Master Yin Wei: Exploration of "Songzi Mode" of "Hubei Practice" of Buddhism in China

Source: Bodhisattva Culture Published on: July 31, 2023

Exploration of "Songzi Mode" of "Hubei Practice" of Buddhism in China
Shi Yinwei


Adhering to the orientation of sinicization of religions in China is a major decision and deployment of the CPC Central Committee on religious work, and a fundamental guide for doing a good job in religious work in the new era. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that it is necessary to further promote the sinicization of Chinese religions, guide and support Chinese religions to take the core socialist values as the guide, and enhance religious circles and believers' recognition of the great motherland, the Chinese nation, Chinese culture, the Communist Party of China, and socialism with Chinese characteristics. We should carry out education in patriotism, collectivism and socialism in religious circles, strengthen education in the history of the Party, the history of New China, the history of reform and opening up, and the history of socialist development, guide religious figures and believers to cultivate and practice core socialist values, and promote Chinese culture. This important directive spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping has pointed out the direction and provided fundamental guidance for religious work.


 On December 17, 2022, Songzi Buddhist Association held a council (enlarged) meeting, focusing on learning Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era and the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. jpg

On December 17, 2022, the Songzi Buddhist Association held a council (enlarged) meeting, focusing on learning Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era and the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress


In this season, the Hubei Buddhist Association issued the Five Year Work Plan Outline for Adhering to the Localization of Buddhism in China in Hubei Province (2019-2023) (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan Outline") in 2019. As a grass-roots Buddhist association at the county level, the Songzi Buddhist Association actively responded and attached great importance to it, organizing members of the association team to study the Plan Outline at the first time, Deeply understand its significance, spiritual essence and rich connotation. In order to accurately grasp the objectives and requirements of the Outline of the Plan and earnestly implement it, the members of the Buddhist Association team, on the basis of extensive solicitation of opinions and suggestions, held a special session on the promotion of the theme practice activities of Buddhism sinicization in the Buddhist community of Songzi City, and formulated the Work Plan for the Theme Practice Activities of Promoting Buddhism sinicization in the Buddhist Community of Songzi City (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan") After nearly five years of hard exploration, a relatively mature "116" working mechanism has been formed, providing a "Songzi Mode" for the deepening and implementation of the "Hubei Practice" of Buddhism in China.


"116" working mechanism, that is, "one working goal", "one set of special working classes" and "six major working measures".


One work objective


Give full play to the role of the Buddhist Association as a bridge and link, lead the Buddhist teaching staff and believers in Songzi City, and constantly strengthen the confidence in the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, theory, system, and culture, so as to achieve more self-conscious political identity, more self-conscious integration into Chinese culture, more self-conscious adaptation to social development, and truly adapt to China's social system Social morality and social culture.


Strengthen political identity more consciously, that is, support the Communist Party of China, support the socialist system, adhere to the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, consciously study Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, deepen political identity, ideological identity and emotional identity of the party and the country, and always work with the party on the same ideology and goals Walk with one heart in action; It is more self-conscious to integrate into Chinese culture, that is, consciously inherit and develop Buddhist culture with Chinese characteristics, inherit and carry forward excellent traditional Chinese culture, and actively adapt to advanced socialist culture. Reflect Chinese style in Buddhist thought, system, culture, activities, etc., and integrate Chinese culture more comprehensively and deeply; Adapt to social development more consciously, that is, consciously comply with the requirements of social development, firmly establish national awareness, civic awareness, legal awareness and the concept of the rule of law, safeguard the authority of the Constitution and law, observe and maintain social morality and public order and good customs, and carry out religious activities within the scope of laws and regulations. Actively serve the society, actively participate in public welfare and charity activities, participate in socialist modernization, and contribute to the economic and social development of Songzi City.


