Master Guangxing: On the "Sinicization of Religion"

Source: Bodhisattva Culture Published on: September 8, 2022

Original title: On the "Sinicization of Religion"

As a young teaching staff at the grass-roots level, I have also strengthened my study of the "localization of religions in China" during this period. By referring to the speech delivered by General Secretary Xi Jinping at the National Religious Conference in 2021, Wang Zuoan, Vice Minister of the United Front Work Department of the Central Committee and Director of the State Administration of Religious Affairs, published an article "Adhere to the localization of religions in China" in the Learning Times in March 2022 And other relevant materials, What is the specific meaning of the Sinicization of religion, and what is the specific realization form of the Sinicization of religion Let's talk about some ideas.


Scientific grasp and persistence

The Historical Logic of the Orientation of Chinese Religion

1. Adhere to the orientation of Chinese religion, It conforms to the laws of religious existence and development. Marxism believes that religion cannot exist without society. It is necessary to study and analyze the root causes of religion from the realistic basis of social life. It is not possible to explain religious phenomena simply with spiritual factors. Religion is the product of the development of human society to a certain stage. The emergence of a religion is closely related to the development stage of the society, human environment and natural conditions, and forms different connotations and appearances. Whether religion can be inherited and continued for a long time depends on whether religion can adapt to the development and change of the society it is in. It is a tortuous evolution process from adaptation to inadaptability, and then to new adaptation.

2. Adhere to the orientation of Chinese religion, It is a conscious choice for the development of China's religious history. Among the existing religions in China, Buddhism, Islam, Catholicism and Christianity were introduced from abroad in history, except Taoism was born in China. To survive and develop in the new natural, political, economic, social and cultural environment, we must overcome the difficulties of environmental differences, conceptual conflicts, institutional contradictions, and different lifestyles, and constantly keep pace with the times and adapt to society. This process is Chinese, just like we plant plants, adapt to the environment, regenerate roots, sprout and blossom. The spread and development of religion in China has always been closely related to the belief needs of Chinese people. This mode of religious spread and development that focuses on the psychological needs of Chinese people at all levels is the main feature of the sinicization of religion.

3. Adhere to the orientation of Chinese religion, It is an inevitable conclusion drawn from the historical experience of the Party's religious work. After the founding of New China, in order to help our religions adapt to the profound changes in Chinese society, the CPC Central Committee guided and promoted the religious circles to carry out major reforms. Through this major reform, our religion has gradually embarked on the right path to adapt to the socialist society. After the reform and opening up, on the basis of consolidating the achievements of the democratic reform of the religious system, our party, in accordance with the profound changes in our society and new situations in the religious field, has constantly explored the correct way to deal with religious issues, formed the basic policy of the party's religious work, and established the fundamental goal of actively guiding religion to adapt to the socialist society as the religious work, It has achieved positive results and accumulated valuable experience in promoting the sinicization of religions in China.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China with General Secretary Xi Jinping at its core has focused on realizing the overall strategy of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the unprecedented changes in the world in a century, scientifically grasped the laws of religion and religious work, thoroughly analyzed the development and changes of religion and the reality of religious work in China, and clearly proposed to adhere to the direction of sinicization of religion in China, It has opened up a way to actively guide religion to adapt to the socialist society.

At the Central United Front Work Conference held in 2015, General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed for the first time to adhere to the orientation of Chinese religion. Since then, at a series of important meetings such as the National Conference on Religious Work held by the Party Central Committee, General Secretary Xi Jinping has further elaborated on this, clarifying the great significance, profound connotation, policy principles, work measures, practical requirements, etc. of adhering to the direction of China's religious localization, which has provided a fundamental basis for promoting China's religious localization in the new era.


Adhere to the Sinicization of Religion

Four footholds to be grasped

"We must adhere to the orientation of Chinese religion" is General Secretary Xi's major innovative statement on religious work and a major strategic measure to actively guide religion to adapt to the socialist society. From my personal understanding, I believe that the "Sinicization of Religion" should hold four footholds.

1. The primary foothold of "Sinicization of Religion" is to love the Party, love the country, love socialism

General Secretary Xi stressed that in order to do a good job in religious work, we must adhere to the basic principles of the Party's religious work, comprehensively implement the Party's policy of freedom of religious belief, manage religious affairs according to law, adhere to the principle of independence and autonomy, and actively guide religions to adapt to socialist society. An important task of actively guiding religions to adapt to the socialist society is to support our religions to adhere to the Chinese orientation.

