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Release 98 rumor videos! An online blogger is caught! Published by the police

Source: CCTV News Client Time: 2024-05-27

CCTV news

Jiangxi Yingtan police recently released a typical case of online rumors. An online blogger in Yingtan used his mobile phone to take pictures of police cars, police stations, etc., and then added words and voiceovers. These contents were said to be "My classmate actually sat in the police car", "The school bully unexpectedly bumped the police uncle", etc. First, let's watch one of the videos ↓↓↓↓

   Campus bullying?

The video said that "school bully" was pulled into the police station by the police

This video is one of a series of videos that have been playing on a certain network platform since last year. The video mentioned that the student of the online blogger in Yingtan was dragged into the police station by the police. Why? Because he is a school bully. The combination of keywords such as classmates, school bully and police can easily remind people of "campus bullying", a topic of high social concern. Once these videos were spread, they quickly attracted attention, with 28 million videos played and 220000 likes forwarded and collected. Did "campus bullying" really happen in Yingtan?

In February this year, the police of the Cybersecurity Brigade of Yuehu Branch of Jiangxi Yingtan Public Security Bureau found in their work that someone on the network continued to release rumors about the local public security organs. The video showed police cars, police stations, Nanchang Economic Development Zone police stations and other public security signs in Yingtan District. After the video was edited by the online blogger, a series of titles and text contents were added, including: "The Deputy Director released the school bully of the city people" and "The school bully of the city people knocked the police uncle away".

   Lu Jiajun, a police officer of Yuehu Branch of Yingtan Public Security Bureau After investigation, we found that the police situation was untrue, and then found that he had released many similar related police related videos.

After investigation, the police found that the publisher of the video was Yang, a local online blogger. On February 22, Yang was captured by the police. According to the police, Yang is a student in a local vocational school, who is under 18 years old. Before May 2023, the content of his online account will mainly focus on campus life, and the broadcast volume will be small. Since May 2023, he has created a "script" based on the relevant elements of the public security organs, and released 98 series of rumors about police on multiple online platforms. Not only has the broadcast volume soared, but also the number of fans soared.

   Fabricate false police related videos for powder suction and drainage

Causing adverse effects

Why did Yang use the public security organs as the background to spread rumors in the video? Is what he mentioned in the video true? Come to see the police investigation ↓↓↓

According to the investigation and verification of the Yingtan police, the video of online blogger Yang mentioned that "the classmate was caught by the police" and "the deputy director released the school bully", all of which were fabricated and false.

   Lu Jiajun, a police officer of Yuehu Branch of Yingtan Public Security Bureau He fabricated some false information or rumors for the purpose of attracting eyeballs, rubbing traffic, and increasing fans, which would have some adverse effects on the relevant parties. These adverse effects are difficult to remove.

According to the police, through the release of a series of police related rumor videos, Yang not only received a large number of fans' attention, likes and comments, some of which even reached millions of broadcast volume of rumor videos, Yang also received promotional advertisements. After screening the relevant video content and collecting evidence, the Yingtan police arrested Yang on February 22.

Lu Jiajun, a police officer of Yuehu Branch of Yingtan Public Security Bureau Yang is suspected of fabricating and deliberately spreading false information. At present, we have taken criminal coercive measures against him, and the specific case is still under further investigation.

   Restore the Internet blogger's rumor making routine

In order to attract the attention of the traffic, the Internet blogger Yang intentionally took some pictures related to the public security organs, and made up and fabricated online rumors related to the police on this background, and then released them to the online platform.

According to the reporter's analysis, the rumor making routine of Jiangxi Yingtan, an online blogger, can be roughly divided into the following parts:

First, the blogger first drew up the relevant video background with the public security organ as the theme, because such content has high social attention and is easy to attract traffic;

The second step is to add "police car", "police station" and other images in the series of videos to increase the reality of the so-called "on the spot";

The third step is to write a rumor script, pretend to be a person who has experienced an event on the scene, introduce the progress of the so-called "event" through a series of videos, and attach attractive text content and voice over.

In this online rumor case, the blogger spread the fabricated false facts to the online platform in order to attract fans and drain them, and even to make profits, which had a bad impact on the local public security organs.

What are the rumors in the near future?

In addition to the rumor case disclosed above, what other online bloggers have fabricated false rumors to earn traffic recently? Uncover the truth and smash the rumors together ↓↓↓

1. Fabricate the rumor of "being sheltered into the national tax system"

Recently, Shi, a man from Taiyuan, Shanxi, published a large number of "insulting" remarks on the social platform, and claimed to be sheltered by his father's generation. Recently, he will join the national tax system.

After receiving the tip off, the Wanbailin Branch of Taiyuan Public Security Bureau subpoenaed and reviewed the sender Shi according to law. After investigation and verification, Shi is a eye-catching person who incites netizens to antagonism and deliberately fabricates and spreads rumors of "being sheltered into the national tax system". His words and deeds have caused bad social impact and have been suspected of crime. At present, Shi has been held in criminal detention according to law, and the case is under further investigation.

   2. Henan wheat yield exceeds 2500 kg per unit area? rumor

On May 21, the online blogger "Big Times Story" published an article saying, "Amazing! Henan's wheat yield exceeded 2500 kg, and food security secrets were exposed". Multiple accounts on the network platform forward and comment on relevant information.

Subsequently, the Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Henan Province refuted the rumor, and the average yield of wheat in Henan Province was 447.3 kg/mu. Individual high-yield experimental fields and high-yield key wheat fields have a unit yield of more than 900 kg/mu, but have not broken the record of 1000 kg/mu, and high-yield fields are achieved under extremely strict growth conditions. Generally, it is extremely difficult to achieve the corresponding yield in the field. Relevant information transmitted online is untrue.

3. Is there a fierce gunfight between the police and the cash truck? AI rumor making

On May 18, on an online platform, an article entitled "A thrilling" money war "caused a sensation in the confrontation between the police and the people in Bazhong, who will become the winner" attracted attention.

After verification by Bazhong police, the truth of the incident was about 9:00 a.m. on April 30. In Bazhong, Sichuan, a cash truck stopped at the bus stop sign, and the traffic police asked the cash truck to leave after finding it. After learning about the relevant pictures on the Internet, the online blogger Shang Mou used "AI" software to generate relevant false information without verification in order to attract eyeballs, obtain traffic and benefits, and released it on the network platform, misleading netizens and causing social panic. After the incident, the public security organs in Sichuan and Henan cooperated to quickly capture the person involved in the case. According to the Law of the People's Republic of China on Administrative Penalties for Public Security, the police in Bazhong imposed administrative penalties on Shang according to law.

Editor in charge: Zhou Wenjing