 On June 1, 2023, Wu Hongya, the first level inspector of Hubei Provincial Ethnic and Religious Commission, visited Songzi and conducted a special survey on the activities of practicing Buddhism in China in Songzi's Buddhist community 7.jpg

On June 1, 2023, Wu Hongya, the first level inspector of Hubei Provincial Ethnic and Religious Affairs Commission, visited Songzi to conduct a special survey on the activities of practicing Buddhism in China in the Buddhist community of Songzi


One special work shift


Songzi is located in the southwest of Hubei Province, connecting Wushan Mountain and Wuling Mountain, and connecting Dongting Bibo with water. It is located in the upper reaches of the Jingjiang River, which is known as the "winding ileum". The city has a total land area of 2177 square kilometers, a total population of 820000, and now has jurisdiction over 2 streets, 15 townships and 1 provincial development zone. Since ancient times, there have been many Buddhist temples in the territory, known as the "Little Western Heaven". At present, there are 41 Buddhist activity venues registered and opened according to the law, and 66 Buddhist teaching staff, with the characteristics of "scattered Buddhist temples, more Buddhist believers, mixed ethnic minorities, and diverse folk beliefs", which has brought certain difficulties to the development of the practice of the theme of Buddhism in China.


In order to promote the theme activities to go deeper and more practical, and to achieve the established goals in every way, the Municipal Buddhist Association, under the coordination of the United Front Department of the Municipal Party Committee, the Bureau of Ethnic Minorities and Religious Affairs and other competent departments, invited the United Front Committee members in charge of the work of ethnic minorities and religious minorities in all villages and towns of the city to hold a joint meeting, and set up the Songzi Buddhist Circle Buddhist Theme Practice Activity Office in China, with three special working groups, At the same time, a Buddhist monk with integrity and dedication will be elected from each of the 15 villages and towns to serve as a grid member, implementing "grid management and full coverage of services".


 On April 27, 2023, the Songzi City Buddhist Circle Buddhist Chinese Theme Practice Activity Office convened the town grid staff to hold a monthly work meeting jpg

On April 27, 2023, the Songzi Buddhist Circle's Practice Office of Buddhism in China theme held a monthly work meeting with village grid workers


In the work, we insist on holding regular meetings every week, and the village grid members and team members report the work progress, sort out and collect the outstanding problems encountered in the promotion of the theme practice activities, carry out key research, and agree on solutions; Adhere to holding a monthly work meeting before the end of each month to report the progress of work and ensure that difficult and key issues are solved in a timely and effective manner. At the same time, adhere to the problem oriented approach, conduct in-depth research and judgment on the problems found in the process of promotion, formulate targeted measures for specific problems, and coordinate to promote the long-term normalization of the city's Buddhist theme practice activities through the establishment of rules and regulations.


Six major work measures


First, strengthen the study of religious policy theory


Based on the actual situation of the Buddhist community in the city, the Buddhist Association of the city supervises and assists the temples in the city to establish and improve the political theory learning system, timely learn the Party's and the country's policies, focus on learning Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era and the spirit of the Twentieth National Congress of the Party, strengthen the "Four Consciousness", strengthen the "Four Confidence", and achieve the "Two Safeguards", Firmly establish the common ideal of socialism with Chinese characteristics and consciously practice the core socialist values.


We should carry out various forms of patriotic education and practice activities with rich connotations, inherit and carry forward the fine tradition of Chinese Buddhism's patriotic progress, sort out and summarize Buddhist patriotism, and thoroughly study the long history of the Chinese nation, the glorious history of the People's Republic of China, the glorious history of the Communist Party of China, and the history of the Chinese people's struggle for national rejuvenation since modern times, Deeply study the excellent traditional Chinese culture, deeply understand the characteristics of China's national conditions, deeply study the profound connotation of the scientific judgment that socialism with Chinese characteristics enters a new era, a new historical position for China's development, guide the four Buddhist disciples in the city to establish a correct view of history, nationality, country and culture, and constantly strengthen the recognition of the great motherland and the Chinese nation The identification with Chinese culture, the Communist Party of China and socialism with Chinese characteristics closely combines the development of Buddhism with the future and destiny of the country, and constantly improves the awareness of patriotism. The profound connotation of patriotism is displayed, patriotism is cultivated and patriotism is promoted through national major historical events, Buddhist patriotic historical celebrity commemorations, etc. Actively carry out the "Four Movements" activities (the national flag, the Constitution, laws and regulations, socialist core values, and excellent Chinese traditional culture into religious venues), guide the city's Buddhist venues to display the national flag in a standardized manner, and sing the national anthem at major events and conferences.