As a member of the religious community, I believe that the primary foothold of the "localization of religions in China" is that all major religions in China should always follow the main line of "loving the party, patriotism, and socialism", and follow the path of inheritance and development that is consistent with the party, the motherland, and the people.

All major religions have the spiritual consensus of human civilization to "go up and be good". In the new era, China's biggest national condition is to support the leadership of the Communist Party and adhere to the socialist system, so the Chinese religious community should To unite a consensus that patriotism is to firmly love the Party and socialism!

Take history as a mirror and face the future. By studying the history of the Party, the history of New China, the history of reform and opening up, and the history of socialist development, Chinese religious circles can fully understand why red stars shine in China. The modern history of China since the Opium War in 1840 shows that although forces from all walks of life have made great efforts to save the nation from extinction, only the Communist Party of China, representing the interests of the overwhelming majority of the Chinese people, has led the people of all ethnic groups throughout the country to overcome numerous hardships and dangers, and won the great victory of the socialist revolution and construction, reform and opening up, and socialist modernization.

Especially since the 18th National Congress of the CPC, the CPC Central Committee with General Secretary Xi Jinping at the core has led the whole Party and the people of all ethnic groups to forge ahead and promote the cause of the Party and the country to achieve historic achievements and historic changes. How many heroes bathe in blood, how many people sing and cry! This heroic epic of the Chinese nation is always worth remembering and drawing wisdom and strength from it.

General Secretary Xi once said affectionately, "The people's aspiration for a better life is our goal." The Communist Party of China is a political party that works for the interests of the overwhelming majority of the Chinese people. Socialism is a system that works for the happiness of the overwhelming majority of the Chinese people. This is the right path that has been tested under the torrent of history. The goal of a century old political party is also the lofty mission of China's major religions.

Thanks to many ways, if the Chinese religious community wants to keep pace with the progress of contemporary China, it must always work with one heart and one mind under the strong leadership of the Party, support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, support the socialist system, and adhere to the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The Chinese religious community should consciously become a bridge and link between the Party and the government and the vast number of believers, guide believers to love the motherland and the people, safeguard the reunification of the motherland, safeguard the great unity of the Chinese nation, and serve the highest interests of the country and the overall interests of the Chinese nation.

2. The second foothold of "Sinicization of Religion" is to clarify the "Chinese attribute" of religion

China's Constitution and laws stipulate that China's religion must adhere to the principle of independence and autonomy, and not be dominated by foreign forces.

Religion cannot exist without society. The development of religion is closely related to the development stage of the society, human environment and natural conditions. Whether religion can adapt to the current society determines whether it can be inherited and continued for a long time. If Chinese religions forget where they are, all follow foreign religions, copy foreign teaching models, take foreign values as the standard, and even are willing to accept the instructions and domination of foreign forces, they will conflict with their own society and culture, go against the common will of people of all ethnic groups, including religious believers, and have no future.

Foreign hostile forces and extremist forces use religion to infiltrate and destroy our country, which is to cultivate the strength of confrontation with the party and the government in our country, and lead our religion in a direction that deviates from the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, so as to realize their political plans to confuse China, deter China, and subvert China. China's religious circles should consciously and actively safeguard national interests and China's right to religious autonomy, resist interference and infiltration by foreign forces using religion, and conduct religious exchanges with foreign countries on the basis of independence, equality, friendship, and mutual respect.

Adhering to the orientation of Sinicization of Chinese religions is to promote Chinese religions to always maintain the correct political orientation, share a common destiny with the motherland and the people, prevent all phenomena of "de Sinicization" and "anti Sinicization", defuse major risks, adhere to their own path, and realize their own values on the Chinese road.

3. The third foothold of "religion in China" is to comprehensively improve the level of religious legalization

China's basic national policy is to rule the country by law. The government's principle of managing religious affairs according to law is to protect legality, stop illegality, contain extremism, resist infiltration and crack down on crime.

