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High incidence recently! No vaccine! How to prevent this infectious disease?

Source: WeChat official account of "National Emergency Broadcasting" Time: 2024-05-24

National emergency broadcasting


Beijing Disease Control, Guangdong Disease Control

Release important reminders successively

Children at home should pay attention to prevention


Children's susceptibility

It can be spread by coughing and sneezing

Scarlet fever is an acute respiratory infectious disease caused by Group A beta hemolytic streptococcal infection, which can cause upper respiratory tract infections such as tonsillitis and angina in children. Its complications include rheumatic fever and acute glomerulonephritis, which will seriously harm the health of young people. It is a legal Class B infectious disease in China.

   Susceptible population and high incidence season

Scarlet fever occurs most frequently in kindergartens and school-age children, and boys are relatively common. It can occur in all seasons of the year. The peak in spring and summer is from May to June, and the peak in winter is from November to January of the next year.

   Route of transmission

The sources of infection of scarlet fever are patients, recessive infections and recovery carriers.

1. Spray transmission

The main route of transmission is droplet transmission, such as coughing, sneezing and other behaviors.

2. Contact and communication

Accidental contact with equipment contaminated by bacteria can also cause infection.


The early symptoms of scarlatina are atypical, mainly fever and sore throat, which may occur after 1-3 days of fever:

1. Rash

The child began to develop rash within 24 hours after fever, which spread from behind the ears and neck to the trunk and limbs.

The typical rash is evenly distributed on the skin, with discoloration and itching, and the skin will desquamate when it subsides. "Paasche line" may appear at the skin fold.


Paasche line

2. Strawberry tongue and bayberry tongue

The child's tongue will look like strawberry or bayberry. The tonsils may become inflamed, congested, or purulent.

Strawberry tongue

Myrica rubra tongue

3. Pale mouth

The child's face is congested, but the lip is not so obvious, and there seems to be a white circle around the lip.

In addition, scarlet fever may cause damage to the heart, kidneys and joints.

Source: Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention

How to prevent scarlet fever?

at present

There is no vaccine to prevent scarlet fever

But we still need to take active preventive measures

Strengthen health awareness

Parents should educate their children to develop good hygiene habits, and wash their hands carefully after coughing, sneezing, before eating, and after going home.

   Managing infectious agents

If the child is diagnosed with scarlet fever, he should avoid going to school and seek medical treatment in time. The utensils contaminated by patients can be boiled for disinfection. Furniture and desks should be wiped and disinfected with disinfectant. Items that cannot be cleaned can be exposed to the sun for 1-2 hours outdoors.

   Cut off transmission routes

In the period of high incidence of scarlet fever, try to reduce taking children to places with dense crowds and poor ventilation, such as wearing masks.

   Improve children's immunity

Improve children's immunity through proper outdoor exercise, balanced diet and adequate sleep.

The difference between scarlatina and hand foot mouth disease


Fever and rash may occur.


Hand foot mouth disease is mainly caused by enteroviruses, such as enterovirus 71, coxsackie virus A16, etc. It is transmitted by mouth, respiratory secretions and feces.

Hand, foot and mouth disease is characterized by fever, oral herpes, hand and foot rash, etc., without "strawberry tongue", "pale circles around the mouth" and other symptoms.


Scarlet fever and hand foot mouth disease have entered a high incidence period

Once parents find out

The child has fever, sore throat, rash and other symptoms

Get medical treatment as soon as possible

To prevent complications

Editor in charge: Zhou Wenjing