Focusing on the study of the Constitution of the People's Republic of China and the implementation of the newly revised Regulations on Religious Affairs, we insisted on inviting teachers from the Party School of the Songzi Municipal Party Committee to give lectures every quarter, leading the city's Buddhist community to carry out various forms of learning activities on policies, laws and regulations, further improving the awareness of the rule of law, and correctly understanding and handling the relationship between national laws and religious rules, Strengthen the consciousness of carrying out religious activities, managing educational affairs and safeguarding legitimate rights and interests in accordance with laws and regulations.


Second, strengthen the construction of Buddhist belief and Taoist style


One of the characteristics of Buddhism in China is to shape and maintain the clean and solemn image of Chinese Buddhism in the new era. The Municipal Buddhist Association insists on holding regular group members' life meetings, examining itself, taking the lead in setting an example, leading the four Buddhist disciples in the city to establish and adhere to the right view of Buddhism, enhancing their awareness and ability to identify, prevent and resist the erosion of various cults and superstitious ideas, correcting the bad atmosphere of belief dilution, and calling on the four Buddhist disciples in the city to adhere to precepts as teachers and laws as the basis, Persist in strengthening the construction of teaching style. Implement the Proposal on Strengthening the Construction of Buddhist Teaching Style formulated by the Chinese Buddhist Association, resolutely oppose the unhealthy trend of blindly pursuing secular fame and wealth, and resolutely correct the phenomena of loose discipline, laxity, pursuit of luxury, and the laxity of temple discipline, democratic management and temple system, internal disharmony, which erode the body of Buddhism and damage the image and reputation of Buddhism, Consciously maintain the image of Buddhism and monk's purity and dignity.


Third, strengthen the management of Buddhist teaching staff


Adhering to the principle of strictly controlling the entrance of monks and nuns, in order to ensure the overall quality of Buddhist teaching staff from the source, the Municipal Buddhist Association, referring to the relevant regulations formulated by the Chinese Buddhist Association, issued the Measures of Songzi Buddhist Association on Accepting Buddhist Monks and Nuns (Provisional). At the same time, we should do a good job in the identification and filing of Buddhist teaching staff, supervise the monks in all temples in the city to adhere to the law and ritual system of learning and discipline, half month pizza, and settling down in summer. We should adhere to the study and practice system of not doing joint practice, learning in winter and summer, and preaching and promoting Buddhism. We should adhere to the living system of two hour recitation, going through the classroom and using fast, and living together. We should adhere to the three study hard, learning and practicing together Understand the corresponding Buddhist practice principles and fine traditions, maintain the nature of the Buddhist staff who are less satisfied and indifferent to fame and wealth, and show the spirit of peace and harmony in the Songzi Buddhist world.


 Tang Jifu (middle), Director of the Bureau of Public Religious Affairs of Songzi, took a group photo with the main members of the Songzi Buddhist Theme Practice Office. jpg

Tang Jifu (middle), Director of the Bureau of Public Religious Affairs of Songzi, took a group photo with the main members of the Songzi Buddhist Theme Practice Office


Fourth, strengthen the cultivation of Buddhist talents


The promotion of the localization of Buddhism in China is inseparable from the cultivation of Buddhist talents. In recent years, the Municipal Buddhist Association has taken adhering to the Chinese orientation of Buddhism as an important guide for training Buddhist talents. According to the standards of being politically reliable, religious attainments, morally convincing, and functioning at critical times, it has cultivated a group of people who love the motherland, accept the leadership of the Party and the government, adhere to the socialist road, maintain the national unity and national unity, and have religious knowledge Compound talents who are determined to engage in religious undertakings and can contact religious people. The specific measures are to persist in holding two lectures and exchanges every year, guide Buddhist teaching staff to focus their time and energy on practicing precepts, listening to and thinking about classics, promoting law and benefiting life, and serving the society, foster a good atmosphere of learning, studying, and preaching classics, and combine lectures with the promotion and implementation of socialist core values, We should guide the masses of believers to love their country, love their religion, and be honest and upright. At the same time, we attach importance to daily training, and strengthen the education of the four Buddhist disciples in terms of the world situation, national conditions, religious policies and regulations, and excellent Chinese traditional culture by holding various learning and training classes. Discover, train and use young and middle-aged Buddhist figures and outstanding members of religious believers. Since 2019, the Municipal Buddhist Association has sent seven young and middle-aged monks who are excellent in both character and learning to Wuchang Buddhist College, Hangzhou Buddhist College, Hainan Buddhist College, Sichuan Buddhist College and other Buddhist colleges and universities for further study, providing talent guarantee for the healthy inheritance of Songzi Buddhism.