General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that we must adhere to the separation of church and state, adhere to the principle that religion should not interfere in the implementation of administrative, judicial, educational and other national functions, and adhere to the government's management of religious affairs involving national interests and social and public interests according to law. We should improve the level of legalization of religious work, use laws to regulate the government's behavior in managing religious affairs, and use laws to regulate various social relations involving religion. We should protect the legitimate rights and interests of religious believers, carry out in-depth publicity and education on the rule of law, educate and guide religious believers to correctly understand and handle the relationship between national laws and religious rules, and improve their sense of the rule of law.

The religious circles in China, whether they are teaching staff or believers, are first citizens of the country, and then can be defined as believers who believe in a certain religion. There is no person outside the law, no place outside the law, and no religion outside the law. All religious organizations should abide by national laws and regulations, consciously accept the country's management according to law, grasp historical consciousness and historical initiative, introduce modern management concepts and management methods, and establish a management system and mechanism that integrates management according to law, democratic teaching, and social supervision.

To promote the "localization of religion in China", the Chinese religious community should carry out in-depth socialist rule of law education. It is necessary to establish a universal understanding that the country is more important than religion, the national law is more important than religious rules, and the believers are citizens first, and cultivate a good trend of respecting the law, abiding by the law and using it. Religious people and religious believers should first fulfill their civic obligations and social responsibilities as citizens of the country, consciously carry out religious activities within the scope of laws and regulations, resolutely resist cults, and resolutely resist intra religious cults in the guise of legitimate religion.

4. The fourth foothold of "Sinicization of Religion" is the integration of religious doctrines and Chinese culture

The Chinese nation has a splendid culture of five thousand years. Among the existing religions in China, Buddhism, Islam, Catholicism and Christianity were introduced from abroad in history, except Taoism was born in China. The sinicization of religion is in essence the fruitful result of civilization exchanges and mutual learning. Looking at the history of Chinese religion, it is a history of basing itself on the land of China, integrating Chinese civilization, and constantly exploring to adapt to Chinese society and culture. Chinese religious culture has become a part of Chinese culture.

At the moment, General Secretary Xi stressed that we should use socialist core values to guide and educate religious circles and believers, carry forward the fine traditions of the Chinese nation, guide religious believers with the concepts of unity, progress, peace and tolerance, and support all religions in maintaining basic beliefs, core doctrines, etiquette systems, while deeply digging into the doctrines and rules that are conducive to social harmony The content of the progress of the times, health and civilization explains the canon and doctrine in line with the requirements of the development and progress of contemporary China and the excellent traditional Chinese culture.

The interpretation of Chinese religion to the doctrine should use Chinese language and Chinese expression, and have the understanding and thinking of integrating with Chinese culture from the external form to the spiritual connotation. Taking Buddhism as an example, the three major approaches to the sinicization of Buddhism in history are concept identification, system adaptation and life integration. Since the Emperor Ming of the Eastern Han Dynasty invited Buddhism to be officially introduced into China, Buddhist classics have been translated by both Buddhist monks and pilgrims to China. The content of the classics has been translated by the National Sutra Translation Center, forming today's circulating version.

In addition, it has gradually formed a Chinese temperament in terms of doctrine and rules, management system, etiquette and customs, and code of conduct, and embodies the Chinese style in terms of architecture, clothing, music, sculpture, painting, and decoration. For example, the Avalokitesvara has evolved from a man to a woman; Chinese Buddhism identifies with Chinese cultural concepts at the belief level, adapts to the requirements of the ritual system, and thus creates religious rituals such as confession; The integration of Confucianism and Taoism at the ideological level, through the interpretation of Buddhist schools in the Southern and Northern Dynasties, formed the Sui and Tang sects of Buddhism; At the institutional level, it adapts to the Confucian ethics and ritual norms, and forms the jungle rules through the interpretation and promotion of the four part law school and the creative transformation of Zen; At the level of life, the monks formed the practice method and temple economy with Chinese characteristics through practice and practice such as paying equal attention to agriculture and Zen, and began to eat vegetarian from the time of Emperor Wu of Liang Dynasty in the diet system.

The socialist core values are the concentrated embodiment of the mainstream values in the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and have many similarities, similarities and agreements with the religious doctrines and rules. Cultivating and practicing the socialist core values in the religious circles throughout the country will help promote the mutual promotion of religious morality and traditional Chinese virtues. It not only conforms to the national value goals, social value orientations and civic values, but also forms a moral trend of being a country at home, cultivating morality and self-discipline, advocating morality and kindness, and being courteous and tolerant.


