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Dr. Chen Ruohao from Columbia University shares | Lifelong learning and self breakthrough

Time: 2023-08-24 11:00:55 Source: Pinghe English Village Author: Elena

           In late August, Dr. Lancer Chen Ruohao of Columbia Institute of Education came Pinghe English Village To bring a wonderful sharing with the theme of "lifelong learning" to the students, and the scene was full. Want to listen to Dr. Chen's experience and wisdom? Follow the steps of Xiao Bian to have a look!


First of all, Dr. Chen told us that life is like a marathon,

Not the lead at the start, It lies in the persistence on the way and ultimately surpassing yourself.

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Here you are Dr. Cheng Lancer Send beautiful flowers and take a group photo

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Then Dr. Cheng talked about the concept of lifelong growth,

I hope my sharing can give you some inspiration, Constantly break through oneself

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Dr. Cheng talked about his experience in studying and doctoral studies,

When I was teaching in Guangzhou Zhixin Middle School as a junior, I taught while preparing for the TOEFL test,

In order to achieve the goal of going to Columbia University for a doctoral degree,

The song played every morning is to walk to New York to encourage myself to pursue my dream.

We all have the opportunity to study abroad and realize our dreams.

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When Dr. Chen went to Columbia University to study for a doctoral degree,

Work study program, worked as a courier, worked very hard, but the salary was not high.

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We should not only work hard, but also Pay attention to skills and strategies,

Frequently review and reflect, and constantly adjust.

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Dr. Cheng also shared the definition of growth thinking and its difference from fixed thinking,

Growth thinking believes that we can achieve success by cultivating our ability,

Have a positive attitude towards things,

We all need to cultivate growth thinking.

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Dr. Chen finally shared his learning methods,

Use the 4S method to analyze the difficulties and solutions.

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The students on the scene listened attentively to Dr. Chen's wonderful sharing

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The students raised their hands to speak and expressed their opinions confidently~

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Finally, we take a group photo of Meimei~

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After Dr. Chen's wonderful sharing, we should constantly break through ourselves,

Lifelong learning, each of us has unlimited possibilities!

This is the end of Dr. Chen's sharing,

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