The list of photographers shortlisted for the 2023 final of Hasu Masters has been announced, and a public vote has been opened

The list of photographers shortlisted for the 2023 final of Hasu Masters has been announced, and a public vote has been opened

As one of the world-famous professional photography awards, the Hasselblad Masters held every two years is committed to providing an excellent stage for outstanding photographers and photography lovers around the world.

The contest solicited contributions from January 14, 2023 to February 29, 2023, during which more than 28000 groups of more than 85000 submissions were received from photographers around the world, an increase of 33% over the previous one. There are six categories of entries in this competition, namely, scenery, architecture, portrait, street, art and youth projects//21. Hasu's internal jury selected the top 10 of each category from tens of thousands of photos, and a total of 60 groups of works entered the final.

From now on, the Hasu official website will open the public voting link, and the voting time will be from April 19 to June 1, 2024. At the same time, the professional jury composed of highly respected photographers, well-known editors, industry experts, curators and academic photography experts in the industry will also use the same star rating mechanism as the public jury to vote on the shortlisted works. After the professional jury votes, the winners of each of the six categories will be selected based on the results of the public jury, and the winners will be announced on June 26, 2024.

The winners of each category will not only win a 100 million pixel Hasselblad no reflection medium frame camera and two XCD series lenses, but also receive a 5000 euro creation fund. At the same time, Hasu will invite the winners to use Hasu cameras to complete their personal photography plans, collect their works and publish Hasu Master Album, so that more people can see the unique Hasu photography culture.

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