Be more confident and self-conscious

Implement the localization of religion in China

Socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, and major social contradictions have undergone a historic transformation, which puts forward new and higher requirements for our religion. The inheritance and development of religion in contemporary China, in order to achieve the same frequency resonance with the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, must constantly strengthen confidence in the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, theoretical confidence, institutional confidence, cultural confidence, must constantly strengthen the religious community's theoretical consciousness, ideological consciousness and action consciousness to adhere to the direction of sinicization, and achieve more conscious political identity It is more conscious to integrate into Chinese culture and adapt to social development.

1. To enhance political identity, we must consciously accept the leadership of the Party and the government. Hold high the banner of patriotism and love of religion, take Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era as the guide, fully implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, fully implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important statement on religious work, fully implement the basic principles of the Party's religious work, comprehensively implement the major decisions and arrangements of the Central Committee of the Party on religious work, and deepen political recognition of the Party and the country Ideological identity and emotional identity always share the same mind and morality, the same goal and the same action with the Party. To ensure that the promotion of the sinicization of religions always follows the correct political direction.

2. To be more conscious in integrating into Chinese culture, we must adhere to the core socialist values as the guide. We should base ourselves on religion, carry forward fine traditions, integrate into the spirit of the times, reflect Chinese characteristics, and serve the contemporary society. We should give better play to the positive role of religion in purifying people's minds, cultivating morality, enlightening wisdom, inheriting culture, improving life, and serving the society. We should oppose religious fanaticism and extreme ideas.

3. To adapt to social development more consciously, we must focus on giving play to the initiative of the religious community and actively fulfilling social responsibilities. Consciously comply with the requirements of social development, firmly establish national awareness, civic awareness, legal awareness and the concept of the rule of law, safeguard the authority of the Constitution and laws, observe and maintain social morality, public order and good customs, and carry out religious activities within the scope of laws and regulations. We will resolutely resist illegal religious activities, safeguard national unity, social stability, and safeguard the reunification and national security of the motherland. Fulfill social responsibilities, actively serve the society, actively participate in public welfare and charity activities, devote to socialist modernization, and make contributions to promoting economic and social development.

4. Adhere to strengthening the self construction of religious groups, especially building a religious education system with Chinese characteristics in the new era. Self construction is the basis for the healthy inheritance and development of religion, the basis for religion to play a positive role, and the basis for religion to adapt to the socialist society. China's religious circles should strive to build a high-quality leading group that is politically credible, democratic in style and efficient in work. We should adhere to the standards of being politically reliable, having religious attainments, being morally persuasive and functioning at critical times, and do a good job in building the talent team.

5. Strengthen the exchange and learning among major religions, and deeply grasp the historical experience and objective laws of the localization of religions in China. To study, grasp and follow the objective laws of the localization of religions in China is an inevitable requirement to ensure the localization of religions in China. We should deeply summarize and earnestly learn from the historical experience of the localization of religions in China, summarize the new practices, new achievements and good experiences of religious circles around the country in adhering to the localization of religions in China in the new era through investigation, research, experience exchange, etc., combine theoretical research with practical exploration, and constantly study, summarize, grasp and follow the universal law of adhering to the localization of religions in China in the new era, Consciously resist the wrong tendency of secularizing, vulgarizing and commercializing religion, avoid wrong practices and tendencies such as pulling out the seedlings, formalism and subjectivism, and ensure continuous success in adhering to the direction of sinicization of religion.

In short, adhering to the orientation of Chinese religion, Chinese religious circles should internalize the consensus of loving the party, patriotism and socialism into spiritual pursuit and externalize it into conscious action, closely unite around the Party Central Committee with General Secretary Xi as the core, link Chinese religion with the future of the country, national destiny and people's aspirations, grasp the historical process and the trend of the times, identify with the great motherland We identify with the Chinese nation, Chinese culture, and the Communist Party of China. We are committed to reform, opening up, and socialist modernization, and contribute to the realization of the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. (Author: Master Guangxing, Master of China Buddhist Academy, Abbot of Guanyin Temple in Yunxi County, Shiyan City, Doctor)

Editor: Guo You Editor in charge: Zhang Miao