Fifth, strengthen the construction of Buddhist culture


Buddhist culture is an important part of Chinese excellent traditional culture, and is also a prominent feature of the localization of Buddhism in China. In recent years, the Buddhist Association of Songzi City has adhered to the combination of strengthening the construction of Buddhist culture and carrying forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture. It has successively carried out various forms of reading, training, experience and other activities to create a good atmosphere for loving culture, learning culture, inheriting culture and carrying forward culture, and to explore healthy, beneficial and positive content in carrying forward Buddhist culture with Chinese characteristics, The interpretation should be consistent with the advanced socialist culture and integrated with the excellent traditional Chinese culture and traditional virtues, so as to create a moderate, rational and inclusive Buddhist cultural quality.


At the same time, the Buddhist Association of Songzi combines the local customs and folk characteristics of Songzi, takes the opportunity of traditional Buddhist festivals, promotes excellent Buddhist culture and traditional Chinese culture, and gives full play to the positive role of Buddhist culture in purifying the soul and cultivating morality. We will actively encourage young and middle-aged Dharma Masters to make full use of new technology and new means to endow contemporary Buddhist culture with new era connotation and modern expression forms, promote the creative transformation and innovative development of Buddhist culture, and create a Buddhist culture that is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and has been passed on for a long time in the new era.


Sixth, strengthen public welfare and charity work


Carrying forward the Buddhist spirit of "compassion and universal salvation", actively fulfilling social responsibilities and making efforts to play a positive role are concrete manifestations of practicing socialist core values, and also a basic feature of the localization of Buddhism in China. In order to better meet the requirements of social development in the new era. It highlights the responsibility of the Buddhist community in Songzi City. In recent years, the Buddhist Association in Songzi City has encouraged and mobilized the Buddhist community in the city to carry out public welfare charities. In particular, during the prevention and control of the COVID-19 epidemic, at the most difficult and critical moment in the prevention and control of the Songzi epidemic, the Buddhist Association of Songzi City innovated its operation mode, improved its management system, broadened its charitable field, and successively raised more than 6 million yuan of epidemic prevention materials to reach the epidemic prevention and control front line in time, giving full play to the positive role of Songzi Buddhism in serving the society and benefiting people.


After more than four years of hard work, the Songzi Buddhist community has achieved fruitful results in practicing the localization of Buddhism in China, and has formed a relatively perfect "116" working mechanism in the exploration and summary, which has won widespread praise from all walks of life, and has also been fully agreed by the superior competent department. On June 1 this year, Wu Hongya, the first level inspector of the Hubei Provincial People's Religious Commission, pointed out that the "116" working mechanism explored by the Songzi Buddhist community is a magic weapon to promote the stability and long-term development of the theme activity of Buddhism sinicization, which provides a "Songzi model" for the deepening and implementation of the "Hubei practice" of Buddhism sinicization, and is worth learning from and promoting.


Practicing the localization of Buddhism in China is a grand historical proposition. To carry out the practice of the theme of localization of Buddhism in China, there is only a starting point, no end point, and it must be continued to promote and work for a long time. The first group of members of the Songzi Buddhist Association will closely rely on the local party committee and government, unite and lead the four Buddhist disciples in the city, take the spiritual realm of "success does not have to be in me" and the historical responsibility of "success must have me", constantly explore new measures, summarize new experience, and further expand and enrich the connotation of "Songzi Mode" in the practical activities of adhering to the orientation of Buddhism in China, For the healthy inheritance of Songzi Buddhism, and for the deepening and strengthening of the "Hubei practice" of Buddhism in China.



Master Yin Wei


(The author is the vice president of Jingzhou Buddhist Association, president of Songzi Buddhist Association, member of Jingzhou Youth Federation, standing member of Jingzhou District Youth Federation, abbot of Songzi Huayan Maopeng, abbot of Jingzhou Mituo Temple)

Editor: Miao Yue Editor in charge: Zhang Miao