The overall brand of the original China Pu'er Tea Website has been upgraded and renamed as "Tea Friend Website"

2023 Chinese tea, Chinese tea, thousand liang tea, black tea 36250g

  • manufactor China Tea Hunan Anhua No.1 Tea Factory Co., Ltd
  • Specifications 36250g/piece, 6 pieces/box
  • Net weight 36250g
  • particular year two thousand and twenty-three
  • raw material Tea
  • standard --
  • quality guarantee period Suitable for long-term storage
Tea friend rating
Score for less than 50 people

Introduction to Centennial Wood Warehouse

 Centennial Wood Warehouse

Centennial Wood Warehouse

The "Centennial Wood Warehouse" of Chinese tea was built in 1902. It is made of pine wood. The wood has poor thermal conductivity and good air permeability. The tea warehouse is stable at 18 ℃ to 25 ℃ all the year round, and the oxygen flow is sufficient; At the same time, a three storey full overhead building structure is adopted, and the humidity in the 4m high core tea warehouse is maintained between 60% and 70%; What is more rare is that after 115 years of uninterrupted use, the colony environment has been

Product quotation

No quotation

Product Introduction

The production process of thousand liang tea is distinctive, complex, complicated, difficult, and highly scientific. It is the wisdom crystallization of ancient Chinese tea drinkers, and also the labor art of skillful integration of strength and skill.

A thousand taels of tea requires the cooperation of several strong "gang masters", who shout "thousand taels of tea chant" when stepping on it; The hinged bars are full of rigidity and momentum; Pulling strips and tightening baskets is like a yellow dragon rolling; The production chant is magnificent, rugged and powerful; The whole process relies on the tacit cooperation of "Gang Ye", without mechanical participation, and the scene is very spectacular and shocking.

This time-consuming and laborious ancient skill was included in the National Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection List in 2008, and now it has been passed on in a healthy way in Anhua.

Product review

Tea friend rating
Score for less than 50 people
  • 5-star 100%
  • 4-star 0%
  • 3-star 0%
  • 2-star 0%
  • 1 star 0%
Old Monster five

No change of money

Listen to the rain in the bamboo forest five

Pure taste, made with traditional techniques

Product evaluation

No evaluation

Product information

 In 2023, thousands of taels of tea and hundred taels of tea will be introduced, and Anhua Huajuan Tea will be thoroughly explained in one article

In 2023, thousands of taels of tea and hundred taels of tea will be introduced, and Anhua Huajuan Tea will be thoroughly explained in one article

1. Thousand liang tea - legendary black tea of Shanggong Imperial Court Thousand liang tea is a classic category in Anhua black tea category, with a long history, profound connotation and history

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