Canon is developing EOS R1, the first flagship model of EOS R system

Canon is developing EOS R1, the first flagship model of EOS R system

Canon today announced that it is currently developing a full frame special micro camera EOS R1. This camera will be the first flagship model of EOS R system with RF bayonet, and it is planned to be launched in 2024.

EOS R1 with RF24-70mm F2.8 L IS USM lens

EOS R1 is a special micro camera for professionals, which combines Canon's cutting-edge technology, and has strong performance and the high durability and reliability sought by flagship models. This camera will significantly improve the performance of photos and videos and meet the high requirements of front-line professionals in a wide range of fields, including sports events, news reports and video production.

This camera uses the newly developed DIGIC Accelerator acceleration processor, together with the existing DIGIC X digital image processor and the newly developed CMOS image sensor, to form a new image processing system, which can process a large amount of data at a high speed and provide a significant improvement in auto focus (AF) and other functions.

Canon closely combines the new image processing system with the deep learning technology to achieve high-speed and high-precision subject recognition. For example, after the tracking accuracy of the shooting subject has been improved, the shooting subject can be tracked continuously even if another athlete passes directly in front of the shooting subject when multiple athletes cross in the shooting of group sports events. In addition, the "action priority" function of auto focus can identify the action of the shooting subject by quickly analyzing its status. In sports events, when it is difficult to predict what will happen next, this function will automatically take the player who is completing a certain action as the shooting subject, such as the player who shoots, and immediately switch the auto focus box to help capture the decisive moment in the game.

The combination of new image processing system and deep learning technology will also help improve the image quality. Canon realized the image noise reduction function previously developed and applied by relying on computer software through the camera internal processing, and made contributions to user creation through further image quality.

Canon is promoting the field test of this camera. It will help photographers capture decisive and influential moments in future international sports events.

Looking forward to the future, Canon will continue to expand the attractive camera and RF lens lineup of EOS R system, so as to continue to meet the needs of users and make contributions to the development of photography and video culture.

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