PhalApi (π framework) PHP open source interface framework

Long term maintenance by dogstar, open source community and Guochuang Technology

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Interface starts from simple!

Since 2015 - 2024

PhalApi is a lightweight PHP Open source interface Framework, dedicated to rapid development of interface services. It supports HTTP/SOAP/RPC and other protocols, and can be used to build interfaces/microservices/RESTful interfaces/Web Services. promise Free forever , which can be used for commercial purposes.

PhalApi 2. x source code download

2. x New Mainstream @ Github
PhalApi 2. x is a new version series, which will be updated continuously to give you a new development experience.
Ported from PhalApi 1. x, it mainly uses composer, follows PSR-4, and supports namespaces.
PhalApi 2. x supports PHP 5.3 and above, and supports PHP 7.

PhalApi 2. x One click installation

Composer installs PhalApi 2. x (manual download is supported)

$ composer create-project phalapi/phalapi

Use HTTP access interface (the root directory of the website is set to public)

Access interface homepage (recommended configuration domain name)

PhalApi 2. x developer ecosystem

2. x Online Experience
2. x Extended Recommendation (40+)
SDK package (9+)

API interface

JSON is returned by default, and the request interface service can be specified through the s parameter

Online interface document

Automatic generation of online interface documents for online testing

Pro Pro

API management platform tailored for enterprises

 Swallowing Monkey
Swallowing Monkey

Compress and upload pictures according to size, refer to TP graphics processing


Provide view rendering function


Based on PHP QRCode, two-dimensional code pictures can be generated

SDK package (JAVA version)

SDK package exclusive to PhalApi for Android client

SDK package (OC version)

AFNetworking based secondary encapsulation, provided by @ Aevit

SDK package (Golang version)

SDK package integration based on Golang language is provided by @ prettyyjnic

Thanks to the following open source community contributors (30+)
cooperative partner
Developed based on PhalApi, project (6000+), API quantity (8W+), daily interface request (10KW+)
"Thanks for developing such a good open source product, which is simple, easy to use, convenient for secondary development, and automatic generation of interface documents! When I transferred from the website to the app, I didn't know how to write interface documents, so I chose phalapi. Once I started, I couldn't stop. I have been using phalapi from 1.0 to 2.0!"
——Dog Tour Team April 23, 2023