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 Live Football 2017 Green Chinese Version

Live Football 2017 Green Chinese Version

Size: 9.95GB Time: June 21, 2023 Star rating:

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The Chinese version of Live Football 2017 is a football simulation game developed by Konami. Live Football 2017 Chinese version players will play a football player to play with other players, and experience the real football scene. There are many different modes in the 2017 Chinese version of live football game, including single player mode, multiplayer mode and online mode, and each mode has different rules and objectives, allowing players to choose different game modes according to their own preferences.

 True Goddess of Heaven and Earth Devil Chinese Version

True Goddess of Heaven and Earth Devil Chinese Version

Size: 200.82MB Time: June 12, 2023 Star rating:

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The Chinese version of True Goddess is a role-playing game based on ancient myths and legends. The player of the Chinese version of the True Goddess of Heaven and Earth Demon will play an immortal and fight with various demons. The player needs to complete various tasks and battles to improve his ability and skills. At the same time, he needs to manage his team, recruit new members, and allocate tasks and resources. The Chinese version of the True Goddess of Heaven and Earth Demon has added the Heaven and Earth Demon system. Players can choose the camp and have a variety of special activities and play methods.

 Shadow of Hate Green Version 1.0

Shadow of Hate Green Version 1.0

Size: 16.04MB Time: June 8, 2023 Star rating:

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The Chinese version of the Shadow of Hatred is a Warcraft campaign map that is applicable to Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. The Chinese version of the map of the Shadow of Hatred is beautifully designed, and the difficulty of the game is moderate. Players need to plan tactics reasonably, and use terrain and skills to defeat the enemy. There are also various hidden treasures and tasks in the Chinese version of the map of the Shadow of Hatred. Players can gain more rewards and challenges through exploration.

 Dinosaur Crisis Chinese Version

Dinosaur Crisis Chinese Version

Size: 89.55MB Time: May 28, 2023 Star rating:

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The Chinese version of Dinosaur Crisis 1 is an action adventure game released by Capcom. The background of the Chinese version of Dinosaur Crisis 1 game is set in a gene laboratory called "Islan Giant Research Facility". Players need to survive in this place full of dinosaurs and dangers. The Chinese version of Dinosaur Crisis 1 adopts a 3D picture style. The picture is exquisite, the sound effect is also very good, and the combat system is very tense and exciting. Players need to be alert when facing various dinosaurs and other dangerous creatures, and also need to manage their own weapons.

 Oriental Fantasy Village Chinese Version 1.7.56

Oriental Fantasy Village Chinese Version 1.7.56

Size: 65.24MB Time: May 24, 2023 Star rating:

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Oriental Fantasy Village Chinese version is a Warcraft ORPG map for Warcraft. The Chinese version of Oriental Fantasy Village supports 1-5 people online, allowing you to explore Fantasy Village with your friends and control your fellow characters in Oriental series games, solve the changes with other players, fix the bugs in the previous version, increase the upper level, and enable you to constantly improve your combat effectiveness and challenge the more difficult BOSS.

 Diablo2 Chinese

Diablo2 Chinese

Size: 1.8GB Time: May 22, 2023 Star rating:

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Diablo2 Chinese version is an action role-playing game developed by Blizzard. Diablo2 Chinese players need to play a warrior to fight with demons and other enemies. Players can choose different professions, such as soldiers, mages, thieves, etc. Each profession has unique skills and equipment. Diablo2 Chinese players can become more powerful and excellent by upgrading their abilities and equipment.

 The latest version of Red Alert

The latest version of Red Alert

Size: 7.35MB Time: May 18, 2023 Star rating:

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Red Alert Chinese is a very interesting real-time strategy game developed by EA Games. The player of the Chinese version of Red Alert needs to command his own army in the fictional future world and launch a cruel war with other forces. In the Chinese version of Red Alert, players can choose different forces, such as the Soviet Union, the United States and China. Each force has its own unique units and skills. Players need to build bases, collect resources, manufacture units and weapons, and command their troops to fight in the battlefield.

 Breaking Dawn Official Version 0.5Un

Breaking Dawn Official Version 0.5Un

Size: 6.4MB Time: May 15, 2023 Star rating:

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The official version of Breaking Dawn is a popular defense map of Warcraft. The official version of Breaking Dawn supports 1-6 personal online games and has updated the difficulty to a higher level. The highest difficulty is 6 Immortality. The 100 floors of the Open Town Magic Tower are added with new skin exchange and level title rewards. The official version of Breaking Dawn has a variety of different roles and professions to choose from. Each role has unique skills and attributes. Players can choose according to their own preferences and combat needs.

 Playing truant and fighting in disorder Official version 3.4

The Chinese version of Play truant is a Warcraft RPG map. The background of the game is set in a world oppressed by the dark forces of the school. You will play a member of the student union and rise up together with other players. The Chinese version of the game supports 2-6 people to play. You can form a team with your friends to fight against the oppression and bullying of the school.

 QQ flying island v1.0.9

QQ flying island v1.0.9

Size: 1KB Time: May 14, 2023 Star rating:

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The Chinese version of QQ Flying Island is a flying game with the theme of Q Meng style. In the Chinese version of QQ Flying Island game, players can play the role of cute pilots, flying various planes between islands to explore unknown areas. The Chinese version of QQ Flying Island has beautiful pictures and rich play methods, including task challenges, aircraft upgrades, social interactions, etc.
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