave him the opportunity to have in-depth exchanges with the permanent monks of the monastery, thus gaining a deeper understanding of the architectural style of the monastery and the ingenious integration of new technologies in the monastery. He also pointed out that today, when Dharma masters spread Buddhism, they often combined the perspective of modern disciplines, such as physics, sociology, etc., to help explain the traditional teachings of Buddhism. This practice shows the gradual integration that is taking place between traditional Buddhist ideas and modern social values.


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Director Zhang Fenglei delivers a speech


Director Zhang Fenglei, on behalf of the Institute of Buddhism and Religious Theory of Renmin University of China, congratulated the academic forum.


He believes that this academic forum has an important feature, that is, there are not only well-known scholars at home and abroad to report research results, but also many cutting-edge academics to publish papers in this forum. In the current field of Buddhist research, the young generation of scholars conduct analysis and research in the international academic arena in a multilingual, multi perspective, multi field and multi-dimensional manner, vigorously promoting the breadth and depth of Buddhist research. This academic forum will also achieve fruitful results in the exchange and dialogue.


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President Li Xuetao delivers a speech


President Li Xuetao said in his speech that the development of the modernization of Chinese Buddhism should not only be seen in the process of the modernization of China, but also in the process of the transformation of the whole world from the 19th to the 20th century.


He also pointed out that the study of modern Chinese Buddhism was actually a dual cross-cultural study. In this cross-cultural context, we can reveal the true value of modern Chinese Buddhism. Finally, he once again recognized the significance and purpose of this academic forum.


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President Chen Ming delivers a speech


On behalf of the School of Foreign Languages of Peking University, President Chen Ming thanked the sponsor and Professor Wang Song's team for their efforts to "build a platform with service and build a family style with enthusiasm"; Thank experts and scholars for coming to the conference and publishing academic reports.


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Director Cheng Lesong delivers a speech


Director Cheng Lesong, on behalf of the Department of Religious Studies of the Department of Philosophy of Peking University, welcomed the guests and scholars present. For this activity, he believed that, to a large extent, "Sinicization" has become an important promotional topic in contemporary Chinese religious education. When people discuss the two issues of "sinicization" and "civilization exchange and mutual learning", they are actually discussing a problem of "modernity". It is precisely because of modernity that people will realize the importance of Buddhist culture to the hearts of modern people.


Finally, he particularly thanked Minnan Buddhist College and the Tzu Chi Foundation for their continuous support to the Department of Religion of the Department of Philosophy of Peking University and the teaching research of Beijing University, as well as the efforts of Professor Wang Song's team for this academic forum.


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Group photo of participants


The meeting lasted for two days, with the theme of "Buddhism in China and civilization exchange and mutual learning", based on the diversity of Buddhist traditions and different modes of cultural coexistence, to explore the unique forms of expression of Buddhism in Chinese history and culture, and cultural exchange and civilization mutual learning in Asia and even the world. (Text/Miaomiao Picture/Miaocheng Guoyuan Video/Guoyuan)

Editor: Miao Miao Editor in charge: Zhang Miao