How do photographers complete difficult shooting

How do photographers complete difficult shooting

The World Formula One Championship (F1) represents the peak of human science and technology, complex industrial design and extreme mechanical performance. The race is full of speed and passion. The car is speeding on the track, and the photographer must keep his attention focused to capture those fleeting moments.

α9 III,FE 100-400mm F4.5-5.6 GM OSS,f/9,1/60s,ISO 200。 Photographed by He Changshan

F1 has a fast pace of competition, and emergencies may occur at any time. A turn or acceleration may become a critical moment to decide the outcome. This tense and exciting atmosphere puts forward high requirements for the photographer's reaction speed and shooting skills. Photographers should not only have excellent photography skills, but also have a deep understanding of all aspects of F1 racing. They also need extremely fast reaction speed and high adaptability. Of course, high-performance shooting equipment is also indispensable.

α9 III,FE 400mm F2.8 GM OSS,f/16,1/100s,ISO 100。 Photographed by Xia Yifang

In 2024, the Chinese Grand Prix of the World Formula One Championship (F1) will celebrate its 20th anniversary. We invited two professional photographers who took part in the on-site shooting to talk about how they completed the difficult task of shooting the exciting F1 car.

Q: What preparations have been made to shoot F1?

He Changshan: It is not easy to shoot a match with speed and passion, and the preparatory work is crucial. It is necessary to prepare shooting equipment, get familiar with the competition site, select the best photography point, master the competition process and grasp the drivers and the hot spots of the competition.

Before the start of the race, my colleagues and I will carefully observe the surrounding environment in all parts of the stadium, especially the side of the track. According to the competition process, we find the right shooting location to comprehensively capture all aspects of the competition. Through these observations, combined with past experience, some interesting and wonderful picture compositions will be conceived to fully present the charm and exciting scenes of the F1 race. ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍

α9 III,FE 100-400mm F4.5-5.6 GM OSS,f/5.6,1/1250s,ISO 500。 Photographed by He Changshan

Xia Yifang: Because I used the new Sony micro single camera α 9 III for this shooting, in addition to mastering enough information about the game, I will also be familiar with the operation of the α 9 III before the game, and set some custom keys of the camera to their usual mode to ensure that the shooting can be completed quickly and accurately. ‍‍‍‍‍‍

α9 III,FE 24-70mm F2.8 GM II,f/22,1/60s,ISO 125。 Photographed by Xia Yifang

Q: What equipment will be used for this shooting?

He Changshan: In the shooting of this competition, I used Sony's α 1 and α 9 III fuselage, together with FE 24-70mm F2.8 GM II and FE 100-400mm F4.5-5.6 GM OSS lens. Sony's lightweight design of fuselage and lens is conducive to reducing the weight of photographers.

α9 III,FE 100-400mm F4.5-5.6 GM OSS,f/9,1/60s,ISO 200。 Photographed by He Changshan

Xia Yifang: The camera I mainly use is Sony α 9 III, and the lens includes FE 24-70mm F2.8 GM II and FE 70-200mm F2.8 OSS II FE 100-400mm F4.5-5.6 GM OSS、FE 400mm F2.8 OSS。

α9 III,FE 400mm F2.8 GM OSS,f/2.8,1/4000s,ISO 500。 Photographed by Xia Yifang

Q: What challenges did you encounter during shooting? ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍

He Changshan: The single lap length of the Shanghai International Circuit is about 5.5 kilometers, with a maximum vertical drop of 12 meters. This is undoubtedly a big challenge for photographers who need to carry a lot of shooting equipment. Therefore, the portability of equipment is crucial, which not only helps photographers to flexibly cope with the complex terrain of the track, quickly transfer and cover more shooting points.

During the event, the weather was cloudy and rainy, and the light conditions were not very ideal, but Sony α 9 III's high sense performance could still ensure excellent picture quality. Even in the dim light, the movement and details of the racing car can be captured truthfully, and the quality of the picture is outstanding.

α9 III,FE 100-400mm F4.5-5.6 GM OSS,f/9,1/60s,ISO 200。 Photographed by He Changshan

Xia Yifang: With the high-speed movement of the F1 car and the complex and changeable track environment, every moment of the F1 race is full of unpredictability, which is a big challenge for shooting. Sony α 9 III can quickly lock and track the main body, ensuring clear capture of high-speed racing cars. This is very important for photographers. Only fast and accurate focusing can not miss any wonderful moment.

Long time shooting is also a great test for the physical strength of photographers. I was also deeply impressed by the operation of α 9 III. The design of the camera takes into account the user's comfort and intuitive operation requirements, so that I do not feel tired even if I use it for a long time. The layout of buttons and dials is just right, so I can quickly adjust the settings in fast-paced events.

α9 III,FE 24-70mm F2.8 GM II,f/22,1/50s,ISO 250。 Photographed by Xia Yifang

Q: How do you feel about shooting F1?

He Changshan: F1 racing represents high technology, and the technology of photographic equipment is also developing. This time I used this equipment to shoot the F1 race, and clearly felt the fast, accurate and powerful focusing system. The Hi+continuous shooting mode of Sony α 9 III is amazing. The continuous shooting speed is up to 120 pieces/second, and it performs well with the support of the global shutter function. High focusing efficiency, excellent picture quality and complete details preservation. These features enable us to easily cope with the high-speed shooting environment of F1, capture more exciting moments, and perfectly present the details of the game.

α9 III,FE 100-400mm F4.5-5.6 GM OSS,f/5.6,1/1000s,ISO 500。 Photographed by He Changshan

Xia Yifang: F1 is not only a test for racing drivers, but also a test for photographers and their equipment. In such an environment, the high performance of α 9 III really enables me to better meet the challenges. Its fast focusing, excellent picture quality and comfortable operating feel together enable me to maintain the best performance in the event shooting.

He Changshan
Editor and reporter of Xinhua News Agency Photography Department

Xia Yifang
Editor and reporter of Xinhua News Agency Photography Department

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