Pinghe English Village  >  Learning in peace  >  The story of peace

Characters | 68 year old military grandfather learns English at zero level

Time: 2023-11-23 13:53:42 Source: Author: May


Person in this issue: Jack Bi

School: Renmin University of China Law/Peking University EMBA/Central Party School Economic Management

Served as: Deputy Director of Legal Affairs Office of the Standing Committee of Qingdao Municipal People's Congress/Deputy Secretary General of Qingdao Local Legislative Research Association

Learning course: Ping He English adult full-time course

Learning level: zero basic class - elementary class Level 1 - Level 3


Hello, everyone. My name is Bi Keping. My English name is Jack. I'm 68 years old this year. Today, after many years of retirement, I became a student learning English from scratch.


 Became a student learning English from scratch


Struggle · Joining the Army

I grew up in Qingdao, a coastal city in the north of China. At that time, the college entrance examination had not yet resumed. We were faced with two completely different choices: one was to respond to the call of the country, go to the countryside and get re education in the countryside; Another option is to join the army.


 join the army and enter the service


I chose the latter and embarked on the military journey: from an ordinary soldier, to platoon leader, deputy company commander, staff officer, deputy captain (deputy battalion level), section chief (deputy regiment level, lieutenant colonel), and to the head of the district people's armed forces department (regiment level, colonel), I have twice won third class honors.


In 2000, I transferred to work in the Standing Committee of Qingdao Municipal People's Congress and became a legal worker, gradually demonstrating my ability and responsibility in my daily work.


 Work of the Standing Committee of Qingdao Municipal People's Congress


I was changed from a leader of the Communist Youth League to a director, and later moved to a leading position. Although I was not a big official, my development was relatively stable. On the whole, life is relatively smooth, there are no ups and downs, and the family is also happy. Thank you very much for your wife's contribution to the family.


 Go to leadership position


Home Visiting · Difficulties


The ancients said: a journey of a thousand miles is a journey of small steps; A ship of ten thousand miles is a compass. Now I have a deeper understanding: if English is not good, it will be difficult to go abroad and face many obstacles and difficulties.


Several years ago, my daughter graduated from Melbourne University and developed there. As parents, we were full of concern for her life, so we went to Australia to visit her.


Our English communication ability is almost zero. When I passed the customs, I was delayed in entry because I could not answer English questions, and I felt extremely confused and frustrated


At that moment, I realized that if I want to go abroad smoothly, communicate with my family and make new friends, I must learn English well.


68 years old, starting from scratch


In order to achieve my goal, I enrolled in the English class of Qingdao University for the Elderly and spent a lot of time and effort, but the results were not satisfactory... I knew I needed to find a more efficient and practical learning method.


Recommended by friends, I learned about Zhuhai Pinghe English Village , this school Full time immersion English It is famous for its learning mode and zero foundation teaching. I have a strong interest in this. After in-depth understanding, I signed up for the Pinghe full-time immersion course. After the written examination and interview for admission, I was assigned to the zero foundation class.



 Teacher Harry and I
Teacher Harry and I


Why did you travel from Qingdao to Zhuhai to study in Pinghe? There are many reasons: First, I like the pure English environment here. Living here, I can eliminate interference and devote myself to English learning; Secondly, there are many foreign teachers here who can communicate with them as long as they have time; Moreover, the zero basic course of Pinghe English Village starts from the simplest letters and pronunciation, which is very safe for beginners.


Beginner's Guide


My first head teacher is Mr. Harry. His teaching method, attitude and personality have left a deep impression on me.


 Group photo of zero foundation class
Group photo of zero foundation class


Teacher Harry often guides me to express myself, which makes me deeply feel that English is used. If I learn it without using it, English will disappear in my stomach.


 English is used


I am the oldest in my class, but I enjoy it very much. I learned vivid and interesting expressions from Mr. Harry. So far, we still enjoy talking about it and miss the simple and pure happiness.


 Miss that simple and pure happiness


Later, when I was upgraded to the junior class, teacher Winnie, the head teacher, could play guitar and sing English songs. In her class, we have a lot of conversation practice. Winnie is very patient and methodical, so I can gradually tell things in life in short sentences.


            · Jack's homework is always clean and tidy.

            · He always asked questions after class.

            · He did a pretty good job in the test - 19 out of 25.

            · Full of life, great sense of humor, contagious smile.

(The homework is neat, often asks questions after class, and the exam result is excellent: 25 questions are right and 19 questions are right. It is full of vitality, a sense of humor, and a very infectious smile.)

Teacher Winnie's term comment on Jack


After class, the school will arrange a variety of English activities for us to participate in, such as Let's talk English corner, foreign culture lectures, foreign trade theme salons, IELTS sharing sessions, stage performances... I can learn a lot of new knowledge and ideas from young students. These make me feel young and have endless possibilities.


I cherish all this, never being late or leaving early. As long as the knowledge learned can be applied to life, my goal will be achieved.


At the same time, I met many enthusiastic and friendly foreign teachers and students. My good friend in Pinghe is Yong Yin, 47 years old this year, who maintains a modest, curious, and eager to learn. We are often the performance partners of Morning Show, encouraging each other and growing together.


I can feel the change of Yong from the side. He is a very hard worker, constantly polishing his English and pursuing progress. He will often share his learning experience with me, which makes me feel his trust and support.


 Yong, my learning partner and I
Yong, my learning partner and I


Evaluate and plan for the future


At the end of the junior class, I achieved a great breakthrough in my English ability. From being ignorant of English at first to being able to understand daily English conversation, he was able to express the complete content independently and even share it on the stage in front of everyone. This change is not only in spoken language, but also in the use of language after understanding.


Once when I made a video call with my daughter, I communicated with her in English. Hearing me speak English so naturally, my daughter's face was filled with surprise and joy. She said, "Dad, your English has really improved a lot!" She agreed with me to take me to experience more local culture and activities when we meet in Australia next time.


 Planning for the future


Finally, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to all the teaching staff and students of Pinghe English School for your company, which has enriched and warmed my learning.


Every encouraging words, every patient answer, and every sincere smile make me deeply feel that I am not alone, but that I have many partners to go with me.


 Feeling full and warm on the way to study


This journey not only improved my English ability, but also made me gain friendship, understanding and support. The process is like unlocking unknown doors, allowing me to stand on my own and see a broader world.


leave At the beginning of the class, only day