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Easy language

Easy Language Chinese Version 5.95

 LOGO at the beginning of an easy language segment

Software size: 98.68MB

Application platform: WinAll

Software license: Free version

Software category: Programming development

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Updated: 2024-05-30

amount of downloads: ten thousand three hundred and ninety-seven

Software language: Simplified Chinese

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Easy language Chinese version is a Chinese visual programming language for programmers. The official version of Easy Language has lowered the threshold of programming for most computer users, especially those who do not know English at all or know little English, and can quickly enter the door of Windows programming by using this language. Yi Language also provides dozens of application support libraries, hundreds of data types and interface components, and nearly 10000 support commands for developers to use.

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Easy language software function

1、 All Chinese kernel

Yi language is not made from the existing programming tools. Compared with other foreign languages, the biggest difference of "Yi language" is that it has a thorough Chinese culture and owns all independent intellectual property rights from bottom to top. When programming, easy language users can write software in Chinese and Chinese without first understanding English and western grammar, or even western thinking mode. The truly fully compiled easy language has its own independent high-quality compiler. The source program is directly compiled into the CPU instructions of the target machine, without any speed bottlenecks and security risks.

2、 Cross system platform

Easy language can be programmed across platforms, and now supports both Windows and Linux program development. It no longer relies on specific operating systems, and provides application software development tools for the national promotion of Linux operating systems.

3、 Database application

The database is the core component for saving and managing data. In addition to supporting all large databases today, Easy Language also has a database system developed from the bottom with completely independent intellectual property rights and core technology. Now the database performance has been comparable to the Fox series databases that were once popular in China, And it is still in continuous improvement, laying the foundation for China to develop its own strong, safe and practical database.

4、 All Chinese input

Easy language has completely solved the problem of input speed, and the input speed of Chinese sentences is absolutely no less than that of English sentences. Easy language has a built-in special input method to facilitate users to input programs quickly, which completely solves the problem of slow Chinese sentence input.

5、 Visual programming

The general visual programming language only supports the visual design operation of graphical user interface. Easy language not only supports the visualization of interface design, but also supports the real-time visualization of program flow. Easy language users can see the running process and route of the current program in real time when writing the program, so as to help develop programming ideas and improve the ability to solve programming problems. For those who learn programming languages, flow charts are the best way to rationalize programming ideas and clarify logical relationships. Easy language can make the program flow "input and draw" convenient for users.

Easy Language Features

1. Full Chinese support, all independent intellectual property rights

2. Own compiler

3. Cross platform programming

4. It has its own database system and supports access to all existing databases.

5. Built in special input method, supporting fast input of Chinese sentences

6. Full visual programming

7. Support for Chinese localization

8. Multi language support

9. Can be developed in collaboration with other programming languages

10. Support the world's advanced programming technology

11. Friendly man-machine interface, integrated programming interface

12. Code is the uniform format of document and source program

13. Super strong program editor

14. Powerful multimedia function support

15. Perfect network, port communication and Internet function support

16. Support calling API underlying functions

17. Support standard external OCX components

18. Unlimited expansion of its functions by Yi language support library

19. Modular development

20. Powerful learning and help system

Easy language installation steps

1. Download the Yi language in the Huajun Software Park and unzip it to the current folder. Click the e511_chs.exe application to enter the installation wizard interface, and then click Next.


2. Select the software installation location interface. Huajun Xiaobian suggests users to install it in disk D. Select the installation location and click Next.


3. Easy language installation is complete, click Finish.


Easy Language Usage

1. Open the installed easy language software, click the "Program" button in the upper menu bar, and then open the "New" option in the drop-down menu.

 Easy language

2. In the project creation window, first select the project category to be created from the left, then select the corresponding project type on the right, and click OK. (Here we take "Windows window program" in "Windows blank program" as an example)

 Easy language

3. Click the "Button" option in the right component selection box.

 Easy language

4. Click and drag with the left mouse button to draw the area corresponding to the button in the created window. When the size reaches the appropriate standard, release the left mouse button.

 Easy language
 Easy language

5. Then double click the "Button" area with the left mouse button, and enter the "Information Box" statement at the bottom of the edit bar.

 Easy language

6. Click the "Information Box" column with the left mouse button, and click the "+" sign in front.

 Easy language

7. For example, we change the prompt information to "helloworld", the window title to "surprise", and the button and parent window do not need to be modified (note that the modified item needs to use double quotation marks). Then click the play button in the top toolbar as shown in the figure.

 Easy language

8. Then the simulation window made before will pop up. After we click the button in the middle with the mouse, the "Surprise" window set just now will pop up. Isn't it a surprise? Come and try it.

 Easy language

Easy Language FAQs

        1、 How can I send an email in Easy Chinese?

1. After creating a new project, click the "Tools" button in the top menu bar, and select the "Support Library Configuration" option in the drop-down menu.

2. In the support library selection window, click the "Select All" button below and confirm the modification.

3. Then create the recipient mailbox, the input window of the message body and the send button in the window.

4. Then double click the area in the window with the left mouse button to enter the code editing interface, and enter all the codes as shown in the figure, including the success and failure of the link server.

5. Then click the Run button, enter the email address and body content in the window, and click the "Send" button.

2、 How to simulate keys in the Chinese version of Easy Language?

1. To create a window, you must include functions such as taking the mouse position and setting the simulation coefficient.

2. Then double click the window with the left mouse button and input the codes below into the edit bar in turn.

3. Then click the Run button in the toolbar, first click "Get Position" to get the mouse position, then set the click frequency and number of simulation keys, and finally click the "Start Simulation" button.

Easy Language Update Log

1. Easy Language passed the inspection of the National Computer Virus Prevention Product Inspection Center. See the help menu "National Security Inspection Report" for details.

2. Modify the bug that the advanced table cell does not refresh the displayed content in time under the editing status.

3. Modify advanced table support library and add cell column type: # table constant. Non editable list type. See "Advanced Table. Column Type ()" method.

4. Modify the advanced table support library, add the "Border" attribute and the "Customer Area Background Color" attribute, and hide the original "Customer Area Background Color ()" method.

5. Modify the numerical calculation support library to solve the bug of losing positive and negative signs when exporting integers from large numbers.

6. Modify individual text descriptions in the database support library.

7. Modify the lunar date support library to solve the bug caused by the coexistence of multiple lunar date boxes in multiple windows.

8. Modify the Excel 2000 support library, modify the BUG that cannot be operated in the current table after "Excel Workbook. Open ()", modify the BUG that is invalid in "Excel Workbook. Auto Adjust ()", and improve several explanatory words.

9. Add hardware control/communication routines and inch telephone adapter.

Recommended by editor: Yi Language also provides dozens of support libraries for various application scopes, hundreds of data types and interface components, and nearly 10000 support commands for developers to use Aha c compiler Data structure c language version And other software, welcome to the PC download network!

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PC download station netizen 2017-06-14 01:00:25
Easy language is very easy to use, fast, powerful, and easy to use. I highly recommend it
PC download station netizen 2017-06-13 08:14:07
Easy language is very good. I like the software
PC download station netizen 2017-06-12 17:33:40
PC download station netizen 2017-06-12 02:54:44
I don't know whether this version of Yi language is easy to use....
PC download station netizen 2017-06-11 18:55:42
I just downloaded the software of Easy Language, but I don't know how to use it. Thank you very much for your help
PC download station netizen 2017-06-10 13:50:31
I think it's very good. Don't blame software for those who can't use it
PC download station netizen 2017-06-10 10:33:28
course! Tutorial?>_<
PC download station netizen 2017-06-09 17:02:53
Easy language is easy to use! I like this programming development
PC download station netizen 2017-06-09 06:18:14
You are lovely, little editor 2333
PC download station netizen 2017-06-08 17:49:35
It's not easy. Find the Chinese language of Yi and introduce T